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Monday 17 October 2022

Railway Rates Tribunal (RRT)

Railway Rates Tribunal (RRT):-

Prior to independence, the functions of Rail Operation were done by private companies, as such; no special attention was paid towards railway rates. After independence, keeping in view, the interest of public and to control the improper rates Central Government has established Railway Rates Tribunal in 1949. Its Headquarter is situated in Chennai.

Section – 33: Constitution:-

According to this Section of Railway Act

1. The tribunal shall consist of a Chairman and two other members.

2. Chairman - A person who is or has been a judge of Supreme Court or High Court.

3. Members – One member shall; be a person who has special knowledge of the Commercial, Industrial or Economic condition of the country. Other member shall be person who has special knowledge and experience of the commercial working of the railways.

4. Tenure – The chairman and other members of the Tribunal shall hold office for five years or up to age of 65 years, whichever is earlier.

Section 36: According to this section RRT shall hear and decided complaints against railway administration.

1. Contravening the provision of section 70.

2. Charging for carriage any commodity between two stations at unreasonable rate.

3. Levying any other unreasonable charge.

Sections 37: Following matter are not within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal.

1. Classification or re-classification of any commodity.

2. Fixation of wharfage or demurrage charges including complaints attached to such charges.

3. Fixation of fares levied for the carriage of passengers and freight levied for the carriage of luggage, parcels, railway material and military traffic.

4. Fixation of lump sum rates.

Section 38: The tribunal shall have the powers of a civil court. Under these powers Tribunal can enforce the attendance of witness, compelling the discovery and production of documents and issuing summons to the customer.

Section 39: As per this section Central Government may make a reference to the tribunal for Inquiry of matters mention in section 37 and tribunal will also submit a report to Central government.

Section- 42- The decisions or order of the Tribunal shall be by a majority of the members sitting. This decision will be final.

Section- 45- According to this section Tribunal may very or revoke the decision.

Section-46- The Tribunal may transmit any decision or order made by it to a Civil Court and Civil Court shall execute the decision as if it was decision made by that court.

Section 47- The Tribunal shall present annually a report to the Central Government of all its proceedings and decision

The cases of revision in regards of dismissal removal or compulsory retirement of Group ‘C’ employees the General Managers will send the files and connected papers without any observation or comments. The recommendations of Tribunal are not binding to General Manager.


Write short notes:-

1. Dis-report.

2. Procedure for settlements of minor claims.

3. Measures to prevent claims.

4. Monetary power for settlement of claims.

Answer in detail:

1. What do you mean by claim? What are its demerits to Railway?

2. What is claim? Write reasons for claims and means to prevent them.

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