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Saturday 30 July 2022

Misc. 56 MCQ for self test

Misc. 56 MCQ for self test.

Fill in the blanks with correct answer from the following.
1. To stop increment of pay up to three year, which effect pension is a ………..penalty.
(a) major (b) minor (c)medium (d)None of these
2. S.F.-3 is given for ……………….
(a) Vehicle allowance (b)substance allowance (c)transport allowance(d)None of these
3. During suspension ……. percentage basic pay and D.A. is given.
(a) 60 (b)50 (c)40 (d)70
4. There is no limit of duty for ………… category.
(a) Intensive(b)continuous (c) essentially intermittent (d)excluded
5. Children below …….. years cannot work in factories.
(a) 21 (b) 12 (c) 18 (d) 25
6. Welfare inspector works under …………. department.
(a) personal (b) mechanical (c) operating (d) commercial
7. LAP charged at the rate ………… day per month.
(a) 2.5 (b) 3.0 (c) 3.5 (d) 2.0
8. Group of employees involved in employment close the work is called ………...
(a) Protest (b) leave (c) strike (d) None of these.
9. Generally deduction should be up to………. %.
(a) 40 (b) 30 (c) 60 (d) 50
10. As per Factory act overtime should not be more than ………. hours in a week.
(a) 50 (b) 52 (c) 45 (d) 60
11. Dispensary is required for more than ……… employees.
(a) 5000 (b) 500 (c) 200 (d) 150
12. Encashment given at the time of retirement for ………… nos. of LAP leave.
(a) 300 (b) 280 (c) 350 (d) 250
13. Child care leave for female employee given up to ………… days maximum.
(a) 660 (b) 560 (c) 700 (d) 730
14. Silver pass given from ………… grade officer.
(a) JAG (b) Senior Scale (c) SAG (d) none of these.
15. School pass grant for Group ‘C’ employee …………. full set and …….. half set.
(a) 03-06 (b) 04-08 (c) 02-04 (d) None of these
16. Minimum ……….. workers without power required for factory act.
(a) 10 (b) 15 (c) 20 (d) 30
17. Head quarter of railway safety commission is ……….
(a) Delhi (b) Calcutta (c) Mumbai (d) Chennai.
18. Tuition fees given to ………. serving child of employee.
(a) Younger two (b) Elder two (c) Any two (d) None f
19. The work of concentration difficult or exhaustion is called ………… work in those of employment (HOER).
(a) Continuous (b) Excluded (c)essentially intermittent (d) Intensive
20. Canteen required in factory for more than ………. employees.
(a) 500 (b) 200 (c) 250 (d) 700
21. ………….days given for joining in out station at transfer.
(a) 15 (b) 10 (c) 07 (d) 30
22. Within …………days salary will be given for more than 1000 person according to payment wages act.
(a) 10 (b) 12 (c) 15 (d) 07
23. Compensation on full permanent disability ……………………………
(a)50 % x basic x age factor (b) 60 % x basic x age factor
(c) 80 % x basic x age factor (d) None of these
24. The pension which is obtained on retirement within a fix age limit is called as ……………….
(a) Supremeannuation (b) Upperannuation (c) Superannuation
(d) None of these
25. Employee is eligible for pension after minimum……… years of continuous service.
(a) 25 (b) 10 (c) 05 (d) 20
26. Minimum compensation money is ………… Rs on permanent full disability.
(a) 140000 (b) 100000 (c) 240000 (d) 200000
27. Supervisor has to communicate the message within ………… hours to the respective officer in case of employee death during working hours.
(a) 24 (b) 48 (c) 56 (d) 66
28. …………. is the Chief of safety Deptt. Of Railway .
(a) CSO (b) CME (c) COM (d) CRSE
29. According to the Rajbhasa Act country is divided in …………regions.
(a) 03 (b) 02 (c) 05 (d) 08
30. Maternity leave is permissible for ….days, on 02 survivals children.
(a) 180 (b) 90 (c) 15 (d) 00
31. …………….. Form is used for Major Penalty.
(a) SF 1 (b) SF 5 (c) SF 9 (d) None of them
32. ------------ is the highest authority of Mechanical Department in Indian Railway.
(a) GM (b) MM (c) CME (d) CWE
33. Chairman of PNM at HQ is …………….
(a) CME (b) SDGM (c) CPO (d) None of these
34. …………….. days LAP is given to group ‘C’ employee?
(a) 15 (b) 30 (c) 08 (d) 12
35. AAC is for …………….. item .
(a) Stock (b) Non stock (c) Imported Stock (d) Emergency Stock
36. PL No. is denoted by -------------digit.
(a) 08 (b) 10 (c) 12 (d) 06
37. Suspension is a --------------penalty
(a) Major (b) Minor (c) Smallest (d) None of them
38. Stock items are drawl on Form No. -------------.
(a) Requisition (b) Issue Ticket (c) DS 8 (d) None of them
39. ….days, CL is admissible in workshop.
(a) 08 (b) 10 (c) 12 (d) 15
40. Maternity leave is admissible for ……….. days .
(a) 30 (b) 90 (c) 180 (d) None of them

41. ARE is nominated by ------------ . 

(a) Inquiry officer (b) Disciplinary officer (c) Appealing officer (d) Presenting officer. 

42. Supervisor is ………level Manager

 (a) Medium (b) Senior (c) High (d) None of them 

43. Study leave is admissible after completion of …………… year service . (a) 05 (b) 10 (c) 15 (d) 03 44. .Maharastra is under……….. Region as per Rajbhasa Act

45. D&AR is applicable by violation of --------------- ,. (a) Service conduct rule (b) Service rule (c) Railway Act (d) None of them 

46. ------------ is the highest authority of Mechanical Department of Zonal Railway. (a) CME (b) CFTM (c) COM (d) CPTM 

47. ………… is competent for sanctioned of RSP work 

(a) GM (b) Railway Board (c) CME (d) CWM 

48. By ………….. rule an employee can be removing without issuing charge sheet. 

 (a) 11/2 (b) 14/2 (c) 10/3 (d) None 

49. ………… days study leave can be granted. (a) 240 (b) 120 (c) 300 (d) 150 

50. RE/BE is prepared in month of …………… (a) Sept (b) May (c) January (d) December 

51. Railway expenditure is divided in ………….demands. (a) 09 (b) 16 (c) 05 (d) 25 

52. Final modification of budget is prepared …………. (a) August (b) May (c) January (d) December 53. …………… minimum compensation amount is paid if an employee is dead in an accident in influence of liquor (a) 1.2 Lakh (b) 5 Lakh (c) 80 Thousand (d) Nil 

54. ……….. is the Chairman of staff benefit fund at HQ. 

(a) CME (b) CPO (c) Welfare Officer (d) SPO 

55. ………….is Chairman of JCM at HQ level 

(a) CME (b) CPO (c) Welfare Officer (d) None of these. 

56. ………….. luggage is permissible in second class pass. 

(a) 50 Kg (b) 70 Kg (c) 100 bundel (d) 120 Kg

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