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Tuesday 5 July 2022

Leave Rules (50 MCQ with Answer)

 Leave Rules (50 MCQ with Answer)


1. How many days of LAP in a calendar year, a permanent/ Temporary Railway servant shall be entitled to get?

a) 20 days 
b) 15 days 
c) 30 days 
d) 45 days


2. How many days of LHAP in a year, can be credited to an employee?.

a) 30 days 
b) 10 days 
c) 20 days 
d) 12 days


3. A female Railway employee shall be entitled to maternity leave for

a) 180 days 
b) 120 days 
c) 90 days 
d) 130 days


4. For miscarriage, including abortion, what period of Maternity leave may be granted?.

a) 6 weeks 
b) 45 days 
c) 7 weeks 
d) 43 days.


5. Paternity leave is admissible with less than two surviving children for a period of

a) 10 days 
b) 20 days 
c) 15 days 
d) 25 days


6. Maximum days of leave on average pay that can be accumulated is

a) 120 
b) 180 
c) 190 
d) 300


7. LAP shall be credited to a Railway servant at the rate of

a) 2 ½ days per month 
b) 3 days per month 
c) 2 days per month 
d) 1 ½ days per month


8. How many days of LAP per year can be credited to a school staff ?

a) 10 days 
b) 5 days 
c) 7days 
d) 8 days


9. How many days of LHAP can be accumulated to an employeet in his service life?

a) 300 days 
b) 450 days 
c) 600 days 
d) Un limited


10. A male railway servant may be granted Paternity leave having surviving children

a) Less than two 
b) One 
c) Four 
d) Three


11. Up to what limit, maternity leave may be combined with any kind of leave?

a) One year 
b) Two years 
c) Unlimited 
d) Six months


12. A Trade Apprentices may be granted leave on full stipend for a period not exceeding----------- days per year.

a) 15 days 
b) 13 days 
c) 10 days 
d) 12 days


13. Apprentice Mechanics in Railways Workshops may be granted leave on full stipend for period not exceeding…...

a) 16 days 
b) 20 days 
c) 25 days 
d) 30 days


14. Gazetted officers may be granted LAP for the period exceeding 180 days but not exceeding ………, if leave granted out side India.

a) 200 days 
b) 240 days 
c) 230 days 
d) 250 days


15. Study leave shall count for :-

a) Reckoning seniority 
b) Reckoning increment 
c) Earning LAP 
d) Earning LHAP.


16. Which of the following category is entitled for hospital leave?

a) Group ‘A’ 
b) Group ‘B’ 
c) Group ‘C’ 
d) Group ‘D’


17. When no leave is admissible under any other rule, the leave granted is known as

a) LAP 
b) LHAP 
c) SPL Leave 
d) Extra ordinary leave.


18. Maximum encashment of leave on average pay is…….

a) 200 days 
b) 60 days 
c) 360 days 
d) 300 days


19. Who is the authority to sanction Special Disability Leave?.

a) Senior Scale Officer 
b) J A Grade Officer 
c) DRM 


20. Leave of any kind can be combined with vacation in the case of

a) Officers 
b) Office Staff 
c) Running Staff 
d) Rly. School Teacher

21. What is the maximum period of leave on Average pay at time that a Railway servant may be granted?

a) 120 days 
b) 160 days 
c) 180 days 
d) 300 days


22. What is the maximum limit of Leave not due that may be granted to a permanent Rly.Servant during his entire service period?

a) 360 days 
b) 380 days 
c) Unlimited 
d) 300 days


23. Within which period, Paternity Leave can be granted?

a) Six months 
b) Three months 
c) Four months 
d) 15days


24. Special Disability Leave on average pay granted for accident on duty shall not exceed………

a) 120 days 
b) 125 days 
c) 360 days 
d) 280 days


25. Paternity leave is also admissible to

a) Casual Labour 
b) Casual labour with temporary status 
c) After completion of 180 days of service 
d) After regular absorption


26. Staff of which Railway are entitled to avail extra Casual leave?

a) SER 
b) ECOR 
c) NFR 
d) ECR


27. Whom does the Compensatory Casual leave is admissible?

a) Supervisory staff 
b) Group ‘D’ staff 
c) Group ‘C’ & Group ‘D’ staff but not supervisor
d) Stenographer & Confidential Assistant


28. Quarantine Leave

a) Withdrawn 
b) Admissible in critical diseases 
c) For Eye disease 
d) Wife’s Sickness

29. Commuted leave is admissible on

a) Medical Certificate 
b) Request of an employee 
c) Discretion of competent authority 
d) None


30. If a Railway employee applies for a kind of leave say LAP, in advance, the competent authority may……..

a) Sanction as CL 
b) sanction as LWP 
c) refuse to sanction it 
d) convert it as commuted leave


