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More than 10000 MCQs

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Monday 29 April 2024

Probation in Indian Railways

 Probation in Indian Railways

  • What is Probation ?  A process of testing or observing the character or abilities of a person who is new to a role or job.

  • A person appointed in Railways will be on probation till he is assessed suitable for Railway service. 

  • Probationers who are assessed un-suitable for Railway service should be discharged from service immediately.

  • If Recruitment rules do not prescribe any probation period, such a person should be confirmed in service with immediate effect.

  • Probation period on Direct Recruitment and promotion from one Group to other Group is as under: 






Direct Recruitment to the post in Level 12 and above and to the posts for which maximum age  limit is 35 years and no initial training is required

1 year


Direct Recruitment to other posts

2 years


Promotion from one Group to other Group

2 years

  • Probationers will be given the opportunity to work in different fields under different officers to gain practical experience during the probation period.

  • Field officers should carefully assess the performance of the probationer, his outlook, character and aptitude towards learning etc and give their individual reports. 

  • Field officers reports are in addition to Annual Confidential Reports (APAR - Annual Performance Appraisal Report)

  •  The probation report will be reviewed by a committee of senior officers and give their recommendations to the Appointing Authority. 

  • Apart from passing the confirmation test at the end of probation, confirmation will also depend on the Probation Report. 

  • Probation period should not be extended for more than one year and in no case it should exceed the total period of probation. 

  • Probationer, whose performance is not satisfactory, should be notified of his defects and he should be discharged from service if he is a direct recruiter or reverted to lower Group if he is promoted from lower Group.

  • On discharge he is not eligible for compensation.

  • In all cases of Direct Recruitment, there must be at least two weeks of induction training.


Key Points for MCQ on Probation:

1.   Direct recruitment in Level 12 - Probation period is 1 year

2.               Posts other than Level 12 - Probation period is 2 years

3.               Promotion from one Group to another Group - Probation period is 2 years 

4.               Confirmation depends on 1. Passing the Confirmation test & Probation Report 

5.               All cases of Direct Recruitment  - Minimum induction period is 2 weeks 

6.               If performance is not satisfactory during Probation period

A.              Direct recruiter - Discharged from Service

B.   Promotee - Reverted to lower group



Friday 5 April 2024


 Benchmark APAR AGM, SDGM, PED/Vig/RB & ADRM

Split pass

When a Railway employee is unable to accompany his family, he can avail pass for himself and a pass for family. 

Separate Split passes will be issued which will constitute a set. Such passes shall be issued within a period of one month.


This facility is not applicable to retired railway employees.

Thursday 4 April 2024



After considering the prevailing practice of various Zonal Railways, the following period is stipulated for preservation of various types of records in the Vigilance Department:-

Wednesday 3 April 2024

Group B promotion - counting of past service

Counting of service rendered in old unit for the purpose of determining eligibility for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts.

RBE No. 40/2008: Request Transfer – Counting of Service

Sub: Promotion from Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’ – Counting of service rendered in old unit for the purpose of determining eligibility for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts. 

1. Instructions have been issued under Board’s letter No.E(NG)I-2006/PM1/5, dated 21.03.2006 (RBE No. 34/2006), whereby, in partial modification of instructions issued under Board’s letter No.E(NG)I96/PM4/14, dated 17.04.1997 (RBE No. 55/1997), it has been decided that in case of persons transferred on request basis to a new unit in the same category of posts, and assigned bottom seniority therein, the service rendered by them in the previous unit may be reckoned for determining their eligibility wherever a minimum length of service is prescribed as a condition, for promotion in the new unit, subject to the condition that the length of service which is so allowed to be counted does not exceed the length of service of their immediate senior in the new unit. 

2. In this regard, it is hereby clarified that the above instructions are applicable for reckoning the minimum qualifying service of Group ‘C’ employees, in case of own request transfer to a new unit in the same category of posts, for determining their eligibility for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts also.

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