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Monday 10 October 2022

User Depot Module (UDM)

User Depot Module (UDM)

User Depot Module (UDM) developed by CRIS (Centre for Railway Information Systems) was rolled out digitally across all User Depots of Western Railway by Shri P. C. Sharma, Member(T&RS) on 28.09.2020.

This system will be implemented across all Zones of Indian Railways. Railway’s supply chain up to Stores Depots has already been digitized, however activities at user end are being done manually. Implementation of this system will bring in transformational changes from manual working to digital working with real time transactions and online information exchange among all stakeholders. This will ensure digitization of complete supply chain, including user depots.

The system will facilitate economy, efficiency and transparency besides improved asset management. It will ensure improved service level and satisfaction to customers.

Intended benefits of UDM:

 Computerization of the entire Supply Chain i.e. Consignee End / User Depots

will get included in Digital Supply Chain (Stores Depots are already there)

 Optimization of material procurement

 Improved Level of Service to internal as well as external customers

 Traceability of material usage leading to improved Asset Maintenance

 Real time information exchange (including Stock Position) among various stake-holders on pan-India basis

 Enhanced efficiency, economy & transparency

Some of the capabilities of UDM:

 Creation of Computerized Ledgers

Receipt of material:

 Directly from Vendors or Contractors against Stores Purchase Orders/

GeM Orders / Works Contracts / Cash Purchase / Imprest / Other

 From Workshops / Other User Depots / Consignees / Field Units

 From Stores Depots against S-1313 (Combined Requisition-cum-Issue

Note) / S-1830 (Imprest) / Non-Stock R-Notes / Sale Issue Notes

 Against Book Transfer within same User Depot

 As Unconnected Receipts / Shop Manufactured Receipts

 Generation of digitally signed Consignee Receipt Note (CRN) / Consignee Receipt Certificate (CRC)

Issue of material:

 To End User i.e. Ultimate User

 To other User Depots/Consignees

 To Contractors

 On Book Transfer within same User Depot

 To Stores Depots on Advice Note

 To Purchasers as Scrap Deliveries against Auction Sale

 Placement of Demands on Stores Depots [S-1313 (Combined Requisitioncum-Issue Note) / S-1830 (Imprest)]

 Facilitates issue of material on FIFO basis (First In First Out)

 SMS alert to Stock Holder when stock falls below Threshold Limit

 All transactions is digitally secured environment

 Provision for uploading of image of Item

  Provision for Receipt & Issue on Loan & Assistance basis 

 Placement of Demands on other Consignees/User Depots 

 Generation of Gate Pass for the material issued  Integration with RITES & RDSO Inspection Database 

 Linkage with IRPSM Work ID while issuing material 

 Rejection Handling both Initial Rejection as well as Warranty Rejection 

 Stock Verification (Accounts / Departmental) & Stock Sheet Management 

 Transactions with Non-Computerized User Depots/Consignees 

 Generation of Adjustment Memos for raising Debits on Other User Depots 

 Generation of Daily Material Transaction Report (DMTR) 

 Inventory Management, Consumption Analysis, Shelf-Life based Analysis 

 Make-wise / Vendor-wise Analysis of Issues / Receipts / Balances 

 Provision of various MIS & Exception Reports (downloadable in Excel) 

 Real time Stock availability in User Depots & Stores Depots

Additional Capabilities planned: 

 Facility for processing of Non-Stock Demands in UDM (presently in iMMS). 

 UDM data will be made available to other Applications like IPAS, TMS, SLAM, CMMS, FMMS etc. through seamless integration.

Requirements at User End: 

 PC / Laptop / Printer / Internet Connectivity 

 Minimum Class-2 Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) 

 Basic knowledge of Computer 

 Consignee Code / email ID / Mobile No. of User 

User Management & Hand-holding: 

 All officers can log-in into UDM [URL: https:// ireps.gov.in 

 New iMMS (UDM)] using their existing IREPS’ User ID/ Password / DSC 

 HoDs / CWMs / Branch Officers etc. of Railway Units having privileges to work as Administrator for IREPS can create their users for UDM also 

 Trial site for UDM also there for which users are created by CRIS 

 Exhaustive User Manual available on website. 

