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Monday 1 August 2022

HOER (140 MCQ with Answer)




1.       Railway Servant classified as EI is -------- to move from his duty spot during the inaction period


A.    Permitted

B.    Not permitted

C.   Decision of supervisor

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (B)


2.       While preparing rosters long on and short off should be


A.    Avoided

B.    Not Avoided

C.   Partially Avoided

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)


3.       Appeal against classification of employment lies with


A.    Railway Board

B.    Railway Minister

C.   Regional Labour Commissioner

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (C)


4.       Most suitable method to classify employment of Railway servant as continuous, intensive or EI is based on Factual job analysis


A.    True

B.    Not True

C.   Rough Assessment Method

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)


5.       No Railway Servant except -------are booked  for more than 14 days continuously


A.    Staff Operating Track Machines

B.    Staff commercial

C.   Staff administrative

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)


6.       Time limit for appealing against classification is -------days


A.    90

B.    60

C.   30

D.   None of the above                                                                                               Ans (A)



7.       Copy of declaration of classification of employment made by senior scale officer shall be forwarded to


A.    GM/CPO

B.    Railway Minister

C.   Both of above                                                                                                                  

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)



8.       Short off in case of Essentially Intermittent workers less than--------hrs.


A.    8

B.    10

C.   12

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)


9.       Administrative Department are classified as


A.    Intensive

B.    Continuous

C.   Excluded

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (B)


10.   Running allowance should be given to


A.    Assistant Loco Pilot

B.    Train Guard

C.   Both of the above

D.   None  of the above                                                                                               Ans (C)


11.   Regulation of Hours of Work and Period of Rest  are dealt in --------


A.     Indian Railways Act, 1989

B.    Indian Railways Act, 1988

C.   Indian Railways Act, 2000

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)


12.   Standard hours of work of a Railway Servant classified EI and working in a roadside station and provided with quarters within 0.5km from the place of work is -------- in a week


A.    60hrs

B.    72hrs

C.   48hrs

D.   None of the above           

                                                                                                                              Ans (B)

13.   During the break  period in a -------- Railway Servant is permitted to move out of his place of duty


A.    Night Shift

B.    Split Shift

C.   Day Shift

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (B)


14.   The standard hours of duty for Continuous class of employment of Railway servants shall be -------- hours a week.


A.    40

B.    42

C.   48

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (C)


15.   Railway Servants (Hours of Work & Period of Rest) Rules, 2005 have been made under the powers conferred by ---------


A.    Section 136 of the Railways Act, 1989 (24 of 1989)

B.    Rule 125 of the Indian railway Establishment Code

C.   Article 309 of the constitution

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)


16.   The employment of staff specified as "supervisory” is classified as --------------  under “HOURS OF WORK AND PERIOD OF REST” contained in the Railways Act.


A.    Excluded

B.    Continuous

C.   Intensive

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)


17.   Staff of the railway schools imparting technical training or academic education are      classified as -------------------------- staff.


A.    Continuous

B.    Intensive

C.   Essentially Intermittent

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (D)


18.   As per Railway Servants ( Hours of Work and Period of Rest) Rules,2005 'short off' means a period of rest which  in the case of intensive workers is less than ----- hours in a mixed roster of 6 and 8 hours duty.


A.    10

B.    12

C.   14

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (C)


19.   The  hours of duty of Saloon attendant is


A.    60 hours a week

B.    72 hours a week

C.   48 hours a week

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (B)




20.   Maximum  number of spells of Breaks permitted in a Split Shift is--------


A.    4

B.    2

C.   3

D.   None of the above                                                                                               Ans (B)


21.   FJA is conducted  for how many Hour’s ?


A.    102 Hrs

B.    60 Hrs

C.   72 Hrs

D.   90 Hrs                                                                                                                   Ans (C)


22.   Track Maintainer in Engg Deptt is classified as-------


A.    Intensive

B.    Continuous

C.   Essentially Intermittent

D.   None of above                                                                                                      Ans (B)


23.   Appeal to Ministry of Labour & Employment against the order of RLC (C) can be  preferred by aggrieved person within ------ days.


