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Sunday 20 August 2023

D&AR Safety related

Procedure for dealing with safety related Disciplinary cases: 

One of the essential measures to improve safety is to ensure that exemplary punishment is given to railway servants found guilty of violating safety rules/ norms or causing accidents. It is also necessary that different departments adopt uniform punitive action, which can be ensured only if such actions are monitored at appropriate level. Further, it is also observed that railway servants found responsible for causing accidents or violating safety norms are dealt with by concerned authorities as laid down in Railway Servants (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1968. However, there are instances where the punishment imposed on the railway servant found guilty of violating safety rules/ norms or causing accidents has been found to be inadequate. 

Board have considered the matter in detail and have observed that there is an urgent need to empower the Safety department so that the disciplinary cases of Railway Servants found guilty of causing accidents or violating safety norms/ rules related to maintenance and operation not necessarily leading to accidents are properly dealt with. Board have therefore decided that in such disciplinary cases, the following procedure should be adopted: 

(i) Based on the recommendation of the Safety department for initiation of disciplinary proceedings, the Disciplinary Authority should initiate disciplinary proceedings by way of issue of charge sheet etc. 

(ii) The disciplinary proceedings should be concluded in accordance with the provisions laid down in the Railway Servants (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1968 and the Disciplinary Authority may impose any punishment after full application of the mind, if the same is in conformity with the advice/ suggestion given by Safety department. It is hereby emphasized that the Disciplinary authority should strive to remove/ reduce areas of disagreement, if any, by mutual consultation/ discussions. 

(iii) In case the Safety department has recommended a major penalty and the Disciplinary Authority proposes to exonerate or impose a minor penalty, the Disciplinary Authority should first record his provisional order and then consult Safety department. Reasons for disagreement should be recorded and communicated to Safety department. Consultation will be only once and if even after this the Disciplinary Authority is not in agreement with the views of the Safety department, then the Disciplinary Authority is free to proceed and pass speaking orders for imposing the penalty. In all cases, a copy of the Notice Imposing Penalty (NIP) must be sent to the Safety department, who may close the case, if its views have been accepted or if it is satisfied with the conclusions drawn by the Disciplinary Authority. 

(iv) Where the Disciplinary Authority has not followed the advice of the Safety department, then the latter shall put up such cases to the Competent Authority who can do suo motu revision, with their comments. 

(v) Likewise, where a major penalty has been imposed by the Disciplinary Authority in agreement with the recommendations of the Safety department, but the appellate/ revisionary authority proposes to exonerate or impose a minor penalty, the appellate/ revisionary authority may first record provisional decision and consult the Safety department. Reasons for disagreement should be recorded and communicated to Safety department. Consultation will be only once and after such consultation, the appellate/ revisionary authority is free to take a final decision in the matter and record his/her views about penalty through speaking orders. 

(vi) As far as action against the Railway Servants where General Manager or Railway Board are the Disciplinary/ Appellate/ Revisionary Authority, the Safety department’s comments may be obtained for proper appreciation of the case by the Disciplinary/ Appellate/ Revisionary Authority. Likewise, in those cases where the Disciplinary/ Appellate/ Revisionary Authority being the President, the comments from the Safety department may be called for because in such cases, the provision for mandatory consultation with UPSC already exists.


Agniveer,  RBE 68/2023 dt 10.05.2023


(1)  Horizontal reservation of 10% in  Level 1 and 5% in Level 2 provided to  Agniveers in DR quota as in the case of PwBD, Ex-servicemen & CCAAs.

(2)  They  are exempted from PET .

(3)    Age relaxation : 5 years for 1st batch and 3 years for the  subsequent batches - over and  above the  prescribed relaxation for General, SC/ST. OBC and EWS for Level 1 and 2 and above posts. 

(4)    No carry forward

(5)    Agniveers who have completed 4 years of service will be charged Rs.250/- for applying for the exam, which will be refunded once they appear the exam.


