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Monday 26 June 2023

No work- no pay

The principle of ‘no work- no pay’ is laid down in proviso to Fundamental Rule 17(1) which provides that any officer who is absent without any authority shall not be entitled to any pay and allowances during the period of such absence. The principle was examined in depth by the Supreme Court and upheld in the Civil Appeal No.2581 of 1986 – Bank of India Vs T.S. Kelawala & others (1990 (3) SLJ). Though the issue did not pertain directly to applicability of the principle to Government servants the court has analysed the principle in all its facts and its observations and relevant. Some relevant extracts of the Supreme Court Judgment delivered on 4th May. 1990 are as under:


Where the contract standing Orders of the service rules/regulations are silent on the subject, the Management has the power to deduct wages for the absence from duty when the absence is a concerted action on the part of the employees and the absence is not disputed. Whether the deduction from wages will be prorata for the period of absence only or will be for a longer period will depend upon the facts of each case such as, whether there was any work to be done in the said period, whether the work was in fact done and whether it was accepted and acquiesced in etc.


It is not enough that the employees attend the place of work. They must put in the work allotted to them. It is for the work and not for the mere attendance that the wages/salaries are paid.


It is clear that wages are payable only if the contract of employment is fulfilled and not otherwise. Hence, when the workers do not put in the allotted work or refuse to do it, they would not be entitled to the wages proportionately.

Whether the strike is legal or illegal, the workers are liable to lose wages for the period of strike. The liability to lose wages does not either make the strike illegal as a weapon or deprive the workers of it. When workers resort to it they do so knowing fully well its consequences. During the period of strike the workers withhold their labour. Consequently, they cannot expect to be paid.

Wednesday 14 June 2023

Anji Kheda Bridge, Chenab Bridge

India first “cable-stayed” railway bridge- The Anji Khad Bridge.


Anji Kheda Bridge: Key Details

  • Anji Bridge, the first cable-stayed railway bridge in the country, is part of the Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Rail Link (USBRL) project
  • Hindustan Construction Company (HCC) is building the bridge.
  • The bridge construction has been divided into many segments. These include the building of the
    • Katra-Udhampur segment,
    • The Quazigund-Baramulla segment,
    • Quazigund-Banihal segment, etc.
  • The 1315-metre-long bridge can withstand strong winds of up to 266 km/h as well as earthquakes of great intensity.
  • It is at a height of 331 metres above the river bed to connect Katra with Reasi in the Kashmir rail link project.
  • The rail bridge is to be supported by 96 cables made in Slovakia.
  • The project involves building the world's highest railway bridge over the Chenab River.
  • The bridge is being designed to facilitate train movement of up to 100 kmph speed.
  • A large number of sensors have been placed on the Anji bridge so that the structural health can be monitored regularly.
  • Also, an explosion with up to 40 kg explosives will also not be able to destroy the bridge.
  • It is located in the young fold mountains of Himalaya, with extremely daunting geological conditions.
  • The Anji bridge is designed with a total 96 cables— 48 cables each on lateral and central spans. “The cables totally weigh 848.7 metric tonnes with total length of cable strands involved running into 653 kilometres.
  • The bridge connects tunnel T2 on Katra side to tunnel T3 on Reasi in Jammu & Kashmir on the Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Railway Line project.

    The total length of the bridge is 725 metres, which includes a 473- metre-long asymmetric cable-stayed bridge, balanced on the axis of a central pylon at 193 metres height from the top of the foundation, standing at a height of 331 metres (nearly 77 storeys) above the river-bed.

    The cable-stayed bridge has a 290-metre span on the north side (Katra side) and a 183-metre span on the south side (Reasi side). The bridge has a single-line railway track and a 3.75 metre wide service road. After completion of the bridge, it will pave the way for a single broad gauge track for trains connecting Jammu to Baramulla via Srinagar, along a 326-km railway line.

    The project is commissioned by the Northern Railways and is being executed by Konkan Railway Corporation Limited (KRCL) and Hindustan Construction Company.

अंजी खड्ड पुल: मुख्य बिंदु

  • यह पुल कटरा और रियासी को जोड़ता है और हिमालय पर्वत ढलानों के जटिल और नाजुक इलाके को नेविगेट करने के लिए आईआईटी रुड़की और आईआईटी दिल्ली से विस्तृत भूवैज्ञानिक जांच की आवश्यकता है।
  • कटरा छोर पर अंतरिक्ष प्रतिबंधों के कारण, मुख्य अवधि की नींव को स्थिर करने के लिए एक विशेष हाइब्रिड नींव विकसित की गई थी।
  • श्रीनगर छोर पर, अंजी खड्ड ब्रिज का अधिकांश काम पूरा हो गया था, जिसमें 40 मीटर गहरी हाइब्रिड नींव के साथ मुख्य तोरण का निर्माण, केंद्रीय तटबंध और सहायक पुल शामिल थे।
  • निर्माण को सरल बनाने और विशिष्ट परिस्थितियों पर विचार करने के लिए, 725.5 मीटर के पुल को चार भागों में विभाजित किया गया था: रियासी की तरफ 120 मीटर लंबा सहायक पुल, कटरा छोर पर 38 मीटर लंबा संपर्क पुल।
  • 473.25 मीटर की लंबाई और 290 मीटर की केंद्रीय अवधि के साथ मुख्य केबल-स्टे पुल, और सहायक पुल और मुख्य पुल के बीच स्थित 94.25 मीटर लंबा केंद्रीय तटबंध, जो उधमपुर-श्रीनगर-बारामूला रेल लिंक परियोजना के कटरा-बनिहाल खंड पर सुरंग टी 2 और टी 3 को जोड़ता है।

अंजी खड्ड ब्रिज के बारे में:

● अंजी खड्ड ब्रिज नदी के तल से 331 मीटर की ऊंचाई पर खड़े एक एकल मुख्य तोरण द्वारा समर्थित है, जिसकी ऊंचाई नींव के शीर्ष से 193 मीटर है।
● इसमें एक विषम डिजाइन है, जिसमें 15 मीटर की कुल डेक चौड़ाई है, और 82 मीटर से 295 मीटर तक की लंबाई के साथ 96 केबलों द्वारा समर्थित है।
● मुख्य तोरण में 40 मीटर गहरे माइक्रोपाइल्स और 20 मीटर हाइब्रिड वेल फाउंडेशन का उपयोग किया गया था।
● 213 किमी / घंटा तक की तेज हवाओं के साथ भारी तूफान का सामना करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया, अंजी खड्ड ब्रिज एक एकल रेलवे लाइन और 3.75 मीटर चौड़ी सर्विस रोड को समायोजित कर सकता है, जिसमें डेक के प्रत्येक तरफ 1.5 मीटर चौड़ा फुटपाथ है।
● श्रमिकों की सुरक्षा सुनिश्चित करने और निर्माण समय की बचत करते हुए दक्षता बढ़ाने के लिए, डोका जंप-फॉर्म शटरिंग और पंप कंक्रीटिंग सिस्टम जैसे उन्नत उपकरणों का उपयोग किया गया है।

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