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Tuesday 5 July 2022

Conduct Rules & D&A Rules (50 MCQ with Answer)

Conduct Rules 1966 and  Discipline & Appeal Rules 1968, (50 MCQ with Answer)


Q.1      Rule 3A of Railway Services (Conduct) Rules, 1966 relates to …..

Answer - Promptness and Courtesy


Q.2      Railway Servant is barred from editing a News paper without prior permission of the Government under …………………. of Railway Services (Conduct) Rules, 1966.

Answer -   Rule 8


Q.3      Communication of Official information in accordance with Right to Information Act’ 2005 is permitted under………………..of Railway Services (Conduct) Rules 1966.

Answer - (Rule 11) RBE 22/06.


Q.4      Demanding dowry is prohibited under ………………….Of Railway Services (Conduct) Rules, 1966.

Answer - (Rule 13A)


Q.5      Group C Railway Servant entering into transaction in respect of a movable property exceeding ………….shall report the same to Government within one month.


Answer – two month basis (Authority: Rule18 (3) RS Conduct Rules) RBE 105/11 


Q.6      Sanction of the prescribed authority is necessary for carrying out repairs or minor construction work to immovable property exceeding ………………..

Answer – (Rs.10,000) (Authority: Rly. Ministry Decision under Rule 18)


Q.7      An ALP is restricted to consume alcohol within ……… of commencement of duty.

Answer - (8 Hours) (Authority: Rule 22(2) (C) of RS Conduct Rules) RBE 59/04.


Q.8      Rules under RS (D&A) Rules, 1968 is divided in ……….Parts.

Answer – Seven.


Q.9      Standard Form used for placing a Railway Servant under Suspension is …

Answer - SF-1


Q.10    Non employment certificate for payment of Subsistence Allowance during the period of suspension shall be submitted in Standard Form No. …….

Answer - SF-3


Q.11    Period of suspension, unless reviewed, shall not be valid beyond ….

Answer - 90 days E (D&A)


Q.12    Where Chairman/RRB is the suspending authority, the Review Committee for reviewing the period of suspension will be constituted by ……………..

Answer - Railway Board.


Q.13    Rule 6 of Railway Servants (D&A) Rules 1968 deals with…………………

Answer – Penalties.


Q.14 ………………. is the lowest penalty under RS (D&A) Rules, 1968

Answer – Censure. (Rule 6(i)


Q.15    In cases where records or appointment letters to establish the actual Appointing Authority 0are not available …………… should be treated as Appointing Authority.

Answer – General Manager [E(D&A)63 RG6-23 dt.21.2.64]


Q.16    No major penalty shall be imposed without holding Inquiry in the manner specified in Rule 9 & 10 of RS (D&A) Rules or …………………..

Answer - Public Servants (Inquiries) Act,1850] [Rule 9(1)]


Q.17    Standard Form for appointment of Inquiry Officer is ……………..

Answer - SF – 7


Q.18    A recognized Railway Trade Union Official can appear as Defence Helper only if he has worked as Office Bearer of such union for continuous period of …………… before such appearance.


Answer - One year [RBE 109/97]


Q.19 Retired Railway servant should not act as Defence Helper in more than …….. cases at a time.

Answer – seven [E(D&A)2002/RG6-13. Dt.14.5.03


Q.20    Appointment of Inquiry Officer in Common Proceedings shall be made in Standard Form No…………..

Answer – 10A          


Q.21 SF-6 is standard form for …………………

Answer - refusing permission to inspect documents


Q.22 Railway servant may be given opportunity for making representation on the penalty proposed to be imposed when such imposition is without Inquiry is in terms of ………

Answer - Rule 14(i)] [Proviso to Rule 14 of RS (D&A) rules]


Q.23 Appeal against a penalty imposed on a Railway servant in respect of his activities connected with his work as an Office Bearer of an Union participating in Joint Consulatation and Compulsory Arbitration Scheme will lie before …………………

Answer - The President [Rule 19 (3) of RS (D&A) Rules]


Q.24 The prescribed authority may withhold a petition submitted to the President under Rule 25, if it is against an order may enhance the penalty ………. before the submission of the Petition.

Answer - 6 months [Appendix II, R.I] Rule – 25]


Q.25 The time limit for submitting Revision Petition is …………..

Answer - 45 days [RBE 12/85 and 235/86]


Q.26 The essence of holding Inquiry in the manner provided under Rule 9 of RS (D&A) Rules is to uphold the …………………..

Answer - Principle of Natural Justice


Q.27 Subletting of quarters is violation of ……………. Of RS (Conduct) Rules 1966

Answer - Rule 15A.