A.    90 days

A.    60 days

B.    45 days

C.    30 days                                                                                                                Ans (D)


24.   Newly created post will be classified as-


A.    E.I.

B.    Excluded

C.   Continuous

D.   None of above                                                                                                      Ans (C)      


25.   In case of Running Staff working Hrs are taken from --------- for the purpose of calculating O T.


A.    Signing on to Signing off

B.    12 Hrs

C.   8 Hrs

D.   None of above                                                                                                      Ans (A)


26.   Running staf is entitled for Rest of ----Hrs in a working of 5 Hrs to 8 Hrs.


A.    5 Hrs

B.    8 Hrs

C.   6 Hrs

D.   None of above                                                                                                      Ans (C)


27.   For how many days Running staff on duty can remain out of Head Quarter.


A.    4 days

B.    1 days

C.   3 days

D.   None of above                                                                                                      Ans (C)


28.            In case of running staff ordinary rate of pay includes--------


A.    20% Basic Pay 

B.    35% Basic Pay

C.   32% Basic Pay 

D.   None of the above                                                                                                Ans (D)


29.   Period of inaction or relaxation aggregating to –----hours in a cycle of 24hours will satisfy the condition of little period of rest for classification as intensive


A.    Less than 6

B.    more than 6

C.   more than 6.50

D.   Not applicable                                                                                                       Ans (A)


30.   Standard hours of work of a Railway Servant classified EI and working in roadside  station not provided with quarters within 0.5km from the place of work is-------hours in a week


A.    60 hours

B.    50 hours

C.   52 hours

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)


31.   Maximum time limit prescribed for preparatory and Complementary work in case of Railway Servant Classified as intensive is -------hours a week


A.     More than 3 hours

B.     3 hours 

C.   2 hours

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (B)


32.   As per the Railway Servants ( Hours of Work and Period of Rest) Rules,2005, ---------------------- shall specify the railway servants or classes of who shall be treated as supervisory staff .


A.      The Railway Board

B.    The Regional Labour Commissioner

C.   The Ministry Of Labour, Government Of India

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (C)




33.   If the time assessed for preparatory and complementary work in respect of staff classified as Continuous is 45 minutes and 1 hour per day the same should be treated as


A.     1 hours

B.    1.30 hours

C.   5 hours

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)


34.     How many types of classification in H.O.E.R

A.    2

B.    5

C.   3

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (D)


35.   Time required for preparatory and complementary work by a running staff shall be deemed to be ------ a week


A.    4 hours

B.    3 hours

C.   6 hours

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans(A)


36.   The classification of------------ employments  is defined in Section 130 (d)


A.    Intensive

B.    Excluded

C.   Continuous

D.   None of the above                                                                                                Ans (B)


37.   In the case of Intensive  workers—means period of duty over 8hours


A.    Short-off

B.    Long-on

C.   Roster

D.   None of above                                                                                                      Ans (B)


38.   Averaging period for purpose of calculating overtime in respect of continuous staff is -------


A.    Bi monthly

B.    Bi Yearly

C.   Bi Weekly

D.   None of the above                                                                                                Ans (C)


39.   Averaging period for purpose of calculating overtime in respect of ------ staff is bi weekly


A.    Excluded

B.    Intensive 

C.   Continuous

D.   None of the above                                                                                                Ans (B)


40.   Weekly rest of not less than ----is granted to Railway Servant whose employment is classified as EI


A.    24 hrs. Including a full night

B.    42 hrs excluding a night

C.   72 hrs including full night

D.   None of the above                                                                                                Ans (A)


41.   The classification of------------ employments  is defined in Section 130 (b)


A.    EI

B.    EX

C.   C

D.   None of the above                                                                                                Ans(C)


42.   In the case of continuous  workers Long on means period of duty ------


A.    Over 08 hrs

B.    Over 12 hrs

C.   Over 10 hrs

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (C)


43.   In the case of ------- workers Long On means period of duty over  12 hours


A.    Exclude

B.    Essentially Intermittent

C.   Continuous

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (B)


44.    Regional Labour Commissioner is appointed by notification in the -----


A.    Railway Letter pad

B.    Official Gazette

C.   Both of the above

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (B)


45.   -------- is the period of  rest less than 12 hours between  two rostered duties of 6 hours of Railway servant under intensive classification


A.    Long off

B.    Short off

C.   Continuous

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (B)


46.    Short Off is the period of ---------- rest between  two rostered duties   of Railway servant under continuous classification


A.    Less than 10hrs

B.    Less than 12hrs

C.   Less than 08hrs

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)