Friday 18 August 2023

Pre-selection Training to SC ST candidates

Pre-selection Training to SC ST candidates

RBE No. 142/2019: Selection – Promotion from Gp. ‘C’ to Gp. ‘B’ Posts

Imparting pre-selection training while holding selections/ LDCEs for promotion from Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’ posts.

(i) Pre-selection training must cover the syllabus prescribed for Selections/ LDCEs held for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts and should be imparted to all eligible candidates from reserved category, who are to be considered against vacancies reserved for them in Safety as well as Non-safety category posts. Training can also cover clarifications/ removal of doubts on different subjects in the syllabus.

(ii) Pre-selection training is not required if there is no reserved vacancy and candidates are appearing in the Selections/ LDCEs against un-reserved vacancies.

(iii) The course content, design and module of Pre-selection Training covering the syllabus should be finalized in consultation with PHOD/ HOD of the concerned Department to ensure its efficacy. 

(iv) The Pre-selection Training should be spread over 15-20 working days (3-4 weeks). Further, Pre-selection Training being imported should not be less than 60 hours. 

(v) Training may be arranged as far as possible in the Zonal Training Schools/ System Technical Schools and if not found possible, it may be arranged at Divisional level and should be managed without serious dislocation to the work. (vi) The serving divisional offices and supervisors as well as retired officers and supervisors can be deputed to take the classes.

Pre-selection training classes are mandatory for reserved category candidates who are being considered for appearing in the selections held for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts against vacancies reserved for them. If any of the candidates wants to opt out of the same, his/her refusal should be obtained in writing and its record may be kept. Similarly, if any of the staff cannot attend the course on account of leave, sickness or any other reasons, they will have to wait for the next coaching classes to make their own arrangement for self coaching. Not attending the coaching classes on this account will not be treated as an excuse for cancellation of the Selections/LDCEs or for demanding another coaching class.

Online Pre-selection Training to reserved category candidates appearing in the Selections for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts in view of the Covid-19 pandemic where it is difficult to organize institutional trading while maintaining social distancing and other Covid-19 related measures. The matter has been examined in consultation with the Training and Reservation directorates and herein it is advised that the issue may be decided after consulting the Zonal Executive Committee of All India SC & ST Railway Employees’ Association (AISCSTREA).

The course content, design and module of Pre-selection Training may be the decided by the PHOD of the concerned department.

Extra material





10.1       For safety categories which have been filled by selection from lower grade, SC/ST employees shall be imparted training before promotion, who are within the filed of consideration for selection so that they may come out successful. If they do not come up to the qualifying standard, they may again be given the rigorous training by conducting special courses and considered for promotion at the next opportunity.



10.2        In order to improve the representation of  SC/ST in services all eligible candidates from the reserved communities , who are otherwise eligible and likely to come under consideration for a post should be given a special suitable pre-selection coaching by the Railway Admn so that they may perform better in written test as well as viva-voce.




(1)       Railways may prescribe requisite promotional courses  passing of which should be pre-condition for further promotion to a grade in a cadre.


(2)                  When employees are booked for promotional course, they

should relieved immediately.


(3)               No exemption should be given from passing a prescribed

 promotional course.


        (4)       In case of  posts for which ‘promotional course’ has been prescribed as a pre-requisite condition to promotion, the employee may be allowed to avail of three chances to pass the course at the cost of the  Administration.  More chances, if any allowed, should be at the cost of the employees itself.



10.4       When SC/ST employees are required to appear for selection as per general seniority and no reserved vacancy are available, pre-promotional training is not necessary.  However, if the selection is to be conducted for the next higher grade or for the same grade against the reserved vacancies, SC/ST employees shall be given pre-promotional training to enable them to qualify in the selection.



10.5      The best amongst the failed  SC/ST candidates should be decided taking into account the marks obtained in the written, viva-voce, seniority and confidential reports wherever these are taken into consideration before empanelling  the candidates.  Pre-selection/Pre-promotion coaching is compulsory for SC/ST candidates in Safety categories.



10.6      In all promotions to safety category posts, all eligible candidates must be given pre-selection coaching  covering the selection for the examination  for the selection for such posts.  Further no reserved post must be de-reserved unless such training has been imparted to all eligible  SC/ST candidates.



