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More than 10000 MCQs

Read more than 10000 MCQs, Notes, Quiz, Railway Codes, Railway Manual, Labour Laws Rules & Act, Railway GK, Rly.Accounts, Rajbhasha & more different topics of Indian Railway Departmental Examination (Non-Technical) to enhance your knowledge

Sunday 27 November 2022

Date of Birth

225. Date of Birth.—(1) Every person, on entering railway service, shall declare his date of birth which shall not differ from any declaration expressed or implied for any public purpose before entering railway service.  In the case of literate staff, the date of birth shall be entered in the record of service in the railway servant’s own handwriting.  In the case of the illiterate staff, the declared date of birth shall be recorded by a senior railway servant and witnessed by another railway  servant.   

(2)A person who is not able to declare his age should not be appointed to railway service.

(3) (a) When a person entering service is unable to give his date of birth but gives his age, he should be assumed to have completed the stated age on the date of attestation, e.g. if a person enters service on 1st January, 1980 and if on that date his age was stated to be 18, his date of birth should be taken as 1st January, 1962.   

(b) When the year or year and month of birth are known but not the exact date, the 1st July or 16th of that month, respectively, shall be treated as the date of birth.

(4) The date of birth as recorded in accordance with these rules shall be held to be binding and no alteration of such date shall ordinarily be permitted subsequently.  

It shall however, be open to the President in the case of a Group A & B railway servant, and a General Manager in the case of a Group C & D railway servant to cause the date of birth to be altered.

(i)         Where in his opinion it had been falsely stated by the railway servant to obtain an advantage otherwise in admissible,  provided that such alteration shall not result in the railway servant being retained in service longer than if the alteration had not been made, or

(ii)        where, in the case of illiterate staff, the General Manager is satisfied that a clerical error has occurred, or

(iii)       where a satisfactory explanation  (which should not be entertained after completion of the probation period, or three years service,  whichever is earlier) of the circumstances in which the wrong date came to be entered is furnished by the railway servant concerned, together with the statement of any previous attempts made to have the record amended. 

Railway Ministry’s decision.—(a) When a candidate declares his date of birth he should produce documentary evidence such as a Matriculation certificate or a Municipal birth certificate, if he is not able to produce such an evidence he should be asked to produced any other authenticated documentary evidence to the satisfaction of the appointing authority,.  Such authenticated documentary evidence could be the School Leaving Certificate, a Baptismal Certificate  in original or some other reliable document.  Horoscope should not be accepted as an evidence in support of the declaration of age. 

(b) If he could not produce any authority in accordance with (a) above he should be asked to produce an affidavit in support of the declaration of age. 

(c ) In the case of Group D employees care should be taken to see that the date of birth as declared on entering regular Group D service is not different from any declaration expressed or implied, given earlier at the time of employment as casual  labourer or as a substitute.  

Note.—The source/basis on which the date of birth has been recorded in the Service Records of the employee at the time of entering service may be recorded below the date of birth recorded. 

(Authority:- Railway Board’s letter No.E(G)99 FR 1/1 dt. 7-12-99)  

Tuesday 22 November 2022

UMID,Unique Medical Identity Card,CTSE,

UMID,Unique Medical Identity Card,CTSE,

1. What is UMID ?

UMID is a smart health card system in Indian Railways.

It helps in providing Unique Identity to all medical beneficiaries individually through a unique number as a perpetual entity. This Unique Identity is further strengthen with unique smart feature of web-enabled QR code and Biometric identity with common database at all India level, this web and mobile application helps in identifying medical beneficiaries across all health units spanning all across Indian Railways.

2. What are the objectives of UMID ?

  • > To issue Smart cards to all medical beneficiaries:
    1. >> Employees
    2. >> Pensioners
    3. >> Dependents of Employees and Pensioners
    4. >> Other beneficiaries such as Quasi Rly. Employees, Porters/ Coolies etc.
  • > Convenience in applying and revising beneficiary particulars online.
  • > Ease & convenience in using Health Services with built-in authentication mechanism.
  • > Auto generation of OPD slips through Kiosk in Hospitals.
  • > Identification even without physical card with Smart Identity Features.
  • 3. Understanding Smart card features in UMID

    UMID is a smart health card system in Indian Railways.

