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Friday 29 July 2022

Finance (50 MCQ for self test)

Finance (50 MCQ for self test)

Part-I-Functions and structure of Accounts Deptt.

(1) Financial objective of IR is ---------------------------------------------------------------
(2) Accounting may be defined as -----------------------------------------------------------
(3) All the major decisions of IR are subject to approval of -----------------------------
(4) IR get power to spend money through --------------------------------------------------
(5) Two main tasks of accounts deptt. are ---------------------- and -----------------------
(6) Internal checks means -----------------------------------
(7) ------------------settlement of ---------------- claims is also the job of accounts deptt.
(8) Job costing is done in ------------------------------------- on IR.
(9) Five most important functions of accounts deptts are ------------------------
(10) Accounts deptt. on IR is headed by ---------------------------------
(11) Financial commissioner was first appointed in the year ---------------------
(12) --------------------- Committee appointed in ---------------------recommended the separation of railway finances from the general finances.
(13) Two purposes behind appointment of FC were ------------------ and ---------
(14) In case of disagreement between FC and the Board Members/CRB, FC has right to refer case to ---------------------
(15) Zonal/UP accounts deptt. is headed by -------------------------
(16) Pension section in FA&CAO office is under -------------------
(17) Traffic Accounts is under ----------------------------------
(18) Statistical officer reports to -------------------------------
(19) Sr. EDPM reports to ---------------------------------------
(20) Traffic Costing officers reports to ----------------------
(21) Cash and pay office is directly headed by ---------------------
(22) Only a traffic officer can become traffic costing officer (true/false)
(23) Only accounts officer can become statistical officer (true/false)

Part – II Accounts Inspection of executive office by accounts deptt.

(24) Accounts conducts inspection of executive offices to ensure that ------------
(25) Account inspections are conducted as per pre planned and approved Programme (true/false)
(26) Accounts inspection sections are available in -----------------------------------
(27) Station inspections are normally done by ------------------------------------
(28) Store accounts and stock keeping is inspected by ------------------------
(29) Accounts inspection report part I can be closed by executive officers by taking corrective measures. (true/false).
(30) Accounts inspection report part II is closed by the audit deptt. (True/False)
(31) The objection which deals with shortage/excess of stock is ------------------
(32) Account inspection report part I is prepared in ---------------------- copies.
(33) Accounts and audit conduct simultaneous inspections (true/false)
(34) Stock verification is done as per the provisions of ---------------------------
(35) Station accounts are inspected as per the guidelines available in -------------

Part – III Statutory Audit.

(36) CAG means ------------------------------------------------
(37) CAG derives his powers from----------------------------------------
(38) Audit is responsible for audit of -----------------------------------------
(39) The head of Zonal audit is------------------------------------
(40) Main purpose of audit is to ensure that--------------------------
(41) CAG can be removed in a manner prescribed for-------------------
(42) Article-------------------prescribe for mode for his appointment.
(43) Audit deals directly with the executive deptts. (true/false)
(44) In case of disputes between audit and account the matter is referred to------
(45) Special letters can not be issued by the divisional audit officer. (true/false)
(46) The annual audit report to parliament is examined by------------------------
(47) Draft paras are issued by Divisional Audit Officer (true/false)
(48) Draft paras are issued by-------------------------------
(49) Draft paras are addressed to--------------------------

(50) Reply to draft para must be sent within-----------weeks.

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