47.   Office clerks are classified as


A.    Exclude

B.    Continuous

C.   Intensive

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (B)


48.   No Railway Servant classified as intensive shall be called upon to duty before completion of rest of----


A.    10 Hrs

B.    08 Hrs

C.   12 Hrs

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (C)


49.   Expand NIB


A.    Night in bed

B.    Night in back

C.   Night in board

D.   None of the above                                                                                                Ans (A)


50.   -----is competent to declare a Railway servant as Excluded


A.    Ministry of Railway

B.    Railway Requirement Board

C.   Railway Requirement Cell

D.   None of the above                                                                                                Ans(A)


51.   Matrons are classified as


A.    Intensive

B.    Excluded

C.   Continuous

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (B)


52.   Averaging period for purpose of calculating overtime in respect of continuous staff is


A.    Weekly

B.    Bi weekly

C.   Monthly

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (B)


53.   Averaging period for purpose of calculating overtime in respect of  EI staff is


A.    Weekly

B.    Bi weekly

C.   Monthly

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)



54.   ------ shall be paid to staff to perform  extra hours of duty beyond Rostered  hours


A.    Overtime

B.    No Overtime

C.   Less Time

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)


55.   Regional Labour Commissioner is appointed by


A.    Ministry of Railways

B.    Minister of Home Affairs

C.   Minister of Labour

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (C)


56.   The standard hours of duty of ------- classification 48hours a week


A.    Continuous

B.    Excluded

C.   Intensive

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)


57.   The standard hours of duty for Essentially intermittent class of employment of Railway servants shall be -------- hours a week .


A.    40

B.    45

C.   48

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (C)


58.   The maximum time required  to do preparatory or complementary work or both, when the employment of a railway servant is continuous, is -------


A.    4hrs in a week

B.    5hrs in a week

C.   6hrs in a week

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (C)


59.   Where railway servants are required to perform split-duty, such duty shall be subject to the condition that the spells of duty shall not exceed  ----------- and the number of breaks shall be limited to --------- .


A.    Three , Two

B.    Four , Three

C.   Two , One

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)


60.   A railway servant whose employment is essentially intermittent shall not be employed for more than ------------- hours in any week.


A.    72

B.    75

C.   80

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (B)


61.   A railway servant whose employment is intensive shall not be employed for more than --------------- hours a week on an average in a two- weekly period of fourteen days.


A.    45

B.    48

C.   52

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)



62.   All employments of Railway servants except those excluded from the purview of the Hours of Employment Regulations are assumed to be ------.


A.    Excluded

B.    Continuous

C.   Supervisory staff

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (B)


63.   No Railway servant classified as Intensive shall be called on duty unless one has had a rest of not less than -------- consecutive hours  after completion of the previous tour of duty.


A.    8

B.    10

C.   12

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (C)


64.   Health Educators and Family planning Field workers are classified as—


A.    Continuous

B.    Excluded

C.   Intensive

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (B)


65.   If the time assessed for preparatory and complementary work in respect of staff classified as -----is less than 45 minutes per day the same should be treated as half an hour


A.    Excluded

B.    Intensive

C.   Continuous

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (C)


66.   Short off in case of continuous workers less than------- hrs.


A.    12

B.    10

C.   15

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (B)



67.   No Railway Servant classified as continuous No Railway Servant classified as EI  shall be called upon to duty before completion of rest of 10 hours shall be called upon to duty before completion of rest of


A.    12hrs

B.    10hrs

C.   8hrs

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (B)


68.   RPF staff are -------- by HOER


A.    Governed

B.    Not Governed

C.   Partially Governed

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (B)


69.   LR in respect of operating staff is 15% to --------


A.    20%

B.    25%

C.   30%

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (C)


70.   In the case of Loco Running Staff and Guards, the leave reserves may provided at the maximum of  --------- and  ---------- respectively.