    It helps in providing Unique Identity to all medical beneficiaries individually through a unique number as a perpetual entity. This Unique Identity is further strengthen with unique smart feature of web-enabled QR code and Biometric identity with common database at all India level, this web and mobile application helps in identifying medical beneficiaries across all health units spanning all across Indian Railways.

4. Benefits of UMID

  • > Apply for card from any place through web and mobile application.
  • > Ease and convenience in accessing health services of Railway hospitals.
  • > Physical card independent identification of health units.
  • > Identification at any health unit at any point of time.
  • > Ease to update beneficiaries and their particulars.
  • > Built-in validation for automatic invalidation for conditional eligibility.
  • > Robust rule engine to power the automatic rule integration without manual scrutiny.
  • > Smart card features to ensure automatic authentication.
  • > Intelligent Hospital interface to generate OPD slips automatically through kiosk.
  • > Helps in initiating Debits & Credits between Health units.
  • > Multiple sources of identity along with system based validation creates convenience for all stakeholders.

5.How UMID beckons for more Services in Future ?

  • > Beneficiaries database can be readily help for e-pass system since Medical Beneficiary rules are almost coterminous with Pass Beneficiary Rules.
  • > The golden Master Database of Beneficiaries helps in rendering services to genuine family members at the time of Settlements, Compassionate Appointments, Children Education Allowance etc.
  • > Common database with common data strengthen at pan India level leverages for large scale Data Analytics and Data Mining for policy decisions for social welfare of Railway fraternity.

6. How to Register and Apply for Smart Medical Card ?

3 - Step Process:
  • > Access:
  • > Registration:
  • > Initiate Application:
> Access:
  1. Web Application URL: digitalir.in/umid
  2. Mobile application @ (Google Play Store)
> Registration:
  1. Choose Type of Beneficiaries (Employee/ Pensioner/ Other's).
  2. Identity Particulars (PAN, Date of Birth and PF number).
  3. Mobile Number Registration.
> Initiate Application:
  1. Login through OTP.
  2. Initiate New Application.
  3. Fill up details of Self and Family Members.
  4. Upload Relevant Documents (as per checklist) and submit.

7. How to Download Medical ID Card ?

  • > After approval download ID card to use in Hospitals.
  • > Save Id card in Mobile through Mobile App.
  • > Print ID card on plastic card.
  • > Print only QR code (even on plain paper).

8. How to avail Medical Services through UMID ?

Avail Medical services in Railway Hospitals through 2 simple steps.
  • > Enter any of the Registered Identity particulars.
  • > Validate through Bio-metrics.
  • > Automatic printing of OPD slip.

9. How Help Desk Works ?

Service Request can be raised online under help desk tab.
  • > Provide email ID if not registered (Optional if registered).
  • > Enter subject of the request.
  • > Describe the problem.
  • > Submit & Note the reference number to track the status.

10. How Checklist helps in Application Process ?

If all relevant documents as per different dependents (as per relationship to the Employee or Pensioner) are kept in readiness, the application process will be smooth and can be completed in few minutes at one go.
As a ready reckoner.

For Employee

For Pensioner

कैशलेश उपचार योजना के बिन्‍दू  (CTSE Card)

आपातकाल में

1.      यूजर आईडी Create करने से संबंधित क्‍या प्रक्रिया है ।

2.      RELHS कार्ड के स्‍थानांतरण (आने या जाने) करने पर क्‍या स्थिति होगी ।

3.      मूल राशि 30000/-,15000/-,6000/-  एवं अतिरिक्‍त राशि 236/- दोंनों क्‍या (Employee beneficiaries) अलग-अलग नामों से देय होंगे।

4.      क्‍या हमें ऑनलाइन/ऑफलाइन फार्म कैसे भरना होगा।

5.      सेवानिवृत्‍त कर्मचारी द्वारा क्‍या कोई Declaration/Agreement भी लेना होगा।

6.      UTTISL को डाटा कैसे भेज सकेत हैं।  (Through Hard Copy/Soft Copy) , ऑनलाइन/ऑफलाइन तो आईडी किस प्रकार बनेगा ।

7.      CTSE कार्ड क्‍या एक ही हो सकते हैं या अलग-अलग लेना जरूरी है। (Employee beneficiaries)

8.      Empanelled Hospital की स्थिति में भारत में किसी भी Empanelled Hospital(with other railways ) में इलाज करवा सकते है ।

