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Friday 27 January 2023

Special Casual Leave & Pass to All India SC/ST & OBC Association

MC 65

Chapter XXV of IREM-II

Spl CL - All India SC & OBC Association

Zonal -20 participants

RB-24 participants

2 days SCL + journey time

Spl Pass -

Zonal -20 participants

RB-24 participants

Spl. Card Pass- All India SC & OBC Association

(3 nos)All India -RB- 1st AC-President, WP, & G.Secy

(2 nos)upto Delhi-1st/2nd-President, WP, & G.Secy

Monday 23 January 2023

Master Circulars at a Glance



Master Circulars

1, 42

Scout activities, Cultural activities

2, 3, 47

Holiday Home, Institute-Club, Holiday

4, 45

SBF, Homeopathy

31, 37, 43, 68

Selection, Non-Selection, Trade Test, Group-B promotion

21, 64, 66, 67

Resignation, Suspension, Penalties, Important DAR

35, 60, 61, 62

Retirement, Pension-Gratuity, Commutation, SRPF,

54, 55, 56

Qualifying Service, Emoluments,

Fixation of Pay

10, 15


11, 36, 39

Honorarium, Arrear, Advance

5, 28

Service Book, APAR

8, 20, 48

Act Apprentices, Substitute,

Casual Labour

6, 12, 19

Joining Time, DOB, Confirmation

16, 22, 25

CG, Surplus, De-categorized


Recruitment Cultural-Scout, Sports

13, 51, 65

PwBd, Reservation SC & ST,

Facilities SC & ST

17, 18

CEA, School

49, 50

Quarter, HBA

29, 44

Trg. DR / Trg In-service

46, 58

Increments, Increments

9, 33, 52, 53

Irregular beyond Superannuation Extension,    

Re-employment, Absorption PSU

23, 26, 59

Factories Act, Contract Labour Act, Payment of Wages Act

24, 34

Transfer, Seniority

27, 63

Legal Assistance, Pension Adalat

30, 41

Forwarding, Leave Reserve


Recruitment NG



40, 57

Deputation outside Rly, Deputation


Sunday 22 January 2023

राजभाषा समितियां

राजभाषा समितियां

संघ के राजकीय प्रयोजनों के लिए, हिंदी भाषा के उत्तरोत्तर प्रयोग पर ध्यान रखने के लिए तथा औद्योगिक, संस्कृतिक एवं वैज्ञानिक उन्नति के सम्पर्क को ध्यान में रखते हुए, राजभाषा के प्रगामी प्रयोग का जायजा लेने के लिए, इन समितियों का गठन किया गया है । ये समितियाँ भारत सरकार की राजभाषा नीति तथा संसद व्दारा पारित राजभाषा अधिनियम, 1963 एवं राजभाषा नियम, 1976 के प्रावधानों का अनुपालन सुनिश्चित करेगी। 

 राजभाषा समितियां निम्नलिखित है :-

1. केन्द्रीय हिंदी समिति :- 
  • यह राजभाषा की सर्वोच्च समिति है जो राजभाषा के विषय में नीति तय करती है।
  • इस समिति के अध्यक्ष प्रधानमंत्री होते है। 
  • सदस्य गृहमंत्री राज्यमंत्री, तथा 6 केन्द्रीय मंत्रालयों के मंत्री, 6 राज्यों के मंत्री, संसदीय राजभाषा समिति के उपध्यक्ष, संयोजक तथा हिंदी के विव्दान, समाजसेवी तथा पत्रकार। 
  • इस समिति का पुनर्गठन दिनांक 13.11.2009 को किया गया। 
  • समिति की पिछली (30वी) बैठक दिनांक 28.07.2009 को हुई थी

उद्देश्य - 

1. हिंदी राजभाषा की प्रगति तथा प्रयोग पर निगरानी रखना।

2. सरकारी कामकाज में हिंदी के उत्तरोत्तर प्रयोगार्थ तथा उपरोक्त उद्देश्यों हेतु विभिन्न केन्द्रीय मंत्रालयों / विभागों में समन्वयार्थ गठित शीर्षस्थ समिति। 

2. संसदीय राजभाषा समिति :- 
  • इस समिति का गठन राजभाषा अधिनियम, 1963 की धारा - 4 के अधीन 1976 में किया गया ।
  • इस समिति के अध्यक्ष गृहमंत्री होते है ।
  • इस समिति के 30 सदस्य होते है जिसमे 20 लोक सभा से, तथा 10 राज्य सभा से। 
  • यह समिति सिफारिशो सहित अपनी रिपोर्ट राष्ट्रपति को देती है, जिसे राष्ट्रपति व्दारा संसद के दोनों सदनों के समक्ष रखा जायेगा और राज्य सरकारों को भेजा जायेगा।  संसद तथा राज्य सरकारों व्दारा इस पर अभिव्यक्त मत पर विचार करने के बाद उसके सम्पूर्ण अथवा किसी भाग के लिए राष्ट्रपति निर्देश जारी करेगे। 
उद्देश्य :-  

संघ के राजकीय प्रयोजनों के लिए हिंदी के प्रयोग में की गई प्रगति का पुनर्विलोकन करके उस पर सिफारिश करते हुए राष्ट्रपति को प्रतिवेदन प्रस्तुत करना ।