10.7      Pre-selection/Pre-promotion training must cover the syllabus of the examination to be conducted for selection to safety category posts in respect of  SC/ST employees and should be imparted, as far as possible in the Zonal Training schools/System Technical Schools for a period of  3 to 4 weeks.




1)          The following recommendations has been made in the 8th Report of the Parliamentary Committee on the Welfare on Schedule Castes and Scheduled Tribes pertaining to South Central Railway.

Recommendation No.3.4

                “The Committee feel that it is necessary to have an intensive pre-selection training for  S.Cs & S.Ts.  They also feel that to make them more suitable for higher posts and to expose them to modern methods of technology a large number of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates should be selected to provide them pre-selection training. It will instill confidence among them and bring them up to the required standard of efficiency. The Committee also recommended that this should be done expeditiously in order to protect the interest of SCs and STs.




2.         In Board’s letter No.E(SCT)71CM15/40 dt.28.8.71 (Chapter XXI) of  Railway Board’s Brochure on the reservation for SC/ST, 3rd Edition , 1985) it has been provided that in regard to higher grades in safety categories which are filled by selection from lower grade, arrangement may be made to impart training before promotion  to the candidates belonging to the Scheduled  Castes and  Scheduled Tribes who are within the filed of consideration for selection so that they may come out  successful. If they fail to come up to the qualifying standard and the quota is left unfilled, such candidates may again be given vigorous training by conducting special courses and after that training, these candidates may be considered for promotion at the next opportunity.



        3.     Further, as per instructions contained in Board’s letter No.E(SCT)74CM/15/1 dated 26.1.74 (Chapter XX of Railway Board’s Brochure on the reservation for SC/STs, 3rd  Edition, 1985) in order to improve the representation of  SC/STs in services, all eligible candidates from the reserved communities who are otherwise eligible land are likely to come under consideration for a post should be given special suitable pre-selection coaching by the Railway Administration so that they may perform better in the written test as well as viva-voce.




       4.           The above instructions have earlier been reiterated also vide Board’s letter No.80-E(SCT)15/58 ‘F’ dated 28.9.81 (Chapter XX of Railway Board’s Brochure on reservation for SC/ST, 3rd Edition, 1985).



5.     Further, vide Board’s letter No.88-E(SCT)-I/42/2 dated 8/11.4.91, it was pointed out that Pre-Selection/Pre-Promotion Training in Safety categories has not produced desired results.  Therefore, it was desired that this training must cover the syllabus of the examinations to be conducted for selections to Safety Category posts and should be imparted as far as possible in the Zonal Training Schools/System Technical Schools for a period of 3-4 weeks.



 6.         It is once again re-iterated that the extant instructions regarding pre-selection/promotion training/ coaching for the eligible SC/STs may please be adhered to strictly  and in effective manner so that SCs/STs’ performance may come up to the required standard and quota posts are filled by the earmarked community candidates. The outcome of training/training programme may be reviewed annually by the CPO so that pre-selection training may prove more result-oriented.



10.9     The Ministry of Railways are pleased to direct that the  Indian Establishment Manual, Vol. I (1989 Edition) may be amended as per Advance Correction Slips No.35 and 36 enclosed.


Encl: As above.



[(VOL. I (1989 EDITION)]


Advance Correction Slip No.35

               Substitute the following for the existing Para 214(e)(ii) on Chapter II, Section ‘B’ of Indian Railway Establishment at Manual, Vol. I , 1989:-

                 “The number of eligible staff called for consideration should be  equal to the number of existing vacancies plus these anticipated during the next six months due to normal wastage(i.e. retirement/superannuation), likely acceptance of requests for voluntary retirement/resignation, the vacancies in the higher grade in the channel, the filling up of which will result in the need to make consequent appointment from the proposed select list, staff approved to go on deputation to other units , staff already empanelled for ex-cadre posting, creation of additional posts already sanction by the competent authority and due to staff likely to go out on transfer to other Railways/ Division. However , in the case of promotion calculated on the basis of existing vacancies plus these anticipated to occur during the next four months.