9.      जो RELHS के सदस्‍य नहीं बने हैं क्‍या उनको नया सदस्‍य बनाये जा सकते हैं क्‍यों कि तभी CTSE कार्ड बनाये जा सकते हैं ।

10. अगर कोई सेवानिवृत्‍त कर्मचारी बाहर से रेल डिब्‍बा कारखाना, कपूरथला में आरईएलएचएस कार्ड स्‍थानांतरण करवाता है तो उसका CTSE कार्ड का डाटा कैसे Verify करेंगे ।

11. 48 घंटे तक अगर सेवानिवृत्‍त कर्मचारी को Emergency Consider नहीं की जाती है तो क्‍या भुगतान स्‍वंय करनी होगी।

12. UTTISL को डाटा कौन Provide करवायेगा या ARPAN द्वारा ले लिया जायेगा ।

13. CTSE कार्ड कितने दिन में मिलेगा । क्‍या रेलवे यूनिट में कार्ड भेजा जायेगा या सेवानिवृत्‍त कर्मचारी को पते पर भेजी जायेगी।

14. Emergency Consider किन केसों में की जायेगी । 

रेलवे बोर्ड के पत्र संख्‍या 2014/H/28/1/Smart Card/Part A दिनांक 14.07.2016 के अनुसार रेल से सेवानिवृत्‍त सभी अधिकारियों/कर्मचारियों के लिए आपातकाल में कैशलेस उपचार योजना (CTSE) शुरू करने का दिशानिर्देश प्राप्‍त हुआ है। जो भी सेवानिवृत्‍त अधिकारी/कर्मचारी RELHS सदस्‍यता प्राप्‍त एवं रेल में पंजीकृत हैं,  कैशलेस उपचार योजना (CTSE) में शामिल करने का प्रावधान किया गया है, साथ ही जो भी सेवानिवृत्‍त कर्मचारी/अधिकारी CTSE का सदस्‍य बनने के इच्‍छूक हो, परन्‍तु वे RELHS के सदस्‍य नहीं हैं, उन्‍हें भी RELHS के सदस्‍यता शुल्‍क अदा करके RELHS और उसके साथ-साथ CTSE का सदस्‍य बनने का विकल्‍प है। आपातकाल में कैशलेस उपचार योजना (CTSE) वैकल्पिक है जो भी सेवानिवृत्‍त अधिकारी/कर्मचारी सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी (आईटी) के जानकार हैं, Online फार्म  www.railctse.utiitsl.com पर स्‍वयं भर सकते हैं तथा भरा हुआ फार्म की Hard Copy, Beneficiary Declaration Form की दो प्रतियों में एवं निर्धारित राशि की Original Demand Draft  जो कि concerned FA & CAO  के नाम से देय हों इस कार्यालय में भेज सकते हैं, अथवा जिन सेवानिवृत्‍त अधिकारी/कर्मचारी को Online फार्म  भरने में कठिनाई आ रही हो वह व्‍यक्तिगत रूप से निम्‍नलिखित दस्‍तावेजों के साथ इस कार्यालय में उपस्थित हों ताकि उनका Online फार्म भरा जा सके ।

(i)                 पूर्ण रूप से भरा हुआ ऑफलाइन फार्म ( बेबसाइट पर उपलब्‍ध अथवा कार्मिक विभाग के सेटलमेंट अनुभाग से प्राप्‍त किया जा सकता है ।)

(ii)               निर्धारित राशि का डिमांड ड्राफ्ट की मूल प्रति जो कि FA & CAO के नाम से देय हों ।

(iii)             वर्तमान पीपीओ की प्रतिलिपि ।

(iv)             पासपोर्ट आकार की फोटो स्‍वयं तथा सभी आश्रितों की ।

(v)               RELHS मेडिकल कार्ड की प्रतिलिपि ।

(vi)             वर्तमान निवास का प्रमाण पत्र ।

(vii)           ईमेल आईडी (Email ID) एवं मोबाइल संख्‍या (OTP सत्‍यापन  के लिए )

(viii)         आधार कार्ड की प्रतिलिपि स्‍वयं तथा सभी आश्रितों की (वैकल्पिक)


            डिमांड ड्राफ्ट की राशि पात्रता के अनुसार निम्‍न प्रकार होगी ।





7th वेतनमान आयोग के अनुसार अन्तिम वेतन (पीपीओ/संशोधित पीपीओ में अंकित )