उप समितियां :- 

  1. कार्य संचालन के लिए समिति को तीन उप - समितियों में विभाजित किया गया है जिसके लिए संयोजक, अध्यक्ष व्दारा नामित किये जाते है ।
  2. इसके अतिरिक्त एक आलेख एवं साक्ष्य उपसमिति भी गठित है, जो संसदीय राजभाषा समिति की नीति निर्धारक उपसमिति है। 
  3. संसदीय राजभाषा समिति के उपाध्यक्ष इस समिति के पदेन अध्यक्ष होते है तथा उपरोक्त तीनो उपसमितियों के संयोजक इस समिति के सदस्य होते है ।
  4. इसके अतिरिक्त समिति के अध्यक्ष तीनो उपसमितियों में से एक - एक सदस्य को आलेख एवं साक्ष्य उपसमितियों में सदस्य नामित करते है । 
  5. इन उपसमितियों व्दारा निरीक्षणों व संवाद के आधार पर आलेख एवं साक्ष्य उपसमिति व्दारा राष्ट्रपति को प्रस्तुत किये जाने वाले प्रतिवेदन का मसौदा तैयार किया जाता है।  प्रतिवेदन में समिति व्दारा विभिन्न संस्तुतियां की जाती है।  
  6. समिति व्दारा राष्ट्रपति को प्रस्तुत किये गये प्रतिवेदन की अधिप्रमाणित प्रतियां संसद के पटल पर रखी जाती है । इन संस्तुतियो पर राजभाषा विभाग व्दारा विभिन्न हितधारको से मंत्रणा व परामर्श के आधार पर तथा अन्य प्रासंगिक तथ्यों के आलोक में राष्ट्रपति के आदेश प्राप्त किये जाते है।  
  7. समिति व्दारा अब तक प्रस्तुत किये गये प्रतिवेदन के 8 खंडो में की गई सिफ़ारिशो पर राष्ट्रपति के आदेश जारी किये जा चुके है । 
  8. अंतिम आदेश 2 जुलाई, 2008 में जारी हुए थे तथा नौवा खण्ड विकसित चरण पर है। 

3. हिंदी सलाहकार समिति :- 
  • प्रत्येक मंत्रालय में ये समितियां गठित है। 
  • इस समिति के अध्यक्ष संबंधित मंत्रालय/विभाग के मंत्री होते है। 
  • इसमें 15 गैर सरकारी सदस्य तथा मंत्रालय / विभाग के अधिकारी, सचिव राजभाषा विभाग, संयुक्त सचिव राजभाषा विभाग, तथा विभिन्न मंत्रालयों/ विभागों में गठित हिंदी सलाहकार समितियों की बैठको में भाग लेने के लिए स्थायी रूप से आमंत्रित अधिकारी इसके सदस्य होते है। 
  • वर्ष में कम से कम दो बैठको एवं यथासम्भव अधिक बैठको के आयोजनों का लक्ष्य। 
  • 54 मंत्रालयों / विभागों में गठित तथा अल्पसंख्यक कार्य मंत्रालय में गठन विचाराधीन। 
  • वैधता की अवधि तीन वर्ष तथा समय - समय पर पुनर्गठन किया जाता है
  • राजभाषा विभाग में समन्वयक की भूमिका निभाता है। 

उद्देश्य :- केंद्र सरकार के मंत्रालयों/विभागों में राजभाषा नीति के कार्यान्वयन की प्रगति एवं संबंधित समस्याओ की समीक्षा करना व परामर्श देना

4. केन्द्रीय राजभाषा कार्यान्वयन समिति :- 

  • इस समिति के अध्यक्ष सचिव राजभाषा विभाग होते है। 
  • इसके सदस्य विभिन्न मंत्रालयों /  विभागों में राजभाषा नीति का कार्यान्वयन देख रहे संयुक्त सचिव स्तर या उच्च स्तर के अधिकारी होते है। 
  • इस समिति की अब तक 35 बैठके हो चुकी है । 
  • पिछली बैठक 29 व 30 दिसम्बर 2010 को आयोजित हुई जिसमे 69 मंत्रालयों/विभागों के प्रतिनिधियों ने भाग लिया था ।
उद्देश्य :- 
  1. मंत्रालय / विभागों में राजभाषा नीति (संवैधानिक व कानूनी प्रावधान, राष्ट्रपति के आदेश, वार्षिक कार्यक्रम में दिये गये लक्ष्यों, राजभाषा विभाग व्दारा जारी किये गये अनुदेशों आदि) के कार्यान्वयन की समीक्षा करने के उपाय सुझाना 
  2. हिंदी के प्रभावी प्रयोगार्थ सफल पहलात्मक कदमो व अभिनव प्रयोगों की जानकारी का आदान - प्रदान करना 
5.विभागीय राजभाषा कार्यान्वयन समिति :- 

  • इस समिति के अध्यक्ष संबन्धित विभाग में राजभाषा कार्यान्वयन देख रहे संयुक्त सचिव या उच्च स्तर के अधिकारी होते है 
  • इसके सदस्य विभाग एवं संबध्द तथा अधीनस्थ कार्यालयों के अधिकारी एवं राजभाषा विभाग के प्रतिनिधि होते है।
  • सभी मंत्रालयों/विभागों तथा कार्यालयों में राजभाषा कार्यान्वयन समितियां गठित है 

उद्देश्य :-
 तिमाही प्रगति रिपोर्टो की समीक्षा करना तथा वार्षिक कार्यक्रम के लक्ष्यों को प्राप्त करने के उपाय सुझाना। 

