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Friday 1 December 2023

Earnings X Y Z, Coaching Earnings, Goods Earnings, Sundries Earnings


Indian Railways have the biggest rail network in Asia. The operations of Railways are conducted through the length and breadth of the country. It earns its revenue by transporting people and commodities. On this basis, Railways earnings are categorized into three major heads. 

They are:- 

1. Coaching - denoted by Alphabet ’X’ 

2. Goods - denoted by Alphabet ‘Y’ 

3. Sundries - denoted by Alphabet ‘Z’ 

Coaching earnings includes all revenue received from operation of passenger trains. These are received from Booking offices, Reservation offices and parcel offices. 

The following are the earnings included in the head “Coaching Earnings”: 

1. Ordinary full fares 

2. Ordinary reduced fares 

3. Military Passengers 

4. Reservation charges for sleeping accommodation provided. 

5. Special trains and reserved carriages, other than Military 

6. Special trains and reserved carriages Military other than Military passenger. 

7. Luggage charges collected by station 

8. Luggage charges collected by Ticket checking staff. 

9. Public Parcels 

10. Service Parcels for Non-Budget lines 

11. Rail and Road Motor Vehicles and Carriages 

12. Live stock by Passenger trains 

13. Special Postal trains 

14. Hire and Haulage of Postal Vans and Compartments. 

15. Post Office bags and Parcels by Weight 

16. Penalties levied for irregular traveling. 

17. Demurrage on Luggage and Parcels 

18. Receipts on account of left luggage 

19. Sundry 

20. Refunds 

Earnings received from transportation of goods are categorized as Goods earnings. The following revenue is included:- 

1. Container traffic 

2. Freight Forwarder and other schemes 

3. General Merchandise 

4. Demurrage 

5. Wharfage and Storage 

6. Sundries 

7. Refunds of Earnings collected 

8. Military traffic 

9. Gross earnings from road transport 

10. Live – stock 

11. Railway Material other than coal and coke

Revenue received from sources other than from sale of transport are categorized under the head sundries. The following items are included under the head sundries:- 

1. Rents and Tolls 

  • Residential buildings Retiring Rooms, Rest Houses, 
  • Rest Homes and convalescent Homes etc. 
  • Other Building or Rooms 
  • Land  
  • Tolls on bridges 

2. Receipts from Catering Department 

3. Overhead charges and profits recovered on work done for outside parties and on sales of stores 

4. Sale proceeds of:- 

Unclaimed and damaged goods 

Gross and trees on the line 

Unserviceable Revenue scrap i.e. not creditable to DRF, DF or OLWR or suspense. 

5. Miscellaneous

  • Advertisement fees  
  • Interest and maintenance charges on account off siding, saloons, level crossing, etc. from private bodies and other government Departments / Ministries  
  • Dividends etc. from investments in road transport service  
  • Diet charges recovered from patients in Railway Hospitals  
  • Other unclassified receipts.  
  • Guarantee fees received from Public Sector Undertakings.  
  • Dividends etc. from Public Sector undertakings  
  • Leasing of right of way from Optical Fibre Cables

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