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Tuesday 20 September 2022



IPAS - Integrated Payroll & Accounting System.

AIMS - Accounting Information Management System.

AIMS/IPAS is a system for automate payroll processing and financial work. The purpose of this software is to capture employee data to process payroll, maintain loan and leave record, generation of various types of bills for employee and contractor, generation and printing of cheques and maintain earning and expenditure expenses for railways.

The system is comprehensive and user-friendly in carrying out the financial activities in railway office.

IPAS is broadly divided in two category personnel modules and financial modules. Personnel modules includes like payroll processing, leave, loan, TA, Income tax, electricity, quarter etc.

Financial Modules includes IC, books, PF, pension, budget, suspense etc. In IPAS, Personnel modules and financial modules are tightly coupled so that data generated by module can be accessed through other modules.

Roles of Users
 Payroll Module:
1. Check all pages of the employee bio-data.
2. Report all necessary changes in Father’s name, Date of birth, Date of appointment, PAN number, Designation code, Place of posting, Department, Pay band, grade pay and rate of pay to DBA.

3. Enter Change card like TA entry through misc program.

4. Enter any type of advances sanctioned during the month.

5. Check the LIC recovery details, if Policy number is incorrect rectify it.

6. Enter the festival advance sanctioned in the month under current tab, and simultaneously enter details for recovery under Loan tab so that from next month recovery starts automatically.

7. Check all details in all pages under change data entry.

8. Post vetted TA to salary (if any).

9. Check correct allocation for your bill unit.

10. Check whether Electric charges, CUG recovery, Diet Charges etc. and Incentive for work shop staff (who are eligible) have been posted or not.

11. Keep your bill in Initialize stage after you enter the data for a month.

12. Make it a habit to reset the bill, process and then forward to IC for every month on prescribed date. So that any data posted from back-end can be incorporated in your bill.

13. List out all the discrepancy in Name of Staff, Bank Details and Account no of the staff or any new staff transferred into your unit and joined, report these errors to Data Base Administrator (DBA) nominated for your unit.

14. Always count the number of staff in your bill before forwarding to IC.

15. Use Career Module to transfer out the staff from your bill unit, after the staff gets transferred and spared from your bill before cut-off date, else charge his/her salary in your unit for the month.

 Accounts/ Finance Module:

Internal Check
This module is provided for function like bill Registration (co6 number Generation), bill passing, party maintenance and co7number Generation and Confirmation.

Books module is for functions like abstract generation, cheque preparation and printing, cheque reissue and cancellation and generation of various reports including Bank Statement, Cash Book, Cash outgo etc

This module captures all the employee transactions related to PF to maintain the employee ledger. There are various activities covered in this module
1. Automatic recovery of PF subscription.

2. Online application and passing of PF loan

3. Settlement bill passing

4. Loan edit and Loan conversion temporary to final

5. Online ledger transfer among units of railway.

6. Interest calculation

7. Interface with Books and Cash office for transfer pf transactions to employee ledger.


The aim of this module is process data for employee for Post-Retirement Benefit Like
1. PPO generation

2. Bill generation and passing (Leave, gratuity, commutation etc.)

3. Revision of bills.

4. Revision of pension.

5. Revised PPO generation.

This module is divided for two types of pension module user.
1. Personnel

2. Accounts.

1. E-Suspense: Maintenance of Establishment Suspense
2. G- Suspense: Maintenance of General Suspense

Cash & Pay
The purpose of this module is capture earning of railway from miscellaneous and station earning.

The objective of budget is restricting expenditure of railway under different heads.
The objective of budget module is:

 To prepare estimate for revenue and capital expenditure.

 To restrict expenditure under revenue and capital head as per grant approved by

 Fund Certification.

 Provident fund (Personnel/Executive)

1. Enter the details of Employee in the Application entry tab.
2. Check the maximum eligibility as per cause given in the PF withdrawal form.

3. When competent authority sanctions the PF withdrawal after putting his/her signature on the PF form, Go to Sanction tab and fill the details.

 Provident fund (Accounts)
1. Register the PF withdrawal forms present on your portal
2. After CO6 generation bills goes for passing.

3. User authorized for passing the PF after complete formality can Pass or Return the bill.

Role of Data Base Administrator (DBA)
1. Enter the employee details of new staff; any staffs coming from any other organization, any other Zonal railway, or old staff whose data is not present in the database but his/her payment is due on the railway.
2. Correction in the name of staff reported by the bill clerk along with documentary proof.

3. Transfer in the staff after he joins the unit allotted to you and the other unit transfers him out in your unit (Bill unit 999) through career module.

4. Transfer out in the same unit will also be the responsibility of the DBA.

5. Preparation of New bank master.

6. Change of Name, Father’s name, Date of Birth, Date of appointment, rate of pay etc., reported by concerned bill clerk.
7. Any other responsibility given by the Officer concerned regarding AIMS/IPAS.

Note - No change will be made by the DBA, without the proper documentary proof/application of the staff with proper forwarding and sanction from competent authority for the same, which is to be retained safely for any future use.

·    IPAS एक ऑनलाइन पोर्टल है जिसे CRIS द्वारा विकसित किया गया है।

·    यह सभी रेलवे के लिए एक कॉमन एप्लीकेशन है जो सभी रेलवे के लेखांकन कार्य के लिए केंद्रीय कृत मंच प्रदान करता है।

·    प्रबंधन और एकीकरण के कार्यों में इस तरह के केंद्रीयकरण से काफी लाभ है।

·    IPAS पे रोल प्रोसेसिंग और वित्तीय कार्यों को स्वचालित (automatic) करने की एक प्रणाली है।

·    IPAS मुख्य रूप से दो श्रेणियों में बांटा है।

    (i) पर्सनल मॉड्यूल    (ii) वित्तीय मॉड्यूल

·   पर्सनल मॉड्यूल में शामिल है जैसे पेरोल प्रोसेसिंग, लीव, लोन,टीए,  इनकम टैक्स, क्वार्टर एवं बिजली आदि।

·   वित्तीय मॉड्यूल में शामिल है जैसे आंतरिक जांच, बुक्स, पीएफ, पेंशन, बजट, सस्पेंस आदि।



1.          केंद्रीय पे रोल और लेखा प्रणाली।

2.          वेब आधारित।

3.          तीन स्तरीय स्थापना।

4.          वास्तविक समय में जानकारी।

5.          वेब का केंद्रीय कृत रखरखाव और प्रबंधन में परिवर्तन।

6.          एकरूप प्रक्रियाएं/रिपोर्टस।

7.          बोर्ड द्वारा जारी नियमों/परिपत्रों का त्वरित अनुपालन।

8.          अन्य सभी केंद्रीय कृत एप्लीकेशन/वेब जैसे PRS,FOIS,MMIS,CMS,TMS आदि से लिंक

9.          आपदा रिकवरी का प्रावधान।


IPAS application software (the software for AIMS) has been developed by CRIS on web based 3-tier centralized architecture using Java and Oracle. It will bring a common application to all Railways on a centralized platform so that similar processes are followed across Railways in terms of accounting practices. A key benefit of such centralization would be faster change management and integration of effort along with automation of processes. IPAS application is undergoing a continuous up-gradation exercise to achieve better efficiency, security and safety. IPAS will provide real time access to financial transaction data across IR and will also bring financial and fiscal discipline. 

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