डिमांड ड्राफ्ट की राशि (अतिरिक्‍त 200/-+18% GST प्रति सदस्‍य)


जो निजी वार्ड के लिए पात्र हैं

63,101/- से अधिक



जो अर्द्ध निजी वार्ड के लिए पात्र हैं ।

47,601/- से 63,100/- तक



जो सामान्‍य वार्ड के लिए पात्र हैं ।

47,600/- तक



सेवानिवृत्‍त अधिकारी/कर्मचारी को डिमांड ड्राफ्ट (उपरोक्‍त राशि +अतिरिक्‍त 200/-+18% GST प्रति सदस्‍य) बनाने होंगे । उदाहरण के लिए यदि किसी कर्मचारी के परिवार में चार सदस्‍य हों (स्‍वयं, पत्‍नी तथा दो बच्‍चे) तथा यदि वे क्रम संख्‍या (i) के अनुसार निजी वार्ड के लिए पात्रता रखते हों तो उन्‍हें 30,000/- + 800/- +144 (कुल राशि 30,944/-) का डिमांड ड्राफ्ट बनाने होंगे ।


        उपरोक्‍त Online From आपातकाल में कैशलेस उपचार योजना (CTSE) कार्ड बनाने हेतु M/S UTIITSL को भेजा जायेगा एवं लगभग 02 माह में सेवानिवृत्‍त अधिकारी/कर्मचारी एवं उनके आश्रित सदस्‍य के अलग-अलग कार्ड उनके द्वारा दिये गये आवासीय पते पर भेज दिये जायेंगे । CTSE कार्ड सदस्‍य देश में किसी भी स्‍थान पर स्थित रेलवे के पैनल वाले किसी भी अस्‍पताल में आपातकालीन चिकित्‍सा उपचार करवाने के पात्र होंगे । पैनल पर उपलब्‍ध अस्‍पतालों की सूची www.railctse.utiitsl.com पर देखी जा सकती है एवं पैनल पर उपलब्‍ध अस्‍पतालों में भर्ती होने के समय कोई राशि जमा करने की आवश्‍यकता नहीं है । 

Monday 21 November 2022

Staff Welfare Activities in Indian Railways

 Staff Welfare
Welfare Activities in Indian Railways.

Do you know About Welfare Activities for Railway Staff & Their Families......................?

Here are  some important activities given below.

1) Railway Employees Liberalized Health Scheme(RELHS): For
    Retired Railway Employees and their families.

2) Railway Holiday Homes for stay of Railway Employees and their
    Families at reasonable rates.

3) Railway Employees Children camp(Centralized): Held once in a
    year update their knowledge of ancient India.

4) Railway Employees Camp below 55 Years of age    
    (centralized):Held once in a year for the recreation of railway 

5) Railway Employees Camp 55-60 years (De-Centralized): Held
    once one year for recreation of Railway Staff and Spouse.

6) Re-Reimbursement of Cost of Spectacles @ of Rs.2500.00 or
    actual cost which ever is less.

7) Re-Reimbursement of  Cost of dentures @ of Rs.3000.00 for full
     set of dentures or actual cost which ever is less.

8) Grant of Funeral assistance @ Rs.10,000/-(in case of death of 
     Railway Staff while in service).

9) Technical Scholarship for Children under going higher
     education in Engg./Other Scientific areas.

10) Award to Children/ward who secure position in HSLC
      Exam/Higher secondary Examination per Student Rs.15000.00.

11) Grant of assistance to Cancer Patient @ 2,00,000.00 each case
     (one time only).

12) Assistance during prolonged Sickness of staff with LWP @

13) Assistance to Staff  for serious injury/death while on duty.

14) On the spot drawing Painting competition of Railway
      Employees children organized by Railway Women's Welfare

15)On the spot Essay competition for Railway Employees children
     organized by Railway Women's welfare organization.

16)Music and Drama competition for the Railway Employees and
      their Families.

17)Awards for accident free services to Safety/Running Categories
     of Staff.

18) Railway Week award for meritorious work to the Railway

19) Compensation under Employee's Compensation Act.

20)Payment of PF,GIS, Commutation value, Leave salary & DCRG
     at the time of Superannuation.

21) Railway Institutes/Recreation clubs for Railway Employees &
       their Families.

22) Railway community hall for use of Railway staff for functions.