                  In respect of ‘Non-selection’ posts, promotion to which is based on scrutiny of Record of Service/Confidential Reports only, the vacancies anticipated to occur during the next one year instead of six months may be taken into account as a trial measure up to 30.6.1999.”



(Authority :- Railway Board’s letters No.E(NG)I-76/PM1/ 21 PNM-NFIR)  dated 2.2.1983, No.E(NG)I-96/ PM1/6 dated 14.2.97 and No.E(NG)I-97/PM1/31 dated 1l.2.1998)







Advance Correction Slip No.36


                Substitutes the following for the existing Para 215(f)(ii) in Chapter II Section ‘B’ of Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Vol. I ,1989:-


               “The concept of anticipated vacancies referred to in (I) above should be deemed to connote of  vacancies due to normal wastage (i.e. retirement or superannuation), likely acceptance or notice  for voluntary retirement/resignation  the vacancies in the higher grade on the channel, the filling up of which will result in the need to make consequent appointment from the proposed panel staff approved to go on deputation to other units, staff already empanelled for ex-cadre posting, creating of posts already sanctioned by the competent authority, and due to staff likely to go on transfer to other Railways/Divisions during the period under consideration.


(Authority: Railway Board’s letters No.E(NG)I-80/PM1/21 dated 25.1.l83 and No.E(NG)I-97/PM1/31 dated 27.2.1998).





       10.10    Consideration of  SC/ST candidates against General post


                    With the introduction of post-based roster system, certain Railways have expressed doubts in regard to the consideration of SC/ST candidates against general posts and have sought clarifications on certain specific points.  Keeping in view the extant instructions issued from time to time on the subject, Board wish to clarify the position as under:



Points Raised



(i)     Whether SCs/STs are required to be considered against the reserved posts only ?

It is clarified that SCs/STs can

only be considered against the reservedposts, unless such posts have been tem porarily or permanently dereserved as per extent rules. However, SCs/STs fulfilling the eligibility conditions as general candidates can also be considered against the unreserved posts.

( In this connection, attention is drawn to the instructions contained in para 3 of Board's letter No.E(SCT)68CM15/10 dated 23.10.69, which stipulates that the quota prescribed is the minimum and not the maximum, inter-alia meaning thereby that SCs/STs fulfilling the eligibility conditions have to be considered against the non-reserved posts too.)


(ii)     Whether all the eligible SCs/STs who are coming within the zone of consideration and fulfilling the eli gibility conditions can be considered for sele ction against non reserved posts if there are no reserved posts earmarked for them ?              

(ii)       All the SCs/STs who are fulfilling the eligibility conditions and coming with in the zone of consideration shall be considered against the non-reserved posts, even if there are no reserved posts ear marked for them. (In this connection, attention is drawn towards the instructions contained in para 2 (ii) of Annexure I of  Railway Board's letter No.89-E(SCT)I/49/5 (Pt.)                                                 dated 16.6.92, which lays down that in case SC/ST candidates available in the list so prepared are according to 3X formula ore more, all the candidates may be called for the selection.  Attention is also drawn to example 3 of this Annexure which illustrates the position in this regard in detail)



(iii)  Whether SCs/STs are      required to be considered for selection posts/non selection posts to the extent of zone of consi deration of reserved posts Earmarked for them or all the SCs/STs who may be coming within the zone of consideration and fulfilling the eligibility conditons are required to be considered for promotion ?

In case the seniority list of lower grade from which the posts are to be filled up contains names of more SCs/ STs within the zone of consideration, all may be considered as per their  seniority.


(iv)  Whether SCs/STs who are occupying the present position in the feeder cadre one to application of reservation rules are eligible to be consi dered for General posts if they are coming within the zone of consideration and fulfilling the eligibility conditions ?

It is not that, for being con dered for general posts, an SC/ST candidate must progress all along as a general candidate. If  SC/ST candidates are fulfilling the eligibility conditions and coming within the zone of consideration, they have to be considered for promotion against the general post too.

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