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Friday 5 May 2023

Persons with Disabilities, PWD

Persons with Disabilities: RBE No.62/2017 

Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/98/RC-2/8, dated 17.09.1998 (RBE No.216/1998) 

E(NG)II/2015/RC-2/2, dated 16.09.2015 (RBE No.63/2015), 

No.E(NG)II/2011/RC-2/6, dated 21.08.2013, 

No.E(NG)II/2006/RC-2/13, dated 19.12.2013, 

No.E(NG)II/2014/RC-2/1 List, dated 14.02.2014 & E(NG)III/2014/RC-2/1 List pt., dated 30.03.2015 & 22.07.2016, 

No.E(NG)II/2009/RC-2/14, dated 24.06.2014, 

No.E(NG)II/2009/RR-1/10Pt., dated 17.06.2016 (RBE No.69/2016). 

Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights Full Participation) Act, 1995

Horizontal of reservation for PWDs: Reservation for SCs/ STs/ OBCs is called vertical reservation and the reservation for PWDs is called horizontal reservation. Horizontal reservation cuts across vertical reservation (interlocking reservation) and persons selected against quota for PWDs, have to be placed in the appropriate category. viz., SCs/ STs/ OBCs/ UR, depending upon the category to which they belong in the roster meant for reservation of SCs/ STs/ OBCs. 

Quantum of reservation: 

1. In case of direct recruitment, four percent of the total number of vacancies to be filled by direct recruitment, in the cadre strength of Non-gazetted staff shall be reserved for persons with benchmark disability. 

2. Against the posts identified for each disabilities, of which, one percent is shall be reserved for persons with benchmark disabilities under the following clauses (a), (b) and (c) and one percent, under clause (d) and (e), unless otherwise exempted from the provision of reservation for persons with benchmark disabilities herein under:- 

(a) Blindness and low vision; 

(b) Deaf and hard of hearing; 

(c) Locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims and Muscular dystrophy; 

(d) Autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness; 

(e) Multiple disabilities form amongst persons under clauses (a) to (d) including deaf-blindness.”

4% of the vacancies in case of direct recruitment to non-Gazetted posts are to be reserved for PWDs of which 1% each are to be reserved for persons suffering from (i) blindness or low vision (ii) hearing impairment (iii) loco motor disability or cerebral palsy in the post identified for each disability. Only such person would be eligible for reservation who suffers from not less than 40% of relevant disability. Even while considering the case of candidate with multiple disability, the clause of not less than 40% of relevant disability has to be kept in view. 

Definition of Disabilities:- 

(a) Blindness: “Blindness” refers to a condition where a person suffers from any of the following conditions, namely: 

        (i) total absence of sight; or 

        (ii) visual acuity not exceeding 6/60 or 20/200 (Snellen) in the better eye with correcting lenses; or 

       (iii) limitation of field of vision subtending an angle of 20 degree or worse; 

(b) Low vision: “Person with low vision” means a person with impairment of visual functioning even after treatment or standard refractive correction but who uses or is potentially capable of using vision for the planning or execution of a task with appropriate assertive device. 

Hearing Impairment: “Hearing Impairment” means loss of sixty decibels or more in the better ear in the conversational range of frequencies. Hearing Impairment would also include persons who are deaf dumb. 

(a) Locomotor disability: “Locomotor disability” means disability of the bones, joints or muscles leading to substantial restriction of the movement of the limbs or any form of cerebral palsy. 

(b) Cerebral Palsy: “Cerebral Palsy” means a group of non-progressive conditions of a person characterized by abnormal motor control posture resulting from brain insult or injuries occurring in the prenatal, peri-natal or infant period of development. 

(c) All the cases of orthopedically handicapped persons would be covered under the category of “loco motor disability or cerebral palsy”.

Physical Efficiency Test (PET) is a part of Examination process as PWDs are exempted from PET. 

Relaxations & Concessions: 

(a) Age relaxation: 

(i) Age relaxation of 10 years (15 Years for SC/ST and 13 years for OBC candidates) in upper age limit shall be allowed to PWDs in case of direct recruitment in the posts identified suitable for them, subject to the condition that maximum age of the applicant on the crucial date shall not exceed 56 years. 

(ii) This age concession shall be admissible irrespective of the fact, whether the post is reserved for PWDs or not, provided the post is identified suitable for the relevant category of disability. 

(iii) If a PWD is entitled to age concession by virtue of being a Central Government employee, concessions to him/her will be admissible either as a PWD or as a Central Government employee, whichever is more beneficial to him/her.

Exempted from passing the typing test. 

PWDs shall be exempted from payment of examination fee and application fee.

2 genuine attempts may be allowed in the normal course and further attempts shall be allowed for valid reasons with the personal approval of General Manager.  

RBE No.23/2018: Persons with Benchmark Disabilities

Effecting, Reservation – Maintenance of Rosters:

1. Every Government establishment shall maintain group-wise a separate vacancy based 100 point vacancy based reservation roster register in the format given in Annexure for determining/effecting reservation for the Persons with Benchmark Disabilities – One each for Group ‘A’ posts filled by direct recruitment, Group ‘B’ posts filled by direct recruitment and Group ‘C’ posts filled by direct recruitment. 

2. Each register shall have cycles of 100 points and each cycle of 100 points shall be divided into four blocks, comprising the following: 

1st Block – Point No.1 to point No.25 

2nd Block – Point No.26 to point No.50 

3rd Block – Point No.51 to point No.75 

4th Block – Point No.76 to point No.100 

3. Points 1, 26, 51 and 76 of the roster shall be earmarked for persons with benchmark disabilities – one point each for four respective categories of disabilities. The Head of establishment shall ensure that vacancies identified at Sl. No.1, 26, 51 and 76 are earmarked for respective categories of persons with benchmark disabilities. However, the head of establishment shall decide the placement of the selected candidate in the roster register.

The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 which has become effective from 19th day of April, 2017.

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