Subsistence allowance, Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act 1946 Section 10A

Section 10A in The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 

[10A. Payment of subsistence allowance.— 

(1) Where any workmen is suspended by the employer pending investigation or inquiry into complaints or charges of misconduct against him, the employer shall pay to such workman subsistence allowance— (a) at the rate of fifty per cent. of the wages which the workman was entitled to immediately preceding the date of such suspension, for the first ninety days of suspension; and (b) at the rate of seventy-five per cent. of such wages for the remaining period of suspension if the delay in the completion of disciplinary proceedings against such workman is not directly attributable to the conduct of such workman. 

(2) If any dispute arises regarding the subsistence allowance payable to a workman under sub-section (1) the workman or the employer concerned may refer the dispute to the Labour Court, constituted under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), within the local limits of whose jurisdiction the industrial establishment wherein such workman is employed is situate and the Labour Court to which the dispute is so referred shall, after giving the parties an opportunity of being heard, decide the dispute and such decision shall be final and binding on the parties. 

(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing provisions of this section, where provisions relating to payment of subsistence allowance under any other law for the time being in force in any State are more beneficial than the provisions of this section, the provisions of such other law shall be applicable to the payment of subsistence allowance in that State.] 

1.Payment of Subsistence Allowance : 

1.1 He is entitled to subsistence allowance @ 50% of Basic Pay which he was entitled to immediate preceding the date of such suspension for first six months. Thereafter, it may be enhanced to 75%, if the delay is not directly attributable to the conduct of the suspended employee. However, it may be reduced to 25% of Basic Pay if the delay is prolonged due to the reasons directly attributable to the suspended employee. 

1.2 He is required to produce a certificate to the effect that he has not engaged himself in any other employment(s) such as business, trade, profession, vocation, etc., during the period of suspension and is further subject to review as provided in the Company’s Rules. 

2. Payment of Dearness Allowance (DA) : 

2.1 He is They are entitled to draw DA on the basis of subsistence allowance paid to him during the period of suspension. 

3. Payment of City Compensatory Allowance (CCA) : 

 3.1 He is entitled to draw CCA from the date from which he has been paid subsistence allowance at the same rate as he was drawing immediately prior to suspension. 

4. Payment of HRA & Rent for Self Leased/ Leased Accommodation 

4.1 He is entitled to HRA/Lease Rent under self leased/leased accommodation from the date from which he has been paid subsistence allowance and the quantum would be the same as drawing immediately before suspension

Sunday 20 November 2022


Secret Ballot Election

SBEs have been held on previous occasions in Nov.-Dec.,2007 and Mar.-Apr. 2013.