6. नगर राजभाषा कार्यान्वयन समिति :-
  • इसका अध्यक्ष नगर में स्थित केंद्र सरकार के कार्यालयों में नियुक्त अधिकारियो में से वरिष्ठतम अधिकारी होता है 
  • इसके सदस्य नगर में स्थित केंद्र सरकार के सदस्य कार्यालयों के प्रमुख होते है 
  • प्रत्येक नगर में केन्द्रीय कार्यालयों, केन्द्रीय उपक्रमों, राष्ट्रीयकृत बैंको को मिलाकर इस समिति का गठन किया जाता है जहाँ ऐसे दस या अधिक कार्यालय हिया वहां ये समितियां गठित की जाती है। 
  • इस समिति की बैठक वर्ष में दो बार होती है 
  • कुछ नगरो में उपक्रमों, बैंको और अन्य केंद्रीय कार्यालयों के लिए अलग - अलग समितियां गठित है जिसमे अब तक गठित कुल 274 नगर राजभाषा कार्यान्वयन समितियों में सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के उपक्रम के लिए 13 तथा बैंको के लिए गठित 26 समितियां शामिल है 
  • प्रधान कार्यालय के अतिरिक्त, अधीनस्थ कार्यालयों/स्टेशनो  पर, जहाँ कर्मचारियों की संख्या 25 या उससे अधिक हो, वहां भी ऐसी समितियां गठित की जाती है जहां एक कार्यालयों में कर्मचारियों की संख्या 25 नही है, वहां स्थित अन्य कर्यालयो को मिलाकर ये समितियां गठित की जाती है इसकी बैठक हर तीसरे महीने में आयोजित की जाती है ।


1. What are the sources of information regarding the Government of India's Official Language Policy?

Answer - The Government of India accepted Hindi in Devanagari Script as the Official Language of the Union of India and made necessary provision for the same in the constitution. The Official Language policy of Government of India has been clearly spelt out in

i) The provisions made in Part XVII of the Constitution which contains Articles 343 to 351.

ii) The provisions made in Article 120 of Part V and Article 210 of Part VI of the Constitution.

iii) The provisions made in the Official Languages Act 1963 as amended in 1967.

iv) The provisions made in the Resolution No. F/5/8/65-OL dt. 18.1.68 as adopted by both the Houses of Parliament.

v) The provisions made in the Official Languages (use for official purposes of the Union) Rule 1976.

vi) The instructions contain in circulars issued from time to time by the Official Language department of Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Railways.

2. Give complete list of Languages included in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution? Also point out significance of this Schedule?

Answer - At present following 22 Languages are included in the Schedule VIII (Article 344(1) and 351) of Constitution. They are:

1. Assamese 
2. Bengali
3. Gujarati 
4. Hindi 
5. Kannada 
6. Kashmiri 
7. Konkani 
8. Malayalam
9. Manipuri 
10. Marathi
11. Nepali 
12. Oriya 
13. Punjabi 
14. Sanskrit 
15. Sindhi  
16. Tamil 
17. Telugu
18. Urdu
19. Maithili
20. Santhali
21. Dogri
22. Bodo

Initially 14 major Languages are included in Eighth Schedule. Later in 1967 Sindhi and in 1992 Nepali, Konkani and Manipuri and in 2003 Maithili, Bodo, Dogri and Santhali were added to the list.

Eighth Schedule of the constitution specifies 22 major languages of India besides Hindi and it is necessary in the interest of the education and cultural advance of the country that concerted measures should be taken for the full development of these languages.

3. Explain the circumstances in detail that led to the introduction of Official Languages Act, 1963?

Answer - The Official Language Commission had inter-alia recommended that provision should be made to allow the use of the English language for the official purposes of the Union beyond 26th January 1965. The Parliamentary Committee also endorsed this recommendation of the Language Commission. The important points in this regard included in the report of the committee are as follows:

i) English should be the principal Official Language and Hindi the subsidiary Official Language till 1965, when Hindi becomes the principal Official Language of the Union, English should continue as the subsidiary Official Language.

ii) No restriction should be imposed for the present on the use of English for any of the purposes of the Union and provision should be made in terms of clause (3) of Article 343 for continued use of the English even after 1965 for purposes to be specified by Parliament bylaw for as long as may be necessary. Hence, in accordance with the provisions made in Article 343(3) of the Constitution, Parliament enacted the Official Languages Act-1963 for continued use of English.

4. What are the main points of the “Official Language Act, 1963” as amended 1967?

Answer - The aforesaid Act was passed by the parliament as per article 343(3) of Part XVII of our constitution. There are 9 Sections and 11 Sub-Sections. The important points of the Act are as follows:

1. This Act gives permission for continuous use of Hindi for the official language of the Union and for the proceedings of the parliament.

2. This Act fixes the use of Hindi and English for the correspondence between the Union and states and also amongst the states.

3. This Act under the section 3(3) has made the following documents issued or made by the
Central Government or by a Ministry, Department or Office thereof or by a corporation or company owned or controlled by the Central Government or by any office of such corporation or company, shall be both in Hindi and English.

1) General Orders, Circulars, Office Orders, etc.

2) Notifications

3) Press Communiques/Releases

4) Contracts

5) Agreements

6) Licenses

7) Permits

8) Tender Form and Tender Notices.

9) Resolutions

10) Rules

11) Official Papers laid before a House or both the Houses of Parliament.

12) Administrative and other Reports laid before a House or both the Houses of  Parliament.

13) Other than those laid before a House or both the Houses of Parliament. It shall be the responsibility of the person signing such documents to ensure that such documents are made, executed or issued both in Hindi and English.

5. Describe about “General Orders” mentioned in documents coming under Section 3(3) Of the Official Language Act, 1963?

Answer - All orders, decisions, instructions and circulars intended for departmental use and which are of standing nature and all such orders, instructions, letters, memoranda, notices, circulars etc., relating to or intended for a group or groups of Government employees are known as “General Orders” under Section 3(3) of Official Language.

6. What do you understand by Article 343 of our constitution?

(i) According to Article 343(1) out constitution the official language of the Union shall be Hindi in Devanagari script. The form of numerals to be used for the official purposes of the Union shall be the international form of Indian numerals.

