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Friday 9 September 2022

The Railways Act 1989, Section 130 to 136 Chapter XIV

Section 130 to 136 The Railways Act, 1989

130. Definitions.—In this Chapter, unless the context otherwise requires,—
(a) the employment of a railway servant is said to be “continuous” except when it is excluded or has been declared to be essentially intermittent or intensive;
(b) the employment of a railway servant is said to be “essentially intermittent” when it has been declared to be so by the prescribed authority on the ground that the daily hours of duty of the railway servant normally include periods of inaction aggregating to fifty percent. or more (including at least one such period of not less than one hour or two such periods of not less than half an hour each) in a tour of twelve hours duty (on the average over seventy-two consecutive hours), during which the railway servant may be on duty, but is not called upon to display either physical activity or sustained attention;
(c) the employment of a railway servant is said to be “excluded” if he belongs to any one of the following categories, namely:—
(i) railway servants employed in a managerial or confidential capacity;
(ii) armed guards or other personnel subject to discipline similar to that of any of the armed police forces;
(iii) staff of the railway schools imparting technical training or academic education;
(iv) such staff as may be specified as supervisory under the rules;
(v) such other categories of staff as may be prescribed;
(d) the employment of a railway servant is said to be “intensive” when it has been declared to be so by the prescribed authority on the ground that it is of a strenuous nature involving continued concentration or hard manual labour with little or no period of relaxation.

131. Chapter not to apply to certain railway servants. 

Nothing in this Chapter shall apply to any railway servant to whom the Factories Act, 1948 (63 of 1948) or the Mines Act, 1952 (35 of 1952) or the Railway Protection Force Act, 1957 (23 of 1957) or the Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 (44 of 1958), applies.

132. Limitation of hours of work. 

(1) A railway servant whose; employment is essentially intermittent shall not be employed for more than seventy-five hours in any week.

(2) A railway servant whose employment is continuous shall not be employed for more than fifty-four hours a week on an average in a two weekly period of fourteen days.

(3) A railway servant whose employment is intensive shall not be employed for more than forty-five hours a week on an average in a two weekly period of fourteen days.

(4) Subject to such rules as may be prescribed, temporary exemptions of railway servants from the provisions of sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) or sub-section (3), may made by the prescribed authority if it is of opinion that such temporary exemptions are necessary to avoid serious interference with the ordinary working of the railway or in cases of accident actual or threatened, or when argent work is required to be done to the railway or to rolling stock or in any emergency which could not have been foreseen or prevented. or in other cases of exceptional pressure of work:

Provided that where such exemption results in, the increase of hours of employment of a railway servant referred to in any of the sub-section, he shall be paid overtime at not less than two times his ordinary rate of pay for the excess hour of work. 

133. Grant of periodical rest

(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, a railway servant-

(a) whose employment is intensive or continuous shall, for every week commencing on a Sunday, be granted a rest of not less than thirty consecutive hours;

(b) whose employment is essentially intermittent shall for every week commencing on a Sunday, be granted a rest of not less than twenty-four consecutive hours including a full night.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1),-

(i) any locomotive or traffic running staff shall be granted, each month, a rest of at least four periods of not less than thirty consecutive hours each or at least five periods of not less than twenty-two consecutive hours each, including a full night;

(ii) the Central Government may, by rules, specify the railway servants to whom periods of rest on scales less than those laid down under sub-section (1) may be granted and the periods thereof.

(3) Subject to such rules as may be made in this behalf, if the prescribed authority is of the opinion that such circumstances as are referred to in sub-section (4) of section 132 are present it may exempt any railway servant from the provisions of sub-section (1) or clause (i) of sub-section (2):

Provided that a railway servant so exempted shall, in such circumstances as may be prescribed, be granted compensatory periods of rest for the periods he has foregone.

134. Railway servant to remain on duty. 

Nothing in this Chapter or the rules made thereunder shall, where due provision has been made for the relief of a railway servant, authorize him to leave his duty until he has been relieved.

135. Supervisors of railway labor. 

(1) Subject to such rules as may made in this behalf, the Central Government may appoint supervisors of railway labor.

(2) The duties of supervisors of railway labor shall be-

(i) to inspect railways in order to determine whether the provisions of this Chapter or of the rules made thereunder are duly observed; and

(ii) to perform such other functions as may be prescribed.

(3) A supervisor of railway labor shall be deemed to be a Commissioner for the purposes of sections 7 and 9.

136. Power to make rules in respect of matters in this Chapter.

(1) The Central Government may, by notification, make rules to carry out the purposes of this Chapter.