  1. TU should be registered under the Trade Union Act, 1926, for at least one year as on 31.12..year before election.......... (i.e. date of registration should be on or prior to 01.01....year before election....). 
  2. It must represent the interests exclusively of all Non-Gazetted Railway servants (i.e. not of any category/cadre/section etc of Railway Servants) of the Zonal Railways concerned. 
  3. TU must submit a copy of “Certificate of Registration” of Trade Union issued by ‘Registrar of Trade Unions’ as per section 9 of the Trade Union Act, 1926. Copy should be self-certified by the President or General Secretary of the TU concerned. 
  4. If a TU is registered within the geographical jurisdiction of a ‘Zonal Railway’ as notified under Section 3 of the Railways Act, 1989, that particular TU would be deemed to meet aforementioned condition for that particular Zone(s).For example, if a TU is registered in Kolkata, it can file nomination in ER, SER and Metro Railway Kolkata but in no other Zone(s). 
  5. TU should submit “No-Dues Certificate”, obtained from the Railways’ departments concerned, for having paid all basic charges/bills on account of Office Rent, Electricity, Telephone and Water, due till 31.12.year before election.
  6. TU should have submitted a refundable Security Deposit of ₹ 1,00,000/- (one lakh only), along with nomination papers, by way of either (i) Demand Draft drawn in favour of FA & CAO of the Zonal Railway concerned or, (ii) Money receipt obtained from Cash Office of the Zonal Railway concerned. 
  7. In case a TU fails to secure at least 5% [No rounding off permissible] of the total valid votes polled in SBE-year, full security deposit would be forfeited.
  9. All Non–Gazetted Railway Servants (Group ‘C’ inclusive of erstwhile Group ‘D’), serving as on 01.07.year before election. 
  10. Substitutes with Temporary Status, serving as on 01.07.year before election. 
  11. Non–Gazetted Railway Servants, who are serving on deputation, as on 01.07.year before election. 
  12. Non–Gazetted Railway Servants on deputation, as on 01.07.year before election, to Railway Electrification (RE)/Construction projects or any other project where cadre has not been closed. 
  13. Railway Servants in (-1S) Pay Band (if any), serving as on 01.07.year before election.
  14. Non–Gazetted Railway Servants, serving as on 01.07.year before election, in Training Centres/Schools and Railway Schools/Colleges, who are permitted to be members of TUs. 
  15. Ministerial/clerical Railway Servants serving, as on 01.07.year before election, in the RPF/RPSF establishment but not belonging to RPF/RPSF cadre and who are NOT governed by the Railway Protection Force Act, 1957.
  17. (a) Substitutes without Temporary Status, Casual/Contract labour and those engaged on daily wage basis. 
  18. (b) Such Academic staff, which are not permitted to be members of the TUs, and borne on the rolls of Training Institutes/Centres and Railway Schools/Colleges. 
  19.  (c) A Railway Servant, who is promoted and has assumed charge of a Group ’B’ post on or before the date of polling.
  20. (d) A Railway Servant, who has superannuated or pre-maturely retired or voluntarily retired or compulsorily retired or dismissed or removed or resigned or is no more, on or before the date of polling.
  21. (e) RPF/RPSF personnel governed under Railway Protection Force Act, 1957.
  22. (f) Newly-recruited staff i.e. those who (i) are yet to join a post in Railways and; (ii) are getting training as Trainees as on 01.07.year before electionand; (iii) are in receipt of Stipend (i.e. not in regular pay scale/pay matrix).
  23. CASES OF TRANSFER (a) Names of Railway Servants, whose transfers are carried out after publication of Voters’ list, shall stand deleted/deemed to be deleted from the original Voters’ list. However, names of such transferred Railway Servants shall be added to the Voters’ list at her/his new station of posting. This should invariably be ensured by the Presiding Officer/ immediate controlling officer/ supervisor under whom the Railway Servant assumes duty. 
  25. (a) TUs securing 30% or more of the number of ‘Total Electorate’ of Zonal Railway shall be considered for recognition. Note: ‘Total Electorate’ means total number of Railway Servants eligible to vote on polling dates in a Zonal Railway, as published in Final Voters’ list. 
  26. (b) In case only one TU secures 30% or more of ‘Total Electorate’ and some other TU [securing next maximum number of votes (i.e. runner-up) of the ‘Total Electorate’] secures 35% or more of the “Total Valid Votes Polled” (i.e. TVVP), both TUs shall be considered for recognition. Note: In case there are two runners-up securing equal number of TVVP (while also securing 35% or more of TVVP), only one of the two runners-up TUs shall be considered for recognition (apart from the winner securing 30% or more of the Total Electorate) on the basis of draw of lots. 
  27. (c) In case situations as stipulated in preceding sub-sections (a) and (b) do not arise, two TUs securing 35% or more of the TVVP shall be considered for recognition.
  28. (d) In case situations as stipulated in preceding sub-sections (a), (b) and (c) do not arise, the TU securing maximum number of TVVP shall be considered for recognition provided it secures 20% or more of the TVVP.
  29. (e) If no TU secures at least 20% of TVVP, none of the TUs shall be considered for recognition.
  30. (f) Recognition of TU shall normally be valid for six years from the date of grant of recognition by the General Manager. Secret Ballot election for the purpose shall normally be held every six years.
  31. (g) The recognition so granted, can be withdrawn/suspended by the General Manager for any justifiable reason, after issuing a show-cause notice and after passing a speaking order. 
  32. (h) The existing recognized TUs and their Federations shall continue to remain as recognized (subject to conditions, if any) till a fresh election process is completed.
  33. All the contesting TUs must furnish in writing that they shall observe the “Code of Discipline”.
