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More than 10000 MCQs

Read more than 10000 MCQs, Notes, Quiz, Railway Codes, Railway Manual, Labour Laws Rules & Act, Railway GK, Rly.Accounts, Rajbhasha & more different topics of Indian Railway Departmental Examination (Non-Technical) to enhance your knowledge

Sunday 24 July 2022

Syllabus Group ‘B’ Posts of APO against 70% Selection




As per New order 28.06.2022





of subject

Technical (Professional) subject

80 Marks  

53 %

General Knowledge including optional Questions of 15 marks on Official language Policy& Rules

40 Marks  

27 %

Establishment & Financial Rules

30 Marks  

20 %


150 Marks  

100 %

           ·        Qualifying Marks         :  90 Marks  (i.e. 60 %) 

·        Duration                       : 3 Hours

·        Question Paper             :  175 questions (150 questions to be attempted).

·        1 Mark for every correct answer

·        Mark deducted for every wrong answer. 

Professional Subject;


1.      Personnel department on Indian Railways, Legal framework, industrial laws, industrial relations and grievance redressal system:

a.      Organization and Role of Personnel Department, its functions and objectives, Schedule of Powers in Establishment Matters

b.      Service law, CAT, High Courts, Supreme Court and effective handling of court cases, filing of Review Petitions, SLP, engagement of Advocates and payment of fees to them and their related issues.

c.       Labour legislations viz, Factories Act, its applicability to Workshops and other Railway establishments, Special Rules for Workshop staff in Railways, payment of wages, Workmen’s Compensation Act, ex-gratia payment, incentive bonus scheme, minimum Wages Act, etc.

d.      Hours of Employment Regulations, conducting of job analysis, payment of overtime, etc.

e.      Engagement of casual labour and substitutes, policy and procedure thereof, Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1972, The Sexual Harassment of Women at workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal Act, 2013).


f.       Recognition of Trade Unions and dealing with unrecognized Trade Unions/Associations Industrial disputes, their causes, strikes, lockouts, layoffs, provisions of Industrial Disputes Act and functions of Labour Enforcement Officers and Labour courts.

g.      Grievance Redressal mechanism, Staff Welfare- Staff Benefit Fund, Consumer Co-op. Societies, medical assistance, Workers’ Education Scheme Societies, educational assistance.


2.      Manpower planning, methods of recruitment in Railways:

a.      Manpower planning, surrender and creation of posts, work charged posts, temporary posts, supernumerary posts, vacancy bank etc.

b.      Recruitment:

(i)      Recruitment at various levels and methods of recruitment:

       Functioning of Railway Recruitment Boards.

       Recruitment at Zonal Railways including recruitment of artisan staff, RRC, its roles and functions.

       Appointment of land losers, compassionate ground appointments Sports quota appointments, Cultural quota and Scouts & Guide quota appointments etc.

       Liberalized Active Retirement Scheme for Guaranteed Employment for Safety Staff (LARSGESS)

(ii)      Various Gr. ‘A’ organized services and recruitment to organized Gr. ‘A’ Railway Services.

(iii)     Direct recruitment quota as well as quota for recruitment for intermediate grades.

(iv)    Reservation in recruitment, horizontal and vertical reservation, reservation rosters etc.

c.       Apprentice Act and Implementation of Apprentices Act.

d.      Absorption of medically de-categorized staff in alternative posts.


3.      Training and Development: Basic concept of training and human resource development. Training and Development of Railway employees with emphasis on the following aspects;

a.      Training of Group C employees.

b       Functioning of Zonal Training Schools and other training institutions.

c.       Training of Gazetted Officers in Railways as well as non-Railways institutions.

d.      Various Railway Training Institutes like NAIR, IREEN, IRITM, IRISET etc.

e.      Future developments in Railways, the changing roles of Railway personnel and the need for on the job retaining, multi skilling etc.


4.      Pay and Allowances: Preparation of Pay bills, Pay and allowances in the Railways i.e. Pay bands, Grade pay etc. Principles of pay fixation in case of appointment and promotion (functional and non functional promotions etc.) Instances of pay protection etc. The various allowances admissible to the Railway employees including allowances to the running staff. Reimbursement of tuition fees and legal expenses. TA rules, Loans and advances admissible to the Railway employees and conditions thereof, PLB, etc.


5.      Seniority and promotion:

a.      Rules regulating determination of seniority and procedure for promotion against selection and non- selection posts.

b.      Provision of reservation for schedule Caste and Schedule Tribe employees. Maintaining of reservation roasters.

c.       Other relaxations available to SC/ST candidates in safety and non-safety category posts and procedure for de-reservation of posts.

d.      Performance appraisal –APAR, procedure, maintaining of records, communication of adverse comments etc.

e.      NBR, sealed cover procedure etc.


6.      Retirement benefits:

a.      Pension rules (new and old), provident fund rules, leave encashment rules, Gratuity rules,

b.      Retirement benefits under different circumstances (superannuation, voluntary retirement, resignation, dismissal, technical absorption etc,

c.       Impact of Disciplinary & Appeal Rules, penalties etc on retirement benefits,

d.      Pension adalats, timely settlement and Redressal of grievances related to settlement,

e.      Retirement benefits under Provident Fund & Pension rules and Schemes of Financial Settlement.


7.      The Disciplinary & Appeal Rules, (1968), Railway Services Conduct, Rules, (1966) & Schedule of Disciplinary Powers.


8.      Pass Rules, Leave Rules and joining time. Medical assistance to Railway employees and retired Railway employees.


9.      Computerization of records and personnel management functions (Human Resource Management System) – benefits, challenges and implementation.


10.    Right to Information Act, 2005.


11.    Official Language Policy and Official Language Rules.




Read revised Syllabus for all organised services as per Rly.Bd's letter dated 07.11.2022 applicable from 01.01.2023.

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