A.    30% & 25%

B.    40% & 35%

C.   25% & 20%

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)


71.   Running staff shall be granted rest of 5 periods of--------- including full night in bed in a month


A.    22 consecutive hours 

B.    30 consecutive hours

C.   36 consecutive hours

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)


72.    Running staff are classified as


A.    Continuous

B.    Essentially Intermittent

C.   Intensive

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)


73.   Casual Labour are -------- by HOER


A.    Governed

B.    Not governed

C.   Partially governed

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (B)


74.   Ministry of------- is the authority to specify a Railway Servant as Supervisory


A.    Labour

B.    Railways

C.   Home affairs

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)


75.    Maximum time limit prescribed for preparatory and Complementary work in case of Railway Servant Classified as continuous  is -------hours a week


A.    8

B.    10

C.   6

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (C)                                                                                        

76.    While assessing the work load of----- staff the period of inaction less than 5 minutes shall be ignored

A.    Continuous

B.    Intensive

C.   Essentially Intermittent

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (C)


77.   What is the minimum time period of rest in split duty during night


A.    1hrs

B.    2hrs

C.   3hrs

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)



78.   Sanitation Safaiwalas are classified as


A.    Essentially Intermittent

B.    Continuous

C.   Intensive

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)


79.   Running staff shall be granted rest of ------consecutive hours  including full night in bed in a month


A.    4 periods of 30 hours

B.    5 periods of 25 hours

C.   3 periods of 35 hours

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)


80.   Where the time assessed for doing preparatory or complementary work is under ----- minutes per day, the same shall not be treated as duty and shall not be exhibited in the roster.


A.    5

B.    15

C.   20

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (B)


81.   As per Railway Servants ( Hours of Work and Period of Rest) Rules,2005 'short off' means a period of rest which in the case of intensive workers is less than ---------- hours in a roster of six hours duty.


A.      10

B.      12

C.     14

D.     None of the above                                                                                               Ans (B)


82.   How many hour’s of  periodic rest is provided to Running category staff?


A.    30 Hrs or 22 Hrs

B.    24 Hrs

C.   32 Hrs

D.   48 Hrs                                                                                                                   Ans (A)


83.   The ceiling limit of a Trip in case of “ other Running Staff” should be kept within ------ Hrs including  

    the time of “Signing on” & “Signing off”.


A.    16 Hrs

B.    12 Hrs

C.   8 Hrs

D.   14 Hrs                                                                                                                   Ans (D)


84.   In case of Halt of 30 minutes of Train on a station, TTE is entitled for Signing on period of--


A.    30 minutes

B.    45 minutes

C.   15 minutes

D.   None of above                                                                                                      Ans (B)


85.   How many hrs of  continuous working in continuous Roster is termed as Long on.


A.    10 Hrs

B.    12 Hrs

C.   8 Hrs

D.   None of above                                                                                                      Ans (A)

86.   Maximum number of breaks permitted  in a split shift is---- -------


A.    2 break 3 spell

B.    3 break 2 spell

C.   3 break 1 spell

D.   None of the above                                                                                                Ans (A)


87.   The standard hours of duty of intensive classification -----hours a week


A.    42

B.    44

C.   47

D.   None of the above                                                                                                Ans (A)


88.   As per the Railway Servants ( Hours of Work and Period of Rest) Rules,2005,---------------may specify any category of railway staff  to be treated as 'Excluded' on the consideration that such staff are available on call.


A.    The Ministry of Labour

B.    The Regional Lobour  Commissioner

C.   The Ministry of Railway

D.    None of the above                                                                                               Ans (C)


89.   The roistered hours of duty of caretaker of rest house is ----hours a week


A.    73  hours

B.    70 hours

C.   42 hours

D.   None of the above                                                                                                Ans (D)



90.   If the time assessed for preparatory and complementary work in respect of staff classified as Continuous is 45 minutes and 1 hour per day the same should be treated as -------


A.    2 hours 

B.    3 hours 

C.   6 hours

D.   None of the above                                                                                                Ans (A)


91.   If the time assessed for preparatory and complementary work in respect of staff classified as Continuous, EI and Intensive is  more than 15 minutes per day the same should be treated as -----------

A.    Half an hour

B.    Two hours

C.   Six hours

D.   None of the above                                                                                                Ans (A)


92.   Period of inaction or relaxation aggregating to –----hour in a cycle of 8hours will satisfy the condition of little period of rest for classification as intensive


A.    Less than one hour in aggregate

B.    More than two

C.   More than one

D.   None of the above                                                                                                Ans (A)                                                    



93.   Standard hours of work of a Railway Servant classified EI and working in ------- provided with quarters within 0.5km from the place of work is 60 hours in a week


A.    Road side

B.    None road side

C.   Out side

D.   None of the above                                                                                                Ans (B)