  34. Chapters XXV and XXVI of “Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Volume-II” (IREM-II) deal with the rules for (i) recognition of Unions of Non-Gazetted Railway Servants; and (ii) Conditions precedent to recognition of the Unions and (iii) Negotiating machinery for dealing with disputes between Railway labour/staff and Railway Administration etc.
  35. Campaigning within 100 metres of polling booths and holding public meetings during 48 hours prior to the start of the polling is not permitted.
  36. Contesting TU must obtain prior permission of the Railway administration for holding a Gate Meeting during lunch hours. However, no Gate meeting will be allowed within 48 hours of the date of polling.
  37. Grant of gifts, cash etc. is strictly prohibited.  
  38. Secret Ballot Election, at Zonal level, shall be held under the overall supervision of the respective ‘Principal Chief Personnel Officers’ (PCPOs i.e. either in the rank of PHOD or CHOD or whoever is discharging the duties of the post of PCPO) of the Zonal Railways who shall be the “Returning Officer” (RO) for the respective Zonal Railway (Since ROs are nominated on ex-officio basis). ROs shall be assisted by one “Additional Returning Officer”(ARO) who will be an SAG/SG officer at Zonal level to be appointed by the respective RO.
  39. At Zonal Hqrs/Divisional/Workshop/Extra-divisional Unit (EDU) level, ROs shall appoint “Presiding Officers”(PO) for each of these units. POs can be either CPO (for Hqrs), ADRM(for Divisions), CWM/Head of Workshop(for Workshops) and an appropriate SAG level Officer(for EDUs). These POs shall appoint “Assistant Presiding Officers” (Sr.DPO/DPO/ Dy.CPO/SPO/Any other Officer).
  40. POs shall also appoint Polling Teams comprising Polling Officers (either Gazetted or Senior Sub-ordinate) and Polling Assistants/ Polling Helpers of appropriate levels.
  41. It should be ensured that Polling Officers/Polling Assistants are not serving as present office-bearers of any contesting TU.
  42. Moreover, any official who had been an office bearer of any recognised TU during the last six years (preceding date of notification of SBE) shall not be deployed as Polling Officer/Polling Assistant/Polling Helper. A declaration to this effect shall be taken from each official appointed as Polling Officer/Polling Assistant/Polling Helper.
  43. A TU may choose its own symbol or opt for one which is available with the Returning Officer. However, it cannot choose symbols like Engines, Track, bogie, coaches, signal etc. i.e. which have close connection with the working of Railways. A TU may use a symbol that was used by it in the previous election, provided that that the chosen symbol does not have/bear any connection/resemblance with Railways. For example, a ‘Bogie/Coach/Locomotive/Track etc’ used as a symbol would NOT be permissible even if the same was used in previous elections by such TU.
  44. The ‘Symbol’ should not have any resemblance to the symbols allotted to any political party by “Election Commission of India” or by “State Election Commission” in the States served by Zonal Railway concerned. 
  45. It should not have resemblance to any religious or sectarian motifs/ideas. 
  46. No two contesting TUs shall be allotted similar looking symbols. Whether two symbols are similar looking or not shall be decided by the Returning Officer, whose decision shall be final.
  47. Ballot paper shall be printed with distinct running Serial Number in accordance with the staff strength of the Zonal Railways concerned and in confidential manner. Services of RRB/RRCs may be used for the purpose of confidential printing. It may be ensured that the Ballot Paper, so printed, conforms to relevant and extant provisions of “The Official Languages Act, 1963”.
  48. Voters do not have to travel for more than 30-35 kms.in order to vote.
  49. Suitable arrangements should be made at the Polling Booth for female voters and also for those who are covered under “The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016.”
  50. Two Polling Agents of each contesting TU, per booth per day of polling, shall be entitled for “Special Casual Leave”.
  51. If a complaint is received from any contesting TU or some credible source regarding substantial electoral irregularity at some Polling Booth, the Presiding Officer shall hold an instant fact-finding inquiry. On the basis of inquiry report and after holding consultations with the Returning Officer, the Presiding officer may order to conduct Re-polling at the said Polling Booth on the following day.
  52. The Ballot Boxes shall be opened in the presence of the Presiding Officer and “Authorized Counting Agents”(ACA) of the TUs. The number of ACA should not be more than four per contesting TU, to be authorized by the Presiding Officer on the recommendation of contesting TUs. 
  53. Unused Ballot Papers will also be forwarded on the last day of poll to the Returning Officer through the Presiding Officer for retention (up to 2 months) & record.
  54. Fine :
  55. up to Rs.10,000/- on Trade Unions -Convening/holding public meetings in connection with election and display of any election matter through various media sources and cultural performances during period of forty eight (48) hours prior to the hour fixed for commencement of poll and during the duration of polling process, Lodging false/incorrect complaint against another Trade Union. 
  56. up to Rs.20,000/- levied on Trade Causing damage to Railway Property in course of canvassing by defacing/spoiling.
  57. All officials performing duty of recording/counting of votes is liable to maintain secrecy of the voting and its violation constitutes an offence. Liable to attract D&AR Rules 1968.
  58. Misconduct in the polling station or disobedience of directions of the polling officer. 
  59.  OFFENCES LEADING TO DISQUALIFICATION - Promoting feeling of enmity or hatred on grounds of religion, race, caste, community or language amongst different classes/ categories of Railway Servants.
  60. Filing of false affidavit/undertaking, or concealing any information in the affidavit filed by the TRADE UNION.