(2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely :-

(a) the authorities who may declare the employment of any railway servant essentially intermittent or intensive ;

(b) the appeals against any such declaration and the manner in which, and the conditions subject to which any such appeal may be filed and heard ;

(c) the categories of staff that may be specified under sub-clauses (iv) and (v) of clause (c) of section 130 ;

(d) the authorities by whom exemptions under sub-section (4) of section 132 or sub-section (3) of section 133 may be made;

(e) the delegation of power by the authorities referred to in clause (d);

(f) the railway servants to whom clause (ii) of sub-section (2) of section 133 apply and the periods of rest to be granted to them;

(g) the appointment of supervisors of railway labor and their functions.

Railways Act, 1989

Act No. 24 of 1989

Chapter IPreliminary
1Short title and commencement
Chapter IIRailway Administrations
3Zonal Railways
4Appointment of General Manager
Chapter IIICommissioners of Railway Safety
5Appointment of Chief Commissioner of Railway Safety and Commissioners of Railway Safety
6Duties of Commissioner
7Power of Commissioner
8Commissioner to he public servant
9Facilities to be afforded to Commissioners
10Annual report of Commissioners
Chapter IVConstruction and Maintenance of Works
11Power of railway administrations to execute all necessary works
12Power to alter the position of pipe, electric supply fine, drain or sewer, etc.
13Protection for Government property
14Temporary entry upon land to remove obstruction, to repair or to prevent accident
15Payment of amount for damage or loss
16Accommodation works
17Power of owner, occupier, State Government or local authority to cause additional accommodation works to be made
18Fences, gates and bars
19Over-bridges and under-bridges
20Power of Central Government to give directions for safety
Chapter VOpening of Railways
21Sanction of the Central Government to the opening of railway
22Formalities to be complied with before giving sanction to the opening of a railway
23Sections 21 and 22 to apply to the opening of certain works
24Temporary suspension of traffic
25Power to close railway opened for the public carriage of passengers
26Re-opening of closed railway
27Use of rolling stock
28Delegation of powers
29Power to make rules in respect of matters in this Chapter
Chapter VIFixation of Rates
30Power to fix rates
31Power to classify commodities or alter rates
32Power of railway administration to charge certain rates
Chapter VIIRailway Rates Tribunal
33Constitution of the Railway Rates Tribunal
34Staff of the Tribunal
35Sittings of the Tribunal
36Complaints against a railway administration
37Matters not within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal
38Powers of the Tribunal
39Reference to the Tribunal
40Assistance by the Central Government
41Burden of proof, etc.
42Decision, etc., of the Tribunal
43Bar of jurisdiction of courts
44Relief’s which the Tribunal may grant
45Revision of decisions given by the Tribunal
46Execution of decisions or orders of the Tribunal
47Report of the Central Government
48Power of the Tribunal to make regulations
Chapter VIIICarriage of Passengers
49Exhibition of certain timings and Tables of fires at stations
50Supply of tickets on payment of fare
51Provision for case in which ticket is issued for class or train not having accommodation for additional passengers
52Cancellation of ticket and refund
53Prohibition against transfer of certain tickets
54Exhibition and surrender of passes and ticket
55Prohibition against traveling without pass or ticket
56Power to refuse to carry persons suffering from infections or contagious diseases
57Maximum number of passengers for each compartment
58Earmarking of compartment, etc., for ladies
59Communication between passengers and railway servant in charge of train
60Power to make rule in respect of matters in this Chapter
Chapter IXCarriage of Good
61Maintenance of rate-books, etc., for carriage of goods
62Conditions for receiving, etc., of goods
63Provision of risk rate
64Forwarding note
65Railway receipt
66Power to require statement relating to the description of goods
67Carriage of dangerous or offensive goods
68Carriage of animals suffering from infectious or contagious diseases
69Deviation of route
70Prohibition of undue preference
71Power to give direction in regard to carriage of certain goods
72Maximum carrying capacity for wagons and trucks
73Punitive charge for overloading a wagon
74Passing of property in the goods covered by railway receipt
75Section 74 not to affect right of stoppage in transit or claims for freight
76Surrender of railway receipt
77Power of railway administration to deliver goods or sale proceeds thereof in certain cues
78Power to measure, weigh, etc.
79Weighment of consignment on request of the consignee or endorsee
80Liability of railway administration for wrong delivery
81Open delivery of consignments
82Partial delivery of consignments
83Lien for freight or any other sum due
84Unclaimed consignment
85Disposal of perishable consignments in certain circumstances
86Sales under sections 83 to 85 not to affect the right to suit
87Power to make rules in respect of matters in this Chapter
Chapter XSpecial Provisions as to Goods Booked to Notified Stations
89Power to declare notified stations
90Disposal of unremoved goods at notified stations
91Price to he paid to person entitled after deducting dues
92Power to make rules in respect of matters in this Chapter
Chapter XIResponsibilities tf Railway Administrations as Carriers
93General responsibility of a railway administration as carrier of goods
