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Friday 19 August 2022

5S (Work Place Management System):

5S (Work Place Management System): 







Basics of 5S :


• Organization or re-organization : to sort out unnecessary items in the work place. Things not belonging to that area to be removed from there. 

• If repairing is required, separate them and get them repaired. 

• If it has to be discarded, send it to scrap yard for further disposal. 


• Everything should have a place and everything should be in its place

• Put the things neatly and in order. 

• Decide the place, mark the place, put label on items. Arrange the items in such a way so that they can be picked up easily for use 


• When we are doing cleaning, we are also inspecting simultaneously, 

• Clean your work place completely so that there should not be any dust on the floor, walls, windows, desk, table, machinery etc. 

• Cleaning should be done at Macro level first, and then individual item wise. and finally at micro level. 


• To develop Standards i.e. schedule for maintaining first 3 S .

 • A weekly schedule for review of first “3S” is recommended. 


• The ordered system which is achieved by implementation of ‘4-S’ should be followed in such a way that, standard practices become a part of daily working. This will help to maintain high levels of work place management at all the time. 

Objectives of 5S: 

• Creating a neat and clean workplace. 

• Systematize day to day working. 

• Improve work efficiency. 

• Standardize work practices. 

• Improve work discipline.

Benefits of 5S System 

• To get rid of unnecessary things 

• Maximum space utilization 

• All the roads and pathways remains clear which reduce accidents 

• Material can be easily retrieved 

• Employees satisfaction and maximum involvement at all levels. 

• Increase productivity 

• Better housekeeping and healthy environment

Advantages of 5S at a Glance: 


• Saving in usage of space 

• Removal of excess parts/ machines. 

• Extra Space made available in filing cabinets/ shelf 

• Easy access to things. 

• Increase in safety. 

• Preventing rusting or damage to materials. 

• Inventory controls. 

• Timely repair of equipments. 


• Helps reducing time consumed in searching materials for use. 

• Creates work effectiveness. 

• Improves work place utilization. 

• Creates safety atmosphere. 

• Easy to inspect and recognize when materials are taken out from their location. 


  • Good neat and clean working place. 
  • Motivates for effective functioning. 
  • Increase the efficiency of machines and equipment.
  • Increase in machines and equipment life. 
  • Creates safe environment and working condition. 
  • Reduction of wastage. 


  • Proper and nice working areas. 
  • Helps in educating new persons joining the area.
  • On Standard methods in practice. 
  • Reduce the breakdown Visual management improves work efficiency. 


  • Habit development to be self-disciplined. 
  • Healthy atmosphere. 
  • Improves safety and hygiene.
  • Develops team work. 
  • Develops ability to think and analyze causes for short-comings.
  • Develop a mind set for improvement and control (preventing recurrence). 

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