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Friday 11 November 2022

Record Retention, Record CATEGORY ‘A’, Record CATEGORY ‘B’, Record CATEGORY ‘C’:

Record Retention, Record CATEGORY ‘A’, Record CATEGORY ‘B’, Record CATEGORY ‘C’:


1.         National Archives of India (NAI)

2.         Public Records Act, 1993

3.         Public Records Rules, 1997.

4.         Departmental Records Room (DRR)

5.         Departmental Records Officer (DRO)

6.         Record Retention Schedules (RRS)



a.  CATEGORY ‘A’:-

·      At the time of recording of such files, these are endorsed as ‘KEEP and MICROFILM’.

·      Records for permanent preservation because of their administrative purpose.

·      These categories of files are kept for at the most 25 years with the creator.


b.  CATEGORY ‘B’:-

·      At the time of recording of such files, these are endorsed as ‘KEEP but DO NOT MICROFILM’.

·      Records of Historical importance

·      This category will cover files required for permanent preservation for administrative purposes


c.   CATEGORY ‘C’:

·      ‘Keep for specified period only’.

·      This category includes those files which are required to be preserved for specified period only.

·      These are the files of secondary value having reference value for a limited period not exceeding 10 years.

d.  The eFiles may be recorded under two categories:

·      Category – ‘A’ & ‘B’– eFiles which qualify for permanent preservation for administrative purposes or historical reason.

·      Category –‘C’ – eFiles which are of secondary importance having reference value for a limited period not exceeding 10 years, however in case it is to be retained beyond 10 years it will be upgraded to ‘A’ or ‘B’ Category.

8.         Category ‘A’ and Category ‘B’ recorded files are reviewed after the completion of 25 years from the year of opening of files

9.         Category “C” records are reviewed after the completion of the indicated calendar years from the year of closure. For example, if a file has been recorded as C-3, on 15.06.2005 it would be reviewed any time after completion of the years 2006, 2007 and 2008.

10.  Indicate the appropriate category of record and in the case of category `C', also specify the retention period and the year of review/weeding/destruction on the top sheet; for non-file documents, indicate the number of years for retention on the top sheet/file cover. e.g. “C/5 – Destroy (or Review) 2/2023 on top sheet/file cover of the file to be retained for 5 years from the date of closure in 2/2018”. This is done after the Dealing Officer has specifically obtained approval of the Section Officer;

11.  After review it is found that some of the records have outlived its utility, it is weeded out. Here, before such records are confined to incinerator or shredder for destruction a ‘Certificate of Destruction’ is prepared in the format prescribed as ‘Form-6’ in the Public Records Rules, 1997.

12.  Daftry or Peon Book – one year after the close of year.

13.  The recorded files retained in the DRR at the most for 24 more years. 1+24=25 years.

14.  Pay Bill Registers which have the prescribed retention period of 35 years.

15.  Files obtained from DRR are normally returned within three months

16.  Files obtained from NAI are not normally retained for more than six months except with their specific knowledge and consent.

17.  Every record creating agency is required to designate one of its officers as ‘Departmental Records Officer’ [DRO] under intimation to the NAI.

18.  The schedules of record retention should be reviewed periodically say after every five years or so.

19.  There are four types of record retention schedules:


a.              In respect of records connected with accounts, observe the instructions contained in Appendix 9 to the General Financial Rules, 2017 (website of the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure www.finmin.nic.in);

b.             (b) In respect of records, relating of establishment, personnel and housekeeping matters which are common to all Ministries/Departments, follow the ‘Record Retention Schedule’ in respect of Records Common to All Ministries/Departments’, which is available on Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances’ website www.darpg.gov.in as amended from time to time.

c.               In respect of records prescribed in this Manual, observe the retention periods specified in the Appendix 16.3.

d.             In respect of records connected with its substantive functions of the Directorates, follow the Retention schedule prescribing the periods for which files dealing with specified subjects is to be preserved in consultation with the National Archives of India or retention period as per Directorate’s own instructions/codal provisions etc

20.  In eFile, change of file title and removal of any paper from any part of the electronic file is not permissible. In eFile, file maintenance is a continuous and automatic activity.

21.  Closed eFiles will be reviewed as per Record Retention Schedules and marked for weeding out/transfer to NAI as per extant procedure of NAI.

22.  Custody of Confidential and Secret recorded proceedings.—Confidential and secret proceedings will be arranged and stacked in a locked cupboard in the Record Room, the keys of which will remain in the custody of the Section Officer, Record Branch.

23.  In eFile, once the physical file gets reviewed, Records Management System (RMS) takes care of the file that has been sent for weeding out. The provisions relating to weeding out in the RMS is as per the procedure prescribed as above.

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