(ii) Article 343(2) states that for a period of 15 years from the commencement of this constitution, the English language shall continue to be used for all the official purposes of the Union for which it was being used immediately before such commencement.

(iii) Article 343(3) says that the president may during the said period, by order authorize the use of the Hindi language in addition to the English language and of the Devanagari form of numerals in addition to the international form of Indian numerals for any of the official purposes of the Union.

7. Who is responsible for the compliance of Official Language Act, Rules, Orders and Instructions?

Answer - As per Rule 12 of Official Language Rules 1976, it is the responsibility of the Administrative Head of the Office to ensure that the Official Language Act, Rules are followed properly and also ensure implementation of effective check points to ensure the compliance. Also, the official signing the documents falling under Section 3(3) of Official Language Act, 1963 is responsible to ensure that it is in Bilingual form.

8. What do you understand by the Rule 8(4) of Official Language Rules, 1976?

Answer - Certain works done in all the Central Government Offices have been specified under the Rule 8(4) of Official Language Rules, 1976. These works are to be done by the staff having working knowledge of Hindi and those who are proficient in Hindi. These works include notings on files, drafting, originating correspondence in Hindi, daily routine work done in registers and files.

9. What do you understand by the rule 10(4) of Official Language Rules, 1976?

Answer - As per this Rule Central Government Offices, wherein 80% of the employees are having working knowledge of Hindi are to be notified. Such Offices will be notified in the Gazette by the Department of Official Language, Ministry of Home Affairs. It is remarkable that almost all Central Government offices, Nationalized Banks of the Offices situated in the ‘A’ and ‘B’ have been notified under Rule 10(4) of Official Language Rules, 1976.

10. What are the dimensions of Official Language Policy?

Answer - The Official Language Policy of the Union upholds the Bilingualization, in the same sense that there is provision for both Hindi and English for the official purposes of the Union. The Government of India has been putting efforts for enhancing use of Hindi. Also the official work should be executed smoothly and efficiently. The employees, who are not proficient in Hindi they should be trained under various Training Programmes. The Government of India has adopted the policy of giving incentives to such staff. The following are the salient features of the same:

1. Provisions regarding Official Language in the Constitution.

2. Official Language Act, 1963, as amended 1967.

3. Official Language Resolution, 1968

4. Official Language Rules, 1976 as amended 1987

5. The orders, instructions issued by the department of Official Language from time to time.

6. The Provisions regarding Official Language have been made in the Part XVII from Article 343 to 351 i.e. under 9 Articles.

11. What do you know the article 351 of our Constitution?

Answer - Instructions for the development of Hindi have been given in the article 351. The Union has given the following instructions:

“It shall be the duty of the Union to promote the spread of the Hindi Language, to develop it so that it may serve as a medium of expression for all the elements of the composite culture of India and to secure its enrichment by assimilating without interfering with its genius, the forms, style and expressions used in Hindustani and in the other languages of India specified in the Eighth Schedule, and by drawing, wherever necessary or desirable, for its vocabulary, primarily on Sanskrit and secondarily on other languages. ”

The makers of Constitution opined that Hindi Language should be developed in such manner that it is acceptable to all the people of all the states shall adopt Hindi for Official purposes.

12. Explain the Check Points prescribed for the effective implementation of Hindi as Official Language?

Answer - As per the Rules 12(1) and (2) of Official Language Rules, 1976, responsibility to ensure the compliance of Constitutional provisions, Official Language Act, Official Language Rules lies on the Administrative Head of each Central Government Offices. Hence it is necessary that he implements certain Check Points in order to ensure effective implementation of Official Language policies as follows:

1. The Official signing the documents: The Officials signing the documents should ensure before singing that the document is issued in compliance of Official Language policy.

2. Desk Officer/Section Officer/In charge: He shall ensure that the Hindi version of the document is prepared and they also issued simultaneously.

3. Dispatch Section: The Dispatch Section before dispatching should ensure that the documents falling under Section 3(3) are in Hindi and English, bilingual form. It should also be ensured that the prescribed no. of letters going to Hindi Speaking Region are sent to in Hindi, or else the signing authority should be informed about that.

4. Government Press: The printing and Stationery Manager of the Govt. Press shall ensure that the Codes, Manuals, Forms etc. are printed in Hindi and English, bilingual form.

5. Stores Department and Finance/Accounts Department: The stores and finance/accounts department shall also act as Check Points and ensure the bilingual availability of Computers.

13. What do you understand by Official Language Resolution, 1968?

Answer - Soon after the amendment of Official Language Act, 1963, both Houses of Parliament passed a Resolution in December, 1967, which was notified on 18th January, 1968. This was called Official Language Resolution, 1968. This project the entire picture of Official Language Policy. It was in this resolution that the first time in the parliament the executive/Government was instructed to prepare an intensive and comprehensive Programme for propagation of Hindi for Official purposes and also implement the same. Also, a detailed annual assessment report in this regard may be tabled in both the houses of Parliament. Since then every year the Ministry of Home Affairs, Department of Official Language is preparing Annual Programme for improving the use of Hindi in Government Offices, the assessment report on implementation will be tabled in both Houses of Parliament. The targets for quantum of work to be done in Hindi are decided in the Annual Programme. The Trilingual formula prepared by the Government of India in consent with the states needs to be in implemented effectively. In the Hindi speaking states apart from Hindi and English, a South Indian Language may be given priority.

14. Write a Short Note on the Committee of Parliament on Official Languages constituted under section 4 of Official Languages Act 1963(as amended in 1967)?

