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Tuesday 11 April 2023

Participation of Railway Employee in Management (PREM)

Participation of Railway Employees in Management (PREM) 

With a view to give an increased sense of involvement and to facilitate a meaningful and effective participation of workers in the managerial process Indian Railways have a permanent forum designated as PREM (Participation of Railway Employees in Management). 

It was set up on 23rd March 1994 after restructuring the erstwhile set up of CEG (Corporate Enterprise Groups), established in September, 1972. 

 The broad objectives of PREM are:- 

 To evaluate the functioning of the Railways and exchange data and ideas on ways and means for improving the efficiency and viability of the enterprise; 

Appraise the investment programme, particularly in regard to housing and other welfare services; 

Identify areas and devise action oriented methods for maximizing organizational effectiveness, the use of technology and towards building up the image of the Railways as a service organization;

To facilitate effective and meaningful participation of Railway employees in the management process; 

To give them a sense of involvement and pride in the organisation’s works; and 

To discuss and identify the measures for improving the quality of service to the rail passengers and safety of operation. 

PREM is a three-tier body functioning at the Apex, Zonal and Divisional levels. Besides the members representing the top management from administrative side, four representatives from National Federation of Indian Railwaymen (NFIR) and All India Railwaymen’s Federation (AIRF), two representatives each from Federation of Railway Officers’ Association (FROA) and Indian Railway Promotee Officers’ Federation (IRPOF) and two representatives from the All Indian RPF Association (AIRPFA) are members of PREM Group. 

The meeting of PREM group is held once in a quarter at the all three levels i.e. Apex/Railway Board, Headquarters/Zonal and Divisional levels. 

The PREM Group is a forum of substance as it has worked a lot to improve industrial relations over the Indian Railways. PREM is the only forum, which offers participation of all the major recognized Unions/Federatons of Indian Railways who represent various segments of Railway employees at a single platform. The unique aspect of this forum is that it does not sort out staff grievances but discuss and decide the policies to be adopted over the Indian railways for its betterment.

It was setup in the ministry of Railway in the year 1972 and the Zonal Railways in 1977.

On Indian Railways it is working on three-tier basis.

1. The Railway Board Level 
(Corporate Enterprise Group of Labour of Management)
2. The Zonal Railway Level
3. The Divisional Railway Level


  • To have better and systematic participation of labour in management with the main objective of improving the efficiency viability of Railway organisation and building the image of Railways as a service organisation
  • To proved free flow of exchange of ideas on the running and shaping of Railway organisation
  • Apprise the investment programme particularly in regard to housing and welfare activities.

Note : Staff matters could not be discussed unless linked with the overall productivity of the organisation.

1. The Railway Board Level :

Chairman - Chairman Railway Board
Convenor - Secretary Railway Board
Administrative side - Members Railway Board, Advisers & ED’s,
Staff side - Four representatives of NFIR & AIRF each.
                 Four representatives of federation of Railway officers.
                 Four representatives of federation of promotee officers association

2. The Zonal Railway Level

Chairman - GM
Convenor - Dy. GM (G)
Administrative side - AGM &  PHOD’s
Staff side - Four representatives of NRMU & CRMS each
                Four representatives of Railway officers association.
                Four representatives of promotee officers association.

3. Divisional Railway Level :

Chairman - DRM
Convenor - Sr. DPO/ DPO
Administrative side - ADRM & Branch Executives
Staff side - Four representatives of NRMU & CRMS each
                Four representatives of Railway officers association.
                Four representatives of promotee officers association.
Meeting : once in three months at all three levels.

Participation of Railway Employees in Management (PREM) 

With a view to give an increased sense of involvement and to facilitate a meaningful and effective participation of workers in the managerial process Indian Railways have a permanent forum designated as PREM (Participation of Railway Employees in Management). It was set up on 23rd March 1994 after restructuring the erstwhile set up of CEG (Corporate Enterprise Groups), established in September, 1972. The broad objectives of PREM are:- 

To evaluate the functioning of the Railways and exchange data and ideas on ways and means for improving the efficiency and viability of the enterprise;

Appraise the investment programme, particularly in regard to housing and other welfare services; 

Identify areas and devise action oriented methods for maximizing organizational effectiveness, the use of technology and towards building up the image of the Railways as a service organization; 

To facilitate effective and meaningful participation of Railway employees in the management process; 

To give them a sense of involvement and pride in the organisation’s works; and 

To discuss and identify the measures for improving the quality of service to the rail passengers and safety of operation. 

PREM is a three-tier body functioning at the Apex, Zonal and Divisional levels. Besides the members representing the top management from administrative side, four representatives from National Federation of Indian Railwaymen (NFIR) and All India Railwaymen’s Federation (AIRF), two representatives each from Federation of Railway Officers’ Association (FROA) and Indian Railway Promotee Officers’ Federation (IRPOF) and two representatives from the All Indian RPF Association (AIRPFA) are members of PREM Group. 

The meeting of PREM group is held once in a quarter at the all three levels i.e. Apex/Railway Board, Headquarters/Zonal and Divisional levels. 

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