31. A Railway shall be granted leave of any kind for a continuous period of not exceeding……

a) 3 Years 
b) 4 years 
c) 5 years 
d) 6 years


32. Which of the following leave can be combined with vacation in case of a school teacher?
a) Only LAP 
b) Only LHAP 
c) Any kind of leave 
d) Special disability leave


33. How many occasions does a workshop staff be granted half a day’s LAP?

a) 6 occasions 
b) 10 occasions 
c) 6 occasions 
d) 12 occasions


34. Hospital leave granted to a non-Gazetted Rly. Servant should not exceed a total of ……..when combined with other leave

a) 24 months
b) 26 months
c) 28 months 
d) 18 months


35. What is the maximum limitation of Leave Not Due granted on medical certificate during the entire period of service?

a) 360 days 
b) 365 days 
c) 370 days 
d) 390 days


36. Maximum of study leave that can be granted to an employee during his entire service period is ……..
a) 36 months
b) 28 months
c) 24 months 
d) 30 months


37. In case of ‘Cut in pension’, for compulsory retirement as a measure of punishment, leave encashment is admissible for…
a) 360 days 
b) 150 days 
c) un utilized days 
d) not eligible

38. Which of the following leave may be granted to a Rly. Servant, Volunteered to donate blood in Govt./Rly. Hospitals for railway employees.

a) Special Casual leave 
b) casual leave 
c) LAP 


39. If a railway servant resigns from service during study leave, and it is converted into regular leave as LAP/LHAP leaving balance, such a balance shall be treated as….

A) unauthorized absence 
b) Extra ordinary leave 
c) Study leave 
d) Leave not due


40. Who is the Authority to grant study leave abroad?
A) Rly. Board 
b) GM 
c) DRM 
d) CPO


41. Who is the Competent Authority to grant study leave within India?
A) Rly. Board 
b) GM 
d) CPO


42. Conversion of one kind of leave into another shall be considered if received within  days.

a) 20 days 
b) 15 days 
c) 30 days 
d) 45 days


43. CL shall not be combined with any other kind of leave since it is 


a) not recognised as leave.

b) recognised as leave.

c) not admissible 

d) None of these


44.Leave ordinarily begins on the day on which _____________ is effected and ends on the day preceding that in which _________.


a) charge is resumed &  transfer of charge 

b) transfer of charge & charge is resumed

c) start of month & end of month

d) None of these


45. A railway servant on leave may not take any service in India without previous sanction of __


(a) the President if the proposed service or employment is outside India; and

(b) the authority empowered to appoint him, if in India.

(c) both are correct.

(d) none of these


46. railway servant who has taken leave on medical certificate may not return to duty until he has produced a _____________ from ________________

(a)  sickness certificate & local medical authority

(b)  medical certificate of fitness & appropriate Medical authority.

(c)  G-92 & any authority

(d)  none of these


47. Willful absence from duty after expiry of leave renders a railway servant liable to disciplinary action. 

(a) Yes

(b) No

(c) Not related

(d) None of these


48.In case of removal/dismissal/death of a railway servant, credit of LAP shall be allowed at the rate of ______ days per completed calendar month up to the end of the month preceding the month in which one is removed/dismissed/deceased.

(a) 1/18th 

(b) 2½ 

(c) 1/10th

(d) not allowed


49. A railway servant not desirous of encashment of leave on average pay at his credit at the time of retirement on superannuation may be permitted by a competent authority to take leave preparatory to retirement  to the extent of leave on average pay due not exceeding ........days together with half pay leave due subject to the conditions that such leave extends upto and includes the day preceding the date of retirement.


(a) 180 days

(b) 90 days

(c) 300 days

(d) 150 days


50. During extra ordinary leave, the credit of LAP to be afforded to the leave account at the commencement of next half year shall be reduced by _______ of the period of such leave subject to a maximum of ______ days.


(a) 1/10th & 15

(b) 1/18th  & 10

(c) 2.5 & 30

(d) none of these


Answer & Hint

1. (c) 30 days in a calendar year; (Para-523 of IREC,Vol-I,1995 edition)

2. (c ) 20 days in a year; (Para-526 of IREC,Vol.-I,1995 edition)

3. (a) 180 days; (Estt. Srl. No. 162/97 & Para-551 of IREC-Vol.I,1995 edition)

4. (b) 45 days; (Estt. Srl. No. 72/97 )

5. (c ) 15 days; (Estt. Srl. No. 162/97 & 154/97)

6. (d) 300 days; (Estt. Srl. No. 172/97 )

7. (a) 2 ½ days per month; (Para-524 of IREC,Vol-I,1995 edition)

8. (a) 10 days; (Para-525 of IREC,Vol-I,1995 edition)

9. (d) Unlimited; (Para-526 of IREC,Vol-I,1995 edition)

10. (a) Less than two surviving children; (Para-551(A) R-I)

11. (a) One year; (Para-551, R-I)

12. (d) 12 days; (Para-534, R-I)

13. (a) 16 days; (Para-533, R-I)

14. (b) 240 days; (RBE No. 42/92)

15. (c ) Earning LAP (R-I, 556)

16. (d) Group ‘D’ only. (Para-554 of IREC, Vol.-I)

17. (d ) Extra ordinary leave (Para 530, R-I)

18. (b) 60 days;

19. (d) ADRM (Rule 552, 553, R-I).