Answer - The Committee of Parliament shall consist of 30 members, of whom 20 shall be members of the House of the People and 10 shall be members of the Council of States, to be elected respectively by the Members of the House of the People and the members of the Council of States in accordance with the system of proportional representation by means of the single transferable vote. It shall be the duty of the Committee to review the progress made in the use of Hindi for the official purpose of the Union and submit a report to the President making recommendations thereon and the President shall cause the report to be laid before each House of Parliament, and sent to all the State Governments. At present there are 3 sub-committees for this Parliament Committee. The Second Subcommittee inspects and review the progress of Hindi in Ministry of Railways and its allied offices.

15. Name the States and Union Territories grouped under Regions A, B & C as per the provisions made in the Official Languages Rules, 1976(as amended in 1987)?

Answer - The Indian States and Union Territories have been classified into three Regions. They are A, B, & C.

Region ‘A’:

States:(i) Uttar Pradesh (ii) Uttarakhand (iii) Bihar (iv)Jharkhand (v) Haryana (vi)Himachal Pradesh (vii)Madhya Pradesh (viii)Chhattisgarh (ix) Rajasthan

Union Territory: (i) Andaman & Nicobar Island group (ii) Delhi (NCT)

Region ‘B’:

States: (i) Maharashtra (ii) Gujarat (iii) Punjab

Union Territory: (i) Chandigarh (ii) Dadar and Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu

Region ‘C’:

States and Union Territories other than those referred to in Region 'A' & 'B'.

States: (i) Karnataka (ii) Tamilnadu (iii) Kerala (iv) Andhra Pradesh (v) Telangana (vi) Odisha (vii)West Bengal (viii)Goa (ix) Assam (x) Nagaland (xi) Meghalaya (xii) Arunachal Pradesh (xii) Sikkim (xiv) Tripura (xv)Mizoram (xvi) Manipur

Union Territory: (i) Puducherry (ii) Lakshadweep (iii) Jammu & Kashmir (iv) Ladakh

16. In terms of the Official Language Rules who are all the employees who can be classified as having proficiency in Hindi?

Answer - Proficiency in Hindi: -

An employee shall be deemed to posse’s proficiency in Hindi if: -

(i) he has passed the Matriculation or any equivalent or higher examination with Hindi as the medium of examination; (or)

(ii) he has taken Hindi as an elective subject in the degree examination or any other examination equivalent to or higher than the degree examination; (or)

(iii) he declares himself to possess proficiency in Hindi in the prescribed format.

17. In terms of the Official Language Rules who are all the employees who can be classified as having Working knowledge in Hindi?

Answer - Working knowledge in Hindi: -

An employee shall be deemed to have acquired a working knowledge of Hindi-

(a) if he has passed: -

(i) the Matriculation or an equivalent or higher examination with Hindi as one of the subjects (or)

(ii) the Pragya examination conducted under the Hindi Teaching Scheme of the Central Government or when so specified by the Government in respect of any particular category of posts, any a lower examination under that scheme; (or)

(iii) any other examination specified in that behalf by the Central Government; or

(b) if he declares himself to have acquired such knowledge in the prescribed format.

18. Give details of various Committees formed to ensure proper implementation of the provisions of Official Language Policy?

Answer - There are many committees constituted to inspect and assess the position regarding compliance of Official Language Policy. They are:

i) Central Hindi Committee

ii) Hindi Salahkar Samiti

iii) Central Official Language Implementation Committee

iv) Official Language Implementation Committee (constituted at Rly. Bd level, Zonal Level, Divisional Level and at various Stations and Offices)

v) Town Official Language Implementation Committee

vi) Committee of Parliament on Official Language

19. Write a Short note on Hindi Day/Hindi Week.

Answer - It was decided to make Hindi the Official Language on 14 September, 1949. Hence every year 14 September is celebrated as Hindi Day. With a view to create a conducive environment for Hindi implementation amongst the officers and staff, various programmes are organized during Hindi Week/Fortnight etc. Organization of various competitions, technical seminar in Hindi, cultural programmes, Hindi Exhibition etc. form part of the Programme. The winners of the various competitions held and the officers and staff doing their official language in Hindi are generally warded during the concluding function. Scholars in Hindi are generally invited for the function, their meaningful and inspirational speech play their own role creating a favorable atmosphere for Hindi.

20. Write a Short note on ‘World Hindi Day’.

Answer - The first World Hindi Conference was held on January 10, 1975. In order to commemorate this special day, World Hindi Day has been celebrated every year on January 10. On this day Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) through its missions/posts abroad and the Department of Official Language (Rajbhasha) conducted special events to spread the greatness of the Hindi language, a language spoken by more than 250 million people in the World. It is in addition to the National Hindi Divas that is being celebrated annually on 14 September. While the focus of the World Hindi Day is the promotion of the at the global stage, the National Hindi Divas is held across the country.

21. Write a short note on Central Hindi Committee.

Answer - Central Hindi Committee: -

Central Hindi Committee functions under the Chairmanship of the Prime Minister decides policies and provides co-ordination in the programme for the propagation and development of Hindi by the various Ministries of the Government of India. This Committee consists of Ministers of all important ministries as members and has some non-official members also. In order to establish co-ordination between Central Government offices and for the propagation of usage of Hindi, a Central Hindi Committee was formed in the year 1967 under the Chairmanship of the Prime Minister. This is the supreme committee for issuing important directions regarding Official Language Policy. Apart from the Prime Minister, there are 8 central ministers (Home Minister is the Vice-Chairman and the Minister in charge of Department of Official Language, Ministry of Home Affairs is the Minister Member) 6 state Chief Ministers, 4 MPs and 22 Scholars of Hindi and another Indian Languages i.e. this committee consists of totally 20 Members.

