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Tuesday 10 January 2023

Machinery & Plant Programme

Machinery & Plant Programme

Plan Head 41

The proposal spelling out the requirements of various Machinery and Plant required by all the departments during next year is called M&P Programme. It is complied by PCME of each Railway and sent to Railway Board and is finally approved by Parliament through Budget. 

Machinery and Plants are expensive assets both to acquire and maintain.  Hence, it is important that investments in M&P shall be made thoughtfully.  Railways and Production Units (PUs) must submit their consolidated Preliminary M&P Programme for items costing more than Rs. 10 lakhs each & above each for Zonal Railways and Rs. 30 lakhs & above each for Production Units and all Road vehicles irrespective of their cost through the M&P Portal maintained by the Railway Board.  

For items costing up to Rs. 10 lakhs each and Electronic in-motion weigh bridges costing up to Rs.20 lakhs each (excluding Road vehicles irrespective of their cost) can be sanctioned by Zonal Railway under GM’s Powers.  In case of Production Units, items costing up to Rs. 30 lakhs each (excluding Road vehicles irrespective of their cost) can be sanctioned under GM’s Powers. The monetary limits for submission of proposals to RB are revised from time to time as per the latest delegation of powers.

M&P Proposals can be initiated under DRF, CAPITAL and DF allocations. Proposals on CAPITAL (additional) account should be supported with financial justification and Rate of Return (in accordance with Para 201 and 202 of Chapter II Indian Railway Financial Code Volume-I) duly vetted by Associate Finance. Except for machines required on safety considerations, Rate of Return must be clearly indicated duly quantifying benefits such as reduction in cycle time, improved quality and reliability, reduction in monotony etc and indicated in the proposal. 

M&P Proposals chargeable to DF should be to a minimum level, restricted to items like medical/safety equipment required for ART/ARME   

Items proposed under GM’s Out of turn sanctions should not be included in the regular M&P Programme for Board’s sanction.   

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