 Weekly on-line training / orientation sessions conducted by CRIS. 


Introduction: User Depot Module (UDM)

  1. This “User Depot Module” (UDM) intends to computerize various material management activities at the end of User Depots i.e. Consignees. This will enable authorized user for:
    • Creation of Computerized Ledgers & DMTRs (Daily Material Transaction Reports) for recording receipt & issue transactions by authorized Users.
    • Receipt of Stores by User Depots/Consignees against Purchase Orders/GeM Orders/Contracts wherein material to be delivered directly to Consignees, against Cash Purchase/lmprest, from Shops, from Other User Depots/Consignees on Loan/Assistance basis, from other Field Units, against Book Transfer within same User Depot, from Stores Depots against S-1313 (Combined Requisition-cum-lssue Note) / S-1830 (Imprest Issues) / Non-Stock R-Notes/ Sale Issue Notes.
    • Issue of material to End User, to other User Depots/Consignees on Assistance/Loan basis, to Contractors, on Book Transfer within same User Depot, to Stores Depots on Advice Note, to Purchasers for Scrap Deliveries etc.
    • Placing Requisitions on Stores Depots for Stock Items (S-1313 as well as Imprest Demands)
    • Placing Demands on User Depots/Consignees, Issue Note, Gate Pass, Adjustment Memo etc.
    • Transacting with Non-Computerized User Depots/Consignees w.r.t. receipt & issue of material.
    • Integration of payment activities on IPAS with digitally signed Consignee Receipt Note (CRN) / Consignee Receipt Certificate (CRC) being generated in “User Depot Module”, once the Module gets stabilized.
    • Rejection Handling – both Initial Rejection as well as Warranty Rejection
    • Stock Verification (Accounts / Departmental) & Stock Sheet Management.
    • Accessing several MIS/Exception Reports.
    • Real time information exchange among various stake-holders leading to enhanced operational efficiency, economy and transparency.
  1. Any user for this User Depot Module for a particular Railway or Department or Unit can be created by any concerned officer (JAG & above) or by any other concerned officer who has Administrator rights or by Departmental Administrator.
    • As elaborated at Para 19 of this User Manual, every User who wishes to make transaction on User Depot Module has to be mapped to a Consignee Code.
    • Each Consignee Code can have as many Transaction Users, as one wishes. One will be the Main Depot User while other Users will be created by Main Depot User (with the approval of Officer) as a Sub-Depot/Sub-Consignee User.
    • Mapping of Main Depot User to a Consignee Code will be done by the Administrator/Officer concerned.
    • Further, in order to be enable receipt & accountal of material from Stores Depot, Users(Main Depot User as well as Sub-Depot/Sub-Consignee User) will have to be a registered user on existing IMMS Application.
    • Mapping of Users (Main Depot User as well as Sub-Depot/Sub-Consignee User) with IMMS User ID will be done by the concerned User himself.
    • Officers cannot make basic transactions but they will have authority to approve CRN / Advice Note of Users of their Department and they can view various Reports / Transactions etc. of various Users.
    • Officers need not to be linked with Consignee Code.

  1. For using this UDM, user has to possess a valid Class-2 or Class-3 Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) which is being used on IREPS / SPARROW etc.
    • For installation of DSC, standard procedure available in Learning Centre & System Settings options under Learning or Quick Links or Assistance Tab on https://ireps.gov.in or https://trial.ireps.gov.in can be used.
    • Users may seek assistance of existing IREPS Users for assistance regarding DSC.
    • Also, users have to download & install CRIS signer on their PC (available at https://ireps.gov.in/ireps/pki/CrisSigner.msi), if not already installed.
    • For testing purpose, CRIS will be providing Test DSC, but users can change this Test DSC with their own DSC using the standard procedures referred above.
    • • IPAS (Integrated Payroll & Accounting System) • SLAM (Software for Loco Asset Management) • CMMS (Coaching Maintenance Management System) • FMMS (Freight Maintenance Management System) • WISE (Workshop Information System) • TMS (Track Management System) etc.
              -: 0:-

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