22. Write a short note on Hindi Salahakaar Samiti.

Answer - Hindi Salahakaar Samiti: -

Hindi Salahkar Samiti have been constituted in all Ministries/Departments under the Chairmanship of respective Ministers. These Samitis review the progress made in the use of Hindi in their respective Ministries/Departments, suggest ways to increase the use of Hindi and ensure effective steps for implementation of Official Language Policy. They are required to meet twice in a year as per rules.

23. Write a Short note on Parliamentary Committee on Official Language.

Answer - This committee was constituted under the provisions of Section 4 of Official Language Act, 1963, in the year 1976. This Committee constituted of 30 Members of Parliament, of whom 20 shall be Members of the House of the People (Lok Sabha) and 10 shall be members of the Council of States (Rajya Sabha) to be elected respectively by the members of the House of the people and members of the Council of States in accordance with the system of proportional representation by means of the single transferable vote. The duty of this committee is to review the progress in usage of Hindi for the official purpose of the union and submit the recommendations to the President of India.

24. Write a short note on Central Official Language Implementation Committee/

 Answer - Central  Official Language Implementation Committee: -

This committee, reviews the position about the progressive use of Hindi for Official purposes of the Central Government, the training of employees and implementation of the orders issued from time to time by the department of Official Language with regard to the above and suggests measures for removing the shortcomings and difficulties noticed in implementing these orders. Secretary, Dept. of Official Language is the Chairman of this Committee while Chairman of the Official Language Implementation Committees of various Ministries/Departments are its members.

25. Write a short note on Town Official Language Implementation Committee.

Answer - Town Official Language Implementation Committee: -

Town Official Language Implementation Committees (TOLIC) have been constituted in major towns. The TOLIC is presided over by one of the senior most officers of the Central Government/Undertakings/Banks etc. located in that particular town. The Chairman is required to organize two meetings of TOLIC every year and ensure his representation in these meetings. The administrative heads of Central Government offices/Undertakings/Banks etc., located that particular town must also take part in person, in these meetings.

The objective of formation of TOLIC is to provide a joint forum for encouraging the use of Official Language in the offices of the Central Govt./Undertakings/Banks across the country and for removing the difficulties being faced in the implementation of the Official Language policy. In this forum member offices through deliberations and exchange of information of the best practices adopted by them for increasing the use of Hindi can improve the level of their respective achievement. In order to conduct the proceedings properly, checklist of the relevant points to be considered in the meetings of the TOLIC is provided at the time of formation of the TOLIC.

26. Write a short note on Official Language Implementation Committees constituted at  Stations/Small Offices.

Answer - In Railways, Official Language Implementation Committees are formed at major Stations having ten or more Central Govt. offices. Usually senior most official available at a particular Station/Office will be the Chairman of such committee and the Heads of individual offices of all the branch function in the vicinity are made as the members of the Station OLICs. These committees will meet once in three months and discuss about the progress made in the direction of implementation of Official Language. These committees will have to be reconstituted once in three years with the existing members or with the addition of new members also. On the recommendations of the Chairman a Railway employee is made as Part Time OLIC Clerk to look after the duties of OLIC. Such Part Time OLIC clerks are eligible for monthly honorarium for looking after the duties of OLIC. At present the honorarium for OLIC clerk is Rs.300/- per month. Chairman can spend an amount of Rs.30/- per head towards supply of coffee etc., to the members present for the quarterly meetings. The actual amount spent by the Chairman will be reimbursed.

27. What is the Annual Programme regarding use of Hindi?

Answer - As per the Official Language Resolution, 1968 passed by both the houses of Parliament in December 1967, the Home Ministry of Government of India (Department of Official Language) shall prepare and issue an Annual Programme every year, which is applicable for all the Ministries/Departments/ Central Government Offices, Corporations, Undertakings. Different Targets have been fixed for Hindi work to be done in ‘A’ ‘B’ and ‘C’ regions. It is mandatory to comply with these instructions and achieve the targets.

28. Give details of various incentives for learning

Answer -  (i) Hindi (ii) Hindi Typing (iii) Hindi Shorthand

The various incentives given for learning Hindi, Hindi Typing and Hindi Shorthand are as follows: -

1) Cash Award 2) Lumpsum Award 3) Personal Pay

1) Cash Award: -

The amount of Cash award given on passing the Hindi examinations are given below: -

Amount of Cash Award Eligible

Marks obtained in written exam.                   Prabodh                Praveen                   Pragya

55 % or more but less than 60%                     Rs.400                  Rs.600                    Rs.800

60% or more but less than 70%                      Rs.800                  Rs.1200                 Rs.1600

70% and above                                                Rs.1600                Rs.1800                 Rs.2400

Hindi Typing                                 Hindi Stenography                                         Amount

97% or more                                    95% or more                                                Rs.2400

95% or more but less than 97%      92% or more but less than 95%                   Rs.1600

90% or more but less than 95%       88% or more but less than 92%                  Rs.800

2) Lumpsum Award: -

Operational staff and staff working in Open Line are eligible for Lumpsum Award on passing Hindi examination through their own efforts as private candidates. 

Name of the examination                              Amount of Lumpsum Award

Prabodh                                                                    Rs.1600/-

Praveen                                                                    Rs.1500/-

Pragya                                                                      Rs.2400/-

Hindi Typing                                                            Rs.1600/-

Hindi Stenography                                                   Rs.3000-

3) Personal Pay: -

i) Employees on passing prescribed Hindi course are eligible for Personal Pay equivalent to one increment for a period of 12 months.

ii) Typist and Stenographers are eligible for Personal Pay equivalent to one increment for a period of 12 months on passing Hindi Typewriting examination.

iii) Stenographers whose mother tongue is a language other than Hindi, are eligible for Personal Pay equal in amount to two increments for a period of twelve months and then a personal pay equal in amount to one increment for the next 12 months.

iv) Employees who pass Hindi/Hindi Typewriting/Hindi Stenography examinations simultaneously or in succession, are eligible for personal pay equal in amount to two, or three increments, as the case may be, but such personal pay will however be granted to them specifically for each examination one after another.