Q.28 The term Dowry does not include dower or mahr in case of persons to whom …………… applies (Shariat/Muslim Personal Law)

Answer - Rule 13A RS (Conduct) Rules.


Q.29 Any statement by a Railway servant embarrassing the relations between Central Government and State Government is in violation of ………………..

Answer - Rule 9 of RS (Conduct) Rules 1966


Q.30 The Railway Servants (Discipline & Appeal) Rules came into force from 


a. 01.01.1968 

b. 10.10.1968 

c. 01.10.1968 


Ans. (C) Rule 1, RS (D&A) Rules 1968 


Q.31 In terms of Rule 18(4) of RS (Conduct) Rules, Intimation is to be given by a Group an Officer to the prescribed Authority 

a. If cumulative transactions entered by him in shares/securities debentures exceed Rs.50000 in a calendar year

b. If cumulative transactions entered by him in shares/securities debentures exceed Rs.50000 in a calendar month 

c. If cumulative transactions entered by him in shares/securities debentures exceedRs.25000 in a calendar year 

d. If cumulative transactions entered by him in shares/securities debentures exceed Rs.25000 in a calendar month. 


Ans. (a) If cumulative transactions entered by him in shares/securities debentures exceed Rs.50000 in a calendar year

(Authority: Rly Ministry Decision below Rule18 E (D&A) 2007/GS1-1, dt.26.10.07) 

(RBE 167/2019 (six months basis)


Q.32. Powers to Interpret the Rules under Railway Services (Conduct) Rules 1966 is reserved to 

a. General Manager 

b. CPO 

c. Railway Board 

d. The President 

 Ans. (d) Powers vested with President (Rule 23) 


Q.33. Time limit for grant of permission for transactions in immovable property outside India or with foreigners is 

 a. 60 days 

b. 90 days 

c. 45 days 

d. 30 days 


Ans. (a) 60 days (E (D&A) 89 GS1-11, dt.24.10.89)

Q.34.  Railway Servants (D&A) Rules will not apply to 


(A) Inspector of Govt. Railway Police 

(B) Inspector of RPSF 

(C) Inspector of Railway Mail Service 


a. A & B b. B & C 

b. B & C

c. A & C 

d. A, B & C 

Ans. (d) Rule 3 of RS (D&A) Rules 


Q.35. The period of 48 Hours detention under custody specified for placing a Railway Servant under deemed suspension is not mandatory in case of arrest on registration of a police case under 


a. Sec.302 of Indian Penal Code – Murder 

b. Sec.307 of Indian Penal Code – Attempt to Murder 

c. Sec.304 B of Indian Penal Code – Dowry Death 

d. Sec.498 A of Indian Penal Code – Cruelty and Harassment of Women. 


Ans. (C) (E (D&A) 87 RG6-75, dt.22.7.87 MC-64) 


Q.36. Extension of suspension shall not be for a period exceeding 


a. 90 days at a time 

b. 180 days at a time 

c. 30 days at a time 

d. 60 days at a time 


Ans. (a) (E (D&A) 2004/RG6-9, dt.18.7.06 


Q.37. Payment of subsistence Allowance during the period of suspension is regulated by 


a. Rule 5 of RS (D&A) Rules, 1968

b. Rule 1342 of R.II 

c. Rule 5 RS (Conduct) Rules, 1966

d. None of the above 


Ans. (b) Rule 1342 of R.II 


Q.38. Period of suspension on the death of employee during pendency of the Disciplinary Proceedings shall be treated as 


a. Dies-non 

b. Period spent on duty 

c. Period not spent on duty 

d. Extraordinary Leave 


Ans. (b)


Q.39. which of the following Statements are correct 

(A) When the pay of an employee is reduced to a particular stage, his pay will remain constant

      at that stage for the entire period of reduction.  MC66 14(ii)

(B) In cases of reduction to lower grade for an indefinite period, repromotion will be ordered

     only by the authority competent to promote him in higher grade and D.A. has no role to play

     in the matter. MC66 15(ii)


a. Only Statement A is correct 

b. Statements (A) & (B) are correct 

c. Only Statement B is correct 

d. Both (A) & (B) are not correct 

Ans. (b) Statements (A) & (B) are correct  MC66 


Q.40. which of the Following Statements are correct 

(A) An order of the D.A. reducing a Railway servant to a lower grade and giving further

      directions on fixing his pay in the lower grade does not amount to Double Jeopardy. 