94.   The Employment of all Railway Servants except those excluded by Ministry of Railways are assumed as --------------


A.    Continuous

B.    Intensive

C.   Excluded

D.   None of the above                                                                                                Ans (A)                      

95.   Weekly rest of not less than ----is granted to Railway Servant whose employment is classified as Intensive


A.    20 Consecutive

B.    30 Consecutive

C.   10 Consecutive

D.   None of the above                                                                                                Ans (B)



96.   Weekly rest of not less than--------is granted to Railway Servant whose employment is classified as continuous


A.    20 Consecutive

B.    30 Consecutive

C.   10 Consecutive

D.   None of the above                                                                                                Ans (B)



97.    Full night means period between----and-------


A.    10pm to 06am

B.    09pm to 05am

C.   11pm to 07am

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)



98.   Expand RLC


A.    Regional Labour Commissioner

B.    District Labour Commissioner

C.   Zonal Labour Commissioner

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)



99.   The document which shows the hours that a Railway servant is expected to be on duty is-


A.    Pay Sheet

B.    Roster

C.   Both of the above

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (B)


100.             A station which is  not a junction  but from which trains are ordered on regular measure


A.    Non – Road side station

B.    On – Road side station

C.   Road side station

D.   None of the above                                                                                               Ans (A)


101.             A period of rest during the two spells of duty is called


A.    Long on

B.    Short off

C.   Both of the above

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (B)


102.            What is the classification of Chief Health Inspector


A.    Intensive

B.    Continuous

C.   Excluded

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (C)


103.            Ministry of Labour is competent to declare a Railway servant as Excluded


A.    True

B.    False

C.   50% true

D.   None  of the above                                                                                               Ans (A)


104.            Time required for preparatory and complementary work by a running staff shall be deemed to be ------ a week


A.    06hrs

B.    05hrs

C.   04 hrs

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (C)


105.            -----will decide  whether a particular action will be classified as sustained attention or not


A.    Disciplinary Authority

B.    Controlling Authority

C.   Section Supervisor

D.   None of the Above                                                                                                Ans (B)


106.            What is the min. Period of break of  between two spells of duty in a split shift is permissible during         



A.    Half an hour

B.    One Hour

C.   Two Hour

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (B)


107.            Office of the Chief Labour Commissioner (Central)is situated in


A.    Kolkata

B.    Mumbai

C.   New Delhi

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (C)


108.            A station which is  not a junction  but from which trains are ordered on regular measure is


A.    Road side station

B.    Non Road side station

C.   Important station

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (B)


109.            Time limit for appealing against classification is


A.    30 days

B.    45 days

C.   90 days

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (C)


110.            Maximum number of spells of duty permitted  in a split shift is


A.    2

B.    3

C.   4

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (B)


111.       The standard hours of duty for Intensive class of employment of Railway servants shall

     be --------------------


A.    42hrs in a week

B.    40 hrs in a week

C.   48hrs in a week

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)


112.         The maximum time required  to do preparatory or complementary work or both, when  

     the employment is intensive is -------


A.    3hrs in a week

B.    4hrs in a week

C.   6hrs in a week

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)


113.            As per Railway Servants ( Hours of Work and Period of Rest) Rules,2005 'short off' means a   

      period of rest which in the case of essentially intermittent workers  is less than------- hours.


A.    8

B.    9

C.   10

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)


114.            As per Railway Servants ( Hours of Work and Period of Rest) Rules,2005 'short off'

    means a period of rest which in the case of  continuous worker is less than -----  hours.


A.    9

B.    10

C.   12

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (B)


115.      A railway servant whose employment is continuous shall not be employed for more than ---------------  

    hours a week on an average in a two- weekly period of fourteen days.


A.    48

B.    54

C.   60

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (B)


116.      The employment of a railway servant is said to be "---------------", if he is employed in a managerial

    or confidential capacity


A.    Continuous

B.    Intensive

C.   Excluded

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (C)


117.         As per the Railway Servants ( Hours of Work and Period of Rest) Rules,2005, ----------------------       

     shall specify the railway servants or classes of who shall be treated as supervisory staff .


A.    General Manager

B.    Railway Board

C.   Labour Ministry of Indian Government

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (C)



118.         Railway servant whose employment is Intensive or Continuous shall be granted, every week

     commencing on a Sunday, rest of not less than -------- consecutive hours.