(i) Lien represents the right of a Government employee to hold a regular post, whether permanent or temporary, either immediately or on the termination of the period of absence. The benefit of having a lien in a post/service/cadre is enjoyed by all employees who are confirmed in the post/service/cadre of entry or who have been promoted to a higher post, declared as having completed the probation where it is prescribed. It is also available to those who have been promoted on regular basis to a higher post where no probation is prescribed under the rules, as the case may be.

(ii) The above right will, however, be subject to the condition that the junior-most person in the cadre will be liable to be reverted to the lower post/service/cadre if at any time the number of persons so entitled is more than the posts available in that cadre/service. For example, if a person who holds a lien to a post reverts from deputation or foreign service and if there is no vacancy in that post/service/cadre to accommodate him, the junior-most person will be reverted. If, however, this officer himself is the junior-most, he will be reverted to the next lower post/service/cadre from which he was earlier promoted.

Lien on a post

A Government servant who has acquired a lien on a post retains a lien on that post—

(a) while performing the duties of that post;
(b) while on foreign service, or holding a temporary post or officiating in another post;
(c) during joining time on transfer to another post; unless he is transferred substantively to a post on lower pay, in which case his lien is transferred to the new post from the date on which he is relieved of his duties in the old post;
(d) while on leave; and
(e) while under suspension.


A Government servant on acquiring a lien on a post will cease to hold any lien previously acquired on any other post.


239. Lien-Unless in any case it is otherwise provided in these rules, a Railway servant on acquiring a lien on a post will cease to hold the lien previously acquired on any other post. 

240. Retention of Lien-  A Railway servant who has acquired lien on a post retains the lien on that post— 

(a)        while performing the duties of that post;

(b)        while on foreign service, or holding a temporary post, or officiating in another  post;

(c)        during joining time on transfer to another post, unless he is transferred alongwith his title to a post  on lower pay , in which case his lien transferred to the new post from the date on which he is relieved of his duties in the earlier post; and

(d)        while on leave; and

(e)        while under suspension; 

Provided that no lien of a railway servant shall be retained; 

(i)        where a Railway servant has proceeded on immediate absorption basis to a post or service outside his service/cadre/post in the Government from the date of absorption; and

(ii)        On foreign service/deputation beyond the maximum limit admissible under the orders of the Government issued from time to time. 

241.  Omitted.       (Authority: Rly. Board’s Letter No.E(NG)I-98/CN5/2, dot. 5-2-99.) 

 242.  Termination of Lien-(a)  Except as provided in Rule 240 and clause (b) of this rule a  Railway servant’s  lien on a post may in no circumstances be terminated, if the result will be to leave him without a lien upon  a regular post. 

(b) A Railway servant’s lien on a post shall stand terminated on his acquiring a lien on another post (whether under the Central Government or State Government) outside the cadre on which  he is borne. 

 243.Transfer of Lien-Subject to the provisions of Rule 227 a competent authority may transfer to another post in the same cadre, the lien of a Railway Servant  who is not performing the duties of the post to which the lien relates. 

{ 227. A competent authority may transfer a Railway servant from one post to another provided that, except:-  

(1)     On account of inefficiency or misbehavior, or 

(2)     On his written request, 

A Railway servant shall not be transferred to, or except in a case or dual charge, appointed to officiate in a post carrying less pay than the pay of the post on which he holds a lien.  

(Authority:- Railway Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-98/CN5/2 dt.5-2-99) 

 228. Retention of lien on transfer.—The lien of a permanent staff transferred to another railway  will be retained by the transferring railway till he is finally absorbed on the other railway. }

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