20. (d) Rly. School Teacher (Para 525, R-I).

21. (c) 180 days; (Para 523, R-I)

22. (a) 360 days; (E. S. No. 31/89 & Para 528,R-I, 1995 edition)

23. (a) 6 months; (E. S. No. 05/2000)

24. (d) 280 days; (Para 553 (iii), R-I)

25. (b) Casual Labour with temporary status; (E. S. No. 143/99)

26. (c) NFR;

27. (c) Group ‘C’ & Group ‘D’ staff but not supervisor; (E. S. No. 27/61)

28. (a) Withdrawn; (Para, 555, R-I)

29. (a) On Medical Certificate; (Para, 527, R-I)

30. (c) Refuse to sanction it; (Para, 503, R-I)

31. (c) 5 years; (Para, 510, R-I)

32. (c) Any kind of leave; (Para, 525 (d) , R-I)

33. (a ) 6 occasions ( Para539/2, R-I)

34. (c ) 28 months (554/4, R-I

35. (a) 360 days; (E .S.No.30/89)

36. (a ) 36 months (170/98 )

37. (d) not eligible; (E.S.No.334/87)

38. (a) Special Casual leave.

39. (b) Extra ordinary leave (R-I, Appv./ul/2/w)

40. (a) Rly. Board (E.S.No.77/02)

41. (b) Rly. Board (E.S.No.77/02)

42 (c) 30 days

43.(a) not recognised as leave

44) (b) transfer of charge & charge is resumed

45. (c) both are correct

46. (b) medical certificate of fitness & appropriate Medical authority.

47 (a) Yes

48 (b) 2½ 

49.(c) 300 days

50.(a)  1/10th & 15




Chapter 5

Leave Rules

501. Short title

502. Extent of application

502-A Definitions

503. Right to leave

504. Effect of dismissal, removal or resignation on leave at credit

505. Conversion of one kind of leave into another

506. Commencement and end of leave.

507. Combination of different kinds of leave

508. Combination of holidays with leave

509. Employment during leave

510. Maximum amount of continuous leave

511. Application for leave

512. Grant of leave

513. Leave Account

514. Verification of title to leave

515. Leave when not to be granted

516. Recall to duty before expiry of leave

517. Return to duty from leave

518. Absence after the expiry of leave

519 - 521 Commuted Leave/Leave on production of Medical Certificate

522. Leave to a railway servant who is unlikely to be fit to return to duty.

523. Leave on average pay

524. Calculation of leave on average Pay

525. Leave on Average Pay applicable to School Staff

526. Leave on half average pay

527. Commuted leave

528. Leave not due

529. Leave not due to temporary railway employees

530. Extraordinary Leave

531. Leave to probationers and a railway servant on probation

532. Leave to Special Class Railway Apprentices

533. Leave to Apprentice Mechanics

534. Leave to Trade apprentices

535. Leave to other apprentices

536. Leave to apprentices

537. General conditions for grant of leave to apprentices

538. Leave to persons re-employed after retirement

539. Leave to Workshop staff

540. Leave preparatory to retirement

540-A. Encashment of Leave on Average Pay along with Railway Pass while in service

541. Leave beyond the date of retirement or quitting service

542. Leave on termination of employment

543. Drawl of leave salary

Draft Revised IREC uploaded on 12.05.2020

544. Leave Salary

545. Leave salary to workshop staff

546. Leave salary to Running staff

547. Reckoning of special pay for leave salary

548. Advance of Leave Salary.

549. Cash equivalent of leave salary in case of death in service

550. Cash payment in lieu of leave

551. Maternity Leave

551 (A) Paternity Leave

551 (B) Paternity Leave to male casual Railway employee who has been granted temporary


551 (C) Child Adoption Leave

551 (D) Paternity Leave for child adoption

551 (E) Child Care Leave

551 (F) Special Leave connected to inquiry of sexual harassment

552. Work Related Illness and Injury Leave

553. Omitted

554 Omitted.

555. Quarantine Leave

556. Study Leave

557. Power to interpret rules

Schedules & Annexures

First Schedule

(Rule 503)

Authorities competent to grant leave


(Rule 511)

Application for Leave or For Extension of Leave


(Rule 530)

Bond for temporary Railway servants granted extraordinary leave for study


(Rule -519)

Medical Certificate for non-gazetted officers recommended leave or extension of leave or

Commutation of leave


(Rule 519/522)

Medical Certificate for Railway servants who are to be recommended leave under Rule 522

Annexure- IV Study Leave Rules




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