94Goods to be loaded or delivered at a siding not belonging to a railway administration
95Delay or retention in transit
96Traffic passing over railways in India and railways in foreign countries
97Goods carried at owner's risk rate
98Goods in defective condition or defectively packed
99Responsibility of a railway administration after termination of transit
100Responsibility as carrier of luggage
101Responsibility as a carrier of animals
102Exoneration from liability in certain cases
103Extent of monetary liability in respect of any consignment
104Extent of liability in respect of goods carried in open wagon
105Right, of railway administration to cheek contents of certain consignment or luggage
106Notice of claim for compensation and refund of over charge
107Applications for compensation for loss, etc., of goods
108Person entitled to claim compensation
109Railway administration against which application for the compensation for personal injury is to be filed
110Burden of proof
111Extent of liability of railway administration in respect of accidents at sea
112Power to make rules in respect of matters in this Chapter
Chapter XIIAccident
113Notice of railway accident
114Inquiry by Commissioner
115Inquiry by railway administration
116Powers of Commissioner in relation to inquiry
117Statement made before Commissioner
118Procedure, etc.
119No inquiry, investigation, etc., to he made if the Commission of inquiry is appointed
120Inquiry into accident not covered by section 113
122Power to make rules in respect of matters in this Chapter
Chapter XIIILiability of Railway Administration for Death and Injury to Passengers Due to Accident
124Extent of liability
124ACompensation on account of untoward incidents
125Application for compensation
126Interim relief by railway administration
127Determination of compensation in respect of any injury or loss of goods
128Saying as to certain rights
129Power to make rules in respect of matters in this Chapter
Chapter XIVRegulation of Hours of Work and Period of Rest
131Chapter not to apply to certain railway servants
132Limitation of hours of work
133Grant of periodical rest
134Railway servant to remain on duty
135Supervisors of railway labor
136Power to make rules in respect of matters in this Chapter
Chapter XVPenalties and Offences
137Fraudulently traveling or attempting to travel without proper pass or ticket
138Levy of excess charge and fare for traveling without proper pass or ticket or beyond authorized distance
139Power to remove persons
140Security for good behavior in certain cases
141Needlessly interfering with means of communication in a train
142Penalty for transfer of tickets
143Penalty for unauthorized carrying on of business of procuring and supplying of railway tickets
144Prohibition on hawking, etc., and begging
145Drunkenness or nuisance
146Obstructing railway servant in his duties
147Trespass and refusal to desist from trespass
148Penalty for making a false statement in an application for compensation
149Making a false claim for compensation
150Maliciously wrecking or attempting to wreck a train
151Damage to or destruction of certain railway properties
152Maliciously hurting or attempting to hurt persons traveling by railway
153Endangering safety of persons traveling by railway by willful act or omission
154Endangering safety of persons traveling by railway rash or negligent act or omission
155Entering into compartment reserved or resisting entry into a compartment not reserved
156Traveling on roof, step or engine of a train
157Altering or defacing pass or ticket
158Penalty for contravention of any of the provision of Chapter XIV
159Disobedience of drivers or conductors of vehicles to directions of railway servant, etc.
160Opening or breaking a level crossing gate
161Negligently crossing unmanned level crossing
162Entering carriage or other place reserved for females
163Giving false account of goods
164Unlawfully bringing dangerous goods on a railway
165Unlawfully bringing offensive goods on a railway
166Defacing public notices
168Provision with respect to commission of offence by the children of acts endangering safety of person traveling on railway
169Levy of penalty on non-Government railway
170Recovery of penalty
171Section 169 or 170 not to preclude Central Government from taking any other action
172Penalty for intoxication
173Abandoning train, etc., without authority
174Obstructing running of train, etc.
175Endangering the safety of persons
176Obstructing level crossing
177False returns
178Making a false report by a railway servant
179Arrest for offences under certain sections
180Arrest of persons likely to abscond, etc.
181Magistrate having jurisdiction under the Act
182Place of trial
Chapter XVIMiscellaneous
183Power to provide other transport services
184Taxation on railways by local authorities
185Taxation on railways for advertisement
186Protection of action taken in good faith
187Restriction on execution against railway property
188Railway servants to be public servants for the purposes of Chapter IX and section 409 of the Indian Penal Code
189Railway servants not to engage in trade
190Procedure for delivery to railway administration of property detained by a railway servant
191Proof of entries in records and documents
192Service of notice, etc., on railway administration
193Service of notice, etc., by railway administration
194Presumption where notice is served by post
195Representation of railway administration
196Power to exempt railway from Act
197Matters supplemental to the definitions of "railway" and "railway servant"
198General power to make rules
199Rules to be laid before Parliament
200Repeal and saving

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