A.    24

B.    28

C.   30

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (C)


119.      Railway servant whose employment is essentially Intermittent, shall be granted rest of

    not less than ------------- consecutive hours including a full night.


A.    22

B.    24

C.   28

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (B)



120.      No Railway servant classified as Continuous shall be called on duty unless one has had a rest of

   not less than ----consecutive hours after completion of the previous tour of duty.


A.    10

B.    12

C.   14

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)


121.      No Railway servant classified as Essentially intermittent shall be called on duty unless one has had

    a rest of not less than  -------------consecutive hours after completion of the previous tour of duty.


A.    8

B.    10

C.   12

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)


122.      Period of inaction or relaxation aggregating to –----hours in a cycle of 24hours will satisfy the

   condition of little period of rest for classification as intensive


A.    Less than 4

B.    Less than 6

C.   Less than 8

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (B)


123.      Maximum time limit prescribed for preparatory and Complementary work in case of Railway Servant

   Classified as intensive is -------hours a week


A.    3

B.    4

C.   5

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)


124.      Loco running staff who are deputed  to accompany engine on trial are allowed -----credit of time



A.    80%

B.    90%

C.   100%

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (C)


125.      Projectionist are classified as


A.    Continuous

B.    Intensive

C.   Excluded

D.   None of the above                                                                                               Ans (C)




126.      No Railway Servant classified as intensive shall be called upon to duty before completion of rest of


A.    12hrs

B.    10hrs

C.   8hrs

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)



127.      No Railway Servant classified as EI  shall be called upon to duty before completion of rest of


A.    8hrs

B.    10hrs

C.   12hrs

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)


128.      The standard hours of duty of caretaker of rest house is ------- a week


A.    48hrs

B.    72hrs

C.   42hrs

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (B)


129.      If the place of residence is beyond -------- from place of work, 7 hours of split duty is treated as

   equivalent  to 8hours of normal duty


A.    2km

B.    2.5km

C.   1.6km

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (C)


130.      Period of inaction or relaxation aggregating to –----hour in a cycle of 8hours will satisfy the condition of little period of rest for classification as intensive


A.    Less than 2hrs

B.    Less than 1hrs

C.   Less than 3hrs

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (B)


131.      Temporary Exemption to book duty for 3 weeks at a stretch, for staff working in Track Machine unit is extended for a period of 


A.    3 Years

B.    4 Years

C.   5 Years

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)




132.      The employment of a railway servant is said to be "-----------", if he belongs to  the category of armed guards or other personnel subject to discipline similar to that of any of the armed police forces.


A.    Excluded

B.    Intensive

C.   Essentially intermittent

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)


133.   Maximum time limit prescribed for preparatory and Complementary work in case of Railway Servant classified as intensive is


A.    3 hours a week

B.    2hours in a week

C.   1 hours in a week

D.   None of the above                                                                                                            Ans (A)


134.      If any dispute arises in respect of determining classification of Employment, the matter shall be                     referred to:


A.    Intensive

B.    Continuous

C.   Essentially Intermittent

D.   None of above                                                                                                      Ans (A)


135.      What is the period of Averaging for payment of overtime allowance to Track maintainer?


A.    One week

B.    Bi-Weekly

C.   Daily

D.   None of above                                                                                                      Ans (C)


136.      How many hours of rest become due to Running staff for a working of less than 5 hours out of Head 



A.    Working hours +1

B.    6 Hrs

C.   10 Hrs

D.   None of above                                                                                                      Ans (A)


137.      As a result of up gradation, difference of OT is payable from:


A.    With immediate effect

B.    Date of  up gradation

C.   Date of FJA

D.   None of above                                                                                                      Ans (B)




138.      What is the classification of Matron and minimum daily Rest?


A.    Intensive, 14 Hrs

B.    Excluded, 12 Hrs

C.   E I, 12 Hrs

D.   None of above                                                                                                      Ans (B)


139.      What is the classification and weekly rest of office staff?


A.    Intensive, 30 Hrs

B.    Excluded, 24 Hrs

C.   E I, 36 Hrs

D.   Continuous, not less than 30 Hrs                                                                          Ans (D)


140.      Hours of Employment were adopted in which Convention?


A.    Geneva

B.    Rome

C.   Washington

D.   None of above                                                                                                      Ans (C)



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