(B) The Penalty of reduction to a lower grade cannot be imposed by reducing the grade of an

      employee to a level lower than the grade in which he was originally appointed. 


a. Only (A) is correct 

b. Only (B) is correct 

c. Both (A) & (B) are correct 

d. Both (A) & (B) are not correct 


Ans. (C) Both (A) & (B) are correct (RBE 302/89 & 68/89) 


Q.41. Which of the following documents are not required to be sent to I.O. by the D.A. 


a. Articles of Charges 

b. Service Particulars of Charged Official 

c. Defence Statement 

d. Statement of Prosecution Witnesses as well as Defence Witnesses 


Ans. (b) Service Particulars of Charged Official [Rule 9(10) of RS (D&A) Rules]


Q.42. Which of the following Statements are correct 

(A) Where D.A. is not itself the Inquiring Authority, on consideration of Inquiry Report, he may       

      remit the case to I.O. for further Inquiry. 

(B) Inquiry Report along with findings shall be forwarded to C.O. and on receipt of same

      C.O.  may submit written representation to D.A. on such findings (Hint: within 15 days)


a. Only (A) is correct 

b. Only (B) is correct 

c. Both (A) & (B) are correct 

d. Both (A) & (B) are not correct 


Ans. (C) Both (A) & (B) are correct [Rule 10 of RS (D&A) Rules] 




Q.43. Which of the following statements are correct 


(A) D.A. on the basis of evidences adduced during the Inquiry shall make an order imposing any of the major penalty 

(B) C.O. shall be given opportunity of making representation on the penalty proposed to be imposed. 


a. Only (A) is correct 

b. Only (B) is correct 

c. Both (A) & (B) are not correct 

d. Both (A) & (B) are correct 


Ans. [a] Only (A) is correct [Rule 10 of RS (D&A) Rules] & Article 311 of COI


Q.44. SF – 9 relates to 

 a. Disciplinary action in common proceedings 

 b. Revocation of Suspension 

 c. Charge sheet for minor penalty with Inquiry 

 d. None o f the above. 


Ans.  [d] None of the above. Earlier SF-9 is Show Cause Notice


Q.45. An order directing to initiate Disciplinary Action against a Sr.Clerk (P.Way Office),  SSE/ P.Way and AEN (Gr.B) in a common proceedings shall have to be issued by 


a. The President 

b. The Railway Board 

c. The General Manager 

d. The Principal Chief Engineer 


Ans. [b] The Railway Board [Rule 13 & Schedule III of RS (D&A) Rules] 

Hint: (The authority has power to Dismissal from service on all such railway servants).


Q.46. Holding of Inquiry before imposition of major penalty of removal is in accordance with 


a. Art.311(1) of the Constitution 

b. Art.311(2) of the Constitution 

c. Art. 312 of the Constitution 

d. Art. 310 of the Constitution 


Ans. [b] Art.311 (2) of the Constitution 


Q.47. Appeal cannot be made against 


a. An order of suspension 

b. An order passed by I.O. during the course of Inquiry 

c. Denying maximum pension admissible to Railway servant under Rules 

d. An order of the Revisionary Authority enhancing the penalty. 


Ans. [b] An order passed by I.O. during the course of Inquiry 

 [Rule 17 of RS (D&A) Rules] 

Q.48. Appeal can be made against 


(A) An order determining pay and allowances during the period of suspension 

(B) An order determining pay and allowances for the period from the date of removal to the date of reinstatement 

(C) An order specifying the period between date of dismissal to date of reinstatement a period not spent on duty 

(D) An order in the nature of step-in-aid of the final disposal of Disciplinary proceedings 


a. (A) (B) & (C) 

b. (A) (C) & (D) 

c. (A) & (C) 

d. (B) & (C) 


Ans. [a] (A) (B) & (C)  [ Rule 18 of RS(D&A) Rules] 


Q.49. Who is the Authority competent to exercise Suo-moto Revision without restriction any time limit even when he is the Appellate Authority 


a. President 


b. General Manager 


c. Chairman, Railway Rates Tribunal 


d. None of the above 

Ans. [a] President [Proviso to Rule 25A & 25(5) of RS (D&A) Rules] 


Q.50. A Group C Railway servant, who has been removed from service, on disposal of application by GM, submitted by him for revision of penalty under Rule 24 of RS (D&A) rules, 


a. May seek further Revision before Railway Board under Rule 25 

b. Cannot seek further Revision of penalty in terms of Rule 25 

c. Suo-moto Revision by GM himself in terms of Rule 25 

d. Request to GM to refer the case to Rly Rates Tribunal 


Ans. [d] d. Request to GM to refer the case to Rly Rates Tribunal 

[Rule 24(2) of RS (D&A) Rules] 

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