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Tuesday 4 April 2023

Transfer Exemption from 5 years service, Inter Railway Request Transfer (IRRT), Placement Committee

Transfer Exemption from 5 years service, Inter Railway Request Transfer (IRRT), Placement Committee


RBE No.12/2017: Transfer Policy – Exemption from 5 years service

(i) Transfers sought on mutual exchange basis; 

(ii) Transfer sought on spouse ground; 

(iii) Railway servants who are care-givers to the disabled child; and 

(iv) Physically handicapped Railway servants.

RBE No. 94/2019: Transfer – Comprehensive Transfer Policy – Widows Appointed on Compassionate Ground 

No.E(NG)I-2015/TR/20, dated 07.06.2019

Widows appointed on compassionate grounds may also be exempted from the condition of minimum five (5) years service for the purpose of seeking inter-railway request transfer. 

RBE No.67/2019: Transfer – Inter-Railway Request Transfer – Minimum Service Condition

Training period, wherever prescribed would also be counted while reckoning five years’ service in the railway for becoming eligible for consideration towards Inter Railway request transfer.

Comprehensive Transfer Policy: 

RBE No.28/2022 – Eligibility for NG on Inter Railway Request Transfer (IRRT)

No.E(NG)I-2017/TR/24, dated 10.03.2022 &

No.E(O)III-2014/PL/05, dated 31.08.2015.

General Managers, in consultation with recognized Trade Unions, may increase the minimum service period for Inter-Railway transfer from 5 years to 10 years for specific categories in non-gazetted cadre, keeping in view the need for manning important posts for smooth train operations.

Comprehensive Transfer Policy for Railway Officers 

No.E(O)III/2014/PL/05, dated 31.08.2015

RBE No.106/2010: Transfer On Deputation / Foreign Service 

RBE No.70/2018: Transfer – Placement Committee

No.E(NG)I-2017/TR/24, dated 21.05.2018

(earlier Ref RBE No.109/2015 & Board’s letter No.E(O)III-2014/PL/03, dated 10.06.2014)

(iii) For officials of the Level-11 and above in Zonal Railways Headquarters: 

(a) One officer of Personnel Branch at least one scale below the Cadre Controlling Authority (minimum Junior Scale). 

(b) One officer of the concerned Department at least one scale below the Cadre Controlling Authority (minimum Junior Scale).

(c) One officer outside the Department at least one scale below the Cadre Controlling Authority (minimum Junior Scale). Competent authority: The Competent Authority to accept the recommendations of the above Placement Committee shall be concerned HOD.

Mutual transfer and one way request transfer cases may be kept out of the Ambit of placement committee.

Postings/Transfers: Placement Committee – Implementation of Supreme Court Judgment No.E(O)III/2014/PL/03, dated 10.06.2014

Hon’ble Supreme Court in its judgment dated 31.10.2013 in Writ Petition (C) 82/2011 inter alia directed that:- “There should be a Committee to be constituted at appropriate levels to decide postings and transfers of all Group ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ officials even if within the same zone. The postings/transfers to be regulated by transparent policies with assured minimum tenure. Policy revision may, therefore, be framed.”

Therefore, decided that there should be Placement Committee to recommend transfer/postings of all Railway servants as per Hon’ble Supreme Court’s decisions. The following shall be the Placement Committee(s): 

(i) For officers of the level of Group ‘B’ to Selection Grade in the Zonal Railways and Production Units/ Construction Organization/ RDSO etc. and Workshops:- 

(a) PHOD/ CHOD/ Cadre controlling officer of the concerned department. 

(b) Chief Personnel Officer/ HOD of Personnel Department and standby officer would be another SAG, IRPS officer. 

(c) One PHOD/ CHOD of a department outside the concerned department. 

It is, therefore, requested to constitute the Placement Committee at your level as per Board’s directives for recommendations of transfer/posting of Railway employees under your control. 

Competent Authority: The Competent Authority to accept the recommendations of the Placement Committee will be General Manager/ Head of Organization. 

(ii) For officers of the level of Jr. Scale and Sr. Scale in the Zonal Railways and Production Units/ Construction Organization/ RDSO etc. and Workshops: 

(a) HOD of the concerned cadre. 

(b) HOD of the Personnel Department. 

(c) HOD from another Department. 

Competent Authority: The Competent Authority to accept the recommendations of the above Placement Committee will be the PHOD of the cadre. 

(iii) For officials of the level of Group-C in Zonal Railway Headquarters:- 

(a) JA/SG officer of Personnel Branch. 

(b) The concerned JA/SG Officer of the concerned department. 

(c) One JAG/SG Officer of a department outside the concerned department.  

Competent Authority: The Competent Authority to accept the recommendations of the above Placement Committee will be the PHOD/ CHOD of the cadre.

(iv) For officials of the level of Group-C in Railway Divisional office:- 

(a) One officer of Personnel Branch at least one scale below the Cadre Controlling Authority (minimum Junior Scale). 

(b) One officer of the concerned department at least one is scale below the Cadre Controlling Authority (minimum Junior Scale). 

(c) One officer outside the Department at least one is scale below the Cadre Controlling Authority (minimum Junior Scale). 

Accepting Authority: The competent authority to accept the recommendations of the above Placement Committee shall be the controlling officer (JAG/SAG/Sr. Scale) of the Department or the Branch Head.

(v) For officials of the level of Group-C Production Units and RDSO/ Workshop:- 

(a) One officer of Personnel Branch at least one scale below the Cadre Controlling Authority (minimum Junior Scale). 

(b) One officer of the concerned Department at least one scale below the Cadre Controlling Authority (minimum Junior Scale). 

(c) One officer outside the Department at least one is scale below the Cadre Controlling Authority (minimum Junior Scale). 

Accepting Authority: The competent authority to accept the recommendations of the above Placement Committee will be the Cadre Controlling Officer (JAG/ SAG/ Sr. Scale) of the Department or the Branch Head.


(i) The concerned PHOD/ CHOD of the cadre will nominate the officers from his cadre in various Placement Committee(s). The GM/ DRMs and Heads of Organization may suitably modify the Placement Committee depending upon the availability of members of the Committee. 

(ii) They will nominate suitable stand by members.

3. Functions: The following will be functions of the Placement Committee:- 

(i) To consider and make recommendations for transfer and posting of officers/ staff and to make recommendations as per explicitly stated applicable norms under various extant instructions on transfer/ postings. 

(ii) For posting of various posts in Board, the suitability for a particular post will be governed by guidelines issued by the concerned Functional Board Member. 

(iii) The Placement Committee would meet at least once in three months and also when required at the time of transfers on promotions. 

(b) Tenure in Zonal Railway/ Production Units/ Workshops:- 

(i) The minimum tenure in any post upto SAG will be 2 years & maximum 4 years, subject to guidelines issued in connection with the posting in sensitive posts. 

(c) Tenure in RDSO:- A minimum of 2 years and a maximum of five years tenure will be permitted for officers of the rank of Joint Director, Director and Executive Director. 

Note: The Respective Competent Authority may overrule the recommendations of the Placement Committee by recording the reasons in writing. 

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