1) Non - Gazetted employees, for whom the prescribed course is Prabodh or Praveen, are eligible for Personal Pay only on obtaining 55% or more marks in the written examination.

2) Gazetted Officers are eligible for Personal Pay only on obtaining 60% or more marks in the written examination.

29. Give details of various awards/incentives for doing official work in Hindi by employees/officers:

(i) 10,000 words Award Scheme

(ii) Collective Cash Award

(iii) Rajbhasha Individual Cash Award Scheme

(i) 10,000 words Award Scheme: -

Answer - This scheme is introduced by Ministry of Home Affairs. All the Employees and Officers working in the Central Government are eligible to participate in this scheme. A person, who writes 10,000 words or more in a year, will be eligible to compete for the prize. Following prizes are given under this scheme.

FIRST PRIZE (2 Prizes) .... Rs.5000/- each

SECOND PRIZE (3 Prizes) .... Rs.3000/- each

THIRD PRIZE (5 Prizes) .... Rs.2000/- each

An Evaluation Committee will assess the work done by the employee based on the quality and quantity of the work and decide the prizes. The Competitors whose mother tongue is Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali, Oriya or Assamese may be given additional weightage upto 20% at the time of assessment.

(ii) Collective Cash Award Scheme: -

Under this scheme, three Collective Cash Awards of Rs. 9,000 (6 Staff) Rs.,6000 (5 Staff) and Rs. 4,000 (5 Staff) to those Departments, which are adjudged as having made the maximum use of Hindi in their official work. This scheme is being introduced as an incentive to the officers/staff for making progressive use of Hindi in their work.

(iii) Rajbhasha Individual Cash Award Scheme: -

Rajbhasha Individual Cash Award is given by Railway Board. It is given in recognition of the individual efforts for creating a sense of awareness and enthusiasm for the progressive use of Rajbhasha Hindi for official purposes. Under this scheme Five (5) Employees/Officers are given Rs.3000/- as Cash Award from South Western Railway every year.

30. Give the cases where Hindi alone should be used?

Answer - Following are the cases where Hindi alone should be used:

1) Letters received in Hindi should be replied to in Hindi only.

2) Applications, Appeals, Representations made or signed in Hindi should be replied to in Hindi only.

31. Give the cases where Hindi and English bilingual form should be used?

Answer - Following are the cases where Hindi and English bilingual form should be used:

1) All the Letter-Head-Pads in use in Central Government Offices

2) Headings of Registers and subject on File Covers

3) All Rubber Stamps

4) All the printed forms (not used by public)

5) Name Badges

6) Name and Designation Boards exhibited in the conference tables.

7) Agenda notes and Minutes of all the official meetings

8) Time-Table

9) Telephone Directory

10) Visiting Cards

11) Documents coming under Section 3(3) of OL Act.

NOTE: In all the above cases English version should be below Hindi version.

32. Give the cases where Regional Language, Hindi and English should be used?

Answer - Following are the cases where Regional Language, Hindi and English should be used:

1) Name Boards, Sign Boards exhibited at stations and outside offices of Central Government

2) Forms that are to be used by the Public

3) Name Boards, Designation Boards exhibited out-side the rooms of officers.

4) Station Announcements

5) Invitation Cards

6) Banners/Plaque displayed at Official Functions/celebrations/Jayanti/Weeks etc.


In all the above cases under mentioned order should be followed:

1) Regional Language

2) Hindi

3) English

33. Write a short note on Article 351.

Answer - Article 351 - Directive for development of the Hindi Language: -

It shall be the duty of the Union to promote the spread of the Hindi language, to develop it so that it may serve as a medium of expression for all the elements of the composite culture of India and to secure its enrichment by assimilating without interfering with its genius, the forms, style and expressions used in Hindustani and in the other languages of India specified in the Eighth Schedule and by drawing, wherever necessary or desirable, for its vocabulary, primarily on Sanskrit and secondarily on other languages.

34. Write a short note on Hindi Training.

Answer - In accordance with the provisions of Article 343 of the Constitution, Hindi was to be used for official purposes of the Union. Hence it is decided to impart training in Hindi Language to all the Central Government employees. In the beginning it was voluntary for the employees to attend Hindi classes and learn Hindi. But as per Presidential order of 27th April 1960, in service training Hindi was made obligatory for all the Central Government employees in class III services and above. Similarly training in Hindi typing and Hindi Stenography was also made obligatory. Hindi Teaching Scheme (HTS), functioning under Ministry of Home Affairs, has taken over the work of training Central Government Employees. Following are the three courses in Hindi, prescribed by Hindi Teaching Scheme for Central Government Employees.

i) PRABODH - Elementary Course

ii) PRAVEEN - Second or Middle Course

iii) PRAGYA - Final Course

iv) PARANGAT -To make personnel having working knowledge in Hindi to proficient in Hindi. Since Hindi Teaching Scheme has taken over the training work, Railways are concerned only with co-ordination in respect of nomination, enrolment and attendance of the Railway staff in Hindi classes run under the Hindi Teaching Scheme and ensuring their appearance at the periodical examinations. The books are supplied to the nominated trainees free of cost and no examination fee is charged.

35. Write a Short Note on various Hindi courses prescribed by Hindi Teaching Scheme.

Answer - Following are the three courses in Hindi, prescribed by Hindi Teaching Scheme for Central Government Employees.

i) PRABODH - Elementary Course

ii) PRAVEEN - Second or Middle Course

iii) PRAGYA - Final Course

iv) PARANGAT – To make personnel having working knowledge in Hindi to proficient in Hindi.

PRABODH: - This is the first or Elementary Course prescribed by Hindi Teaching Scheme. Employees who has no prior knowledge in Hindi and whose mother tongue is a South Indian Language or English can be admitted to this course. The curriculum for Prabodh course comprise, from Alphabets of Hindi to Grammar.

PRAVEEN: - This is the Second or Middle Course prescribed by Hindi Teaching Scheme. Employees who have passed Prabodh course or its equivalent or employees whose mother tongue is Marathi, Guajarati, Bengali, Oriya or Assamese, can be admitted to Praveen course.

PRAGYA: - This is the Final course prescribed by Hindi Teaching Scheme which is of High School standard. Employees who have passed Praveen course or its equivalent or employees whose mother tongue is Urdu, Punjabi, Kashmiri, Pushto, Sindhi or other allied languages can be admitted to Pragya course. The duration of each course is six months under regular stream.

Parangat: The parangat course introduced from the year 2015-16 for all the personnel of Central Government offices, undertaking offices and Nationalized Banks owned or controlled by the Union Government. The purpose of the course is to make Central Government personnel, who possess ‘Working knowledge of Hindi’ to make them proficient to carry out their official wok in Hind. This course is mainly based on practice, in which 80% of training time will be scheduled for practice and 20 % time to discuss the theoretical aspects of the course.

Contents of Course: The course will focus on the following topics:

1 Administration 
2. Finance 
3. Banking 
4. Science & Technology 
5. Glossary of Terms.

Course Duration: 

(1) Intensive Training – 20 Working days (160 Hrs.)

(2) Regular Training – 5 Months (1 hour or 1 1/2 on alternative days.

36. Write a short note on various facilities available to get trained in Hindi courses.

Following are the facilities to get trained in the Hindi courses:

i) Regular Course

ii) Intensive Course

iii) Correspondence Course

iv) Private Study

Answer - i) Regular Course: This is conducted by Hindi Teaching Scheme at selected places in major cities. The employees nominated by various Government offices are pooled at a particular place and Hindi Pradhyapak of HTS will conduct the classes. The classes are conducted daily with one to two hours’ duration and the employees have to attend the classes without fail. The duration of course under this stream will be six months. Examinations are conducted twice in a year, one during May and other in the month of November.

ii) Intensive Course: This is also conducted by Hindi Teaching Scheme at selected places in major cities and the Pradhyapak of HTS will conduct the classes. Hindi Training is imparted intensively under this stream.

Following are the duration of each course.

1) Prabodh - 25 Working Days

2) Praveen - 20 Working Days

3) Pragya - 15 Working Days

The examinations are conducted at the end of each course and the results are declared within a week time. This course is conducted thrice in a year.

iii) Correspondence Course: This is conducted by Central Hindi Directorate at New Delhi. The study materials together with response sheet are mailed to the nominated staff directly by the Directorate and the employee have to submit the filled in response sheet to the directorate for correction. Examination under this stream is conducted once in a year during November month.

iv) Private Study: Employees can write the examination through private study also. Employees can seek the assistance of Hindi organization functioning at Divisional/Zonal Railway Office to appear as private candidate for Hindi examination. The duration of each course will be six months.

Remarks: The candidates who qualify the Hindi Language, Typewriting and Stenography examinations of the Hindi Teaching Scheme through own efforts will be eligible for the financial benefits even if they secure 5% less marks than the prescribed percentage, while granting them the Cash Award in addition to Lumsum Award.

37. Write a Short Note on Hindi Workshop.

Answer - Hindi Workshops are organized regularly for officers/employees, who have working knowledge or proficiency in Hindi, to overcome their hesitation of doing work in Hindi and also for employees who are required to do their day to day official work in Hindi. Every possible efforts are made that every Hindi knowing employee could participate in these workshops at least once in a year and could get an opportunity for the practice of doing work in originally in Hindi. In Hindi Workshops emphasis should be placed on Hindi writing exercise and use of Unicodeencoding, emails and dictations should be taught. According to new guidelines, the duration of Workshop should be minimum one working day. Minimum two third of the time of workshop shall be devoted to the actual practice of doing the official work in Hindi on the subjects related to that of office.

38. Write a Short Note on Language of the advertisements published in Newspapers.

Answer - The advertisements published in English/Regional language shall mandatorily be published in Hindi also. In the Hindi Newspaper, advertisement should be given in Hindi only and in English newspaper these should be only in English. When advertisements are given in English newspapers, then at the end of the advertisement, it should be invariably mentioned that the Hindi version of the notification /advertisement/circular regarding vacancy is available on the website. For this complete link should be provide.

39. Write a Short Note on Training Materials in Railway Training Institute.

Answer - For increasing the use of Official Language Hindi in Official work, inter alia, it is necessary to impart training through Hindi Medium to all the employees in all the training institutes of the Central Government. Every type of training, whether of long-term or short term, should be imparted through Hindi Medium in ‘A’ and ‘B’ Regions. To impart training in ‘C’ Region the training materials should be prepared both in Hindi and in English and made available to the trainees in Hindi or in English as per their requirements. By imparting induction training and in-service training through Hindi medium, employees and officers will be capable of carrying out the work originally in Hindi.

42. Write a Short Note on Violation of Official Language Rules and Policy?

Answer - The official Language Policy of the Union is based on encouragement and motivation. However, the compliance of the instruction relating to Official Language should be ensured strictly. In case any officer or employee violates the provisions regarding Official Language intentionally the action can be taken against him/her on the basis of violation of rules and orders in the context thereof.

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