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Tuesday 2 August 2022

Reservation Policy (101 MCQ with Answer)

1)Article 16 of Indian Constitution placed under the heading of “Right to Equality” a part of which indicates the provision of reservation in favour of any backward class of citizen.
A) Article 16(1)
B) Article 16(2)
C) Article 16(3)
D) Article 16(4)

Ans : D – Article 16(4)

Authority: Brochure (3rd Edition) ’85, Page-1.

2)When SC/ST Reservation provided first in Direct Recruitment ?
A) 13.09.49
B) 13.09.50
C) 13.09.51
D) 13.09.52

Ans: B- 13.09.50

Authority: Brochure (3rd Edition) 85, Page-4

3)When SC/ST Reservation in promotion by selection in Gr.’C’ & ‘D’ posts provided?
A) 1957
B) 1963
C) 1972
D) 1976

Ans : B – 1963
Authority : Brochure (3rd Edition) 85, Page-5

4)When Reservation percentage increased from 12% to 15% for SC and 5% to 7-1/2% for ST ?
A) 13.09.50
B) 13.09.51
C) 13.09.63
D) 25.03.70

Ans : D- 25.03.70
Authority : Brochure (3rd Edition) 85, page 4

5)When SC/ST Reservation in promotion by seniority-cum-suitability in Gr. ‘C” & ‘D’ posts provided?
A) 1957.
B) 1963
C) 1972
D) 1976

Ans: C- 1972
Authority : Brochure (3rd Edition) 85, Page-5

6)When 27% reservation provided for OBC candidates in Civil posts and services under the Govt. of India?
A) 13.08.90
B) 25.09.91
C) 10.10.91
D) 08.09.93

Ans : D- 08.09.93. Authority: Railway Board’s letter No. 90-E(SCT)I/71/1 dated 14/15.10.93, Estt.Srl. No.262/93.

7)Who is the Appellate Authority to issue SC/ST Caste Certificate in the State of West Bengal?
A) Tashilder
B) Gazetted Officer
C) Local MP/MLA
D) SDO, DM etc.

Ans : D- SDPO, DM etc.
Authority: Railway Board’s letter No. 94-E(SCT)I/31/2 dated 29.11.94,
Estt.Srl. No.45/95.

8)Delay Submission of SC/ST Caste certificate may be accepted from the date of :-
A) Submission
B) Issue
C) None of these.

Ans : A – Submission
Estt.Srl. No.250/83

9)If a candidate belonging to SC/ST/OBC Community is unable to produce his caste certificate in time, he may be considered for offer of :-
A) Appointment
B) Temporary Apptt.
C) Provisional Apptt.
D) None of these.

Ans : C- Provisional Appointment
Estt.Srl. No.185/95.



10)On verification through the District Magistrate, if the caste certificate produced by SC/ST/OBC candidate is revealed false, such candidate would be :-
A) Terminated.
B) Suspended
C) Punished under D&A rules
D) None of these.

Ans : A- Terminated
Authority : Estt.Srl. No.185/95.

11)Home town posting facility may be considered to the candidates who are belonging to :-
A) PHP Community
B) UR Community
C) OBC Community
D) SC/ST Community

Ans : D-SC/ST Community
Authority : Estt.Srl. No.22/86

12)10% Quota for SC/ST is applicable for allotment of Quarter where total numbers of Quarter are 50 or more.
A) Type-I only
B) Type-II only
C) Both Type I & II
D) None of these.

Ans : C- Both Type I & II
Authority : RBE No.148/99, Estt. Srl. No. 191/99.

13)15% for SC, 7-1/2 % for ST and 27% for OBC are to be maintained to the Post based Roster System in Gr. ‘C’ & ‘D’ posts for :-
A) Local Recruitment
B) All India Basis recruitment
C) Other than open market recruitment.
D) All kinds of recruitment.

Ans : D- All kinds of recruitment
RBE No.113/97, Estt.Srl. No.181/97.

14)When Post Based Roster is applicable in recruitment ?
A) 10.02.95.
B) 21.08.97
C) 27.08.97.
D) 15.12.97.

Ans : B- 21.08.97
RBE No.113/97, Estt.Srl. No.181/97.



15)When Post-based Roster is applicable in promotion?
A) 10.02.95
B) 09.04.97
C) 21.08.97
D) 27.08.97

Ans : A- 10.02.95
Authority : RBE No.114/97, Estt.Srl. No.135/97.


16) Best amongst the failure SC/ST candidates may be included in the fnal select list on completion of his service training for the period of-


(A) 3 months (B) 4 months (C) 6 months  (D) None of these


Ans (C) 6 months 

17)“L” Shape Roster is applicable in both Recruitment and promotional categories separately where the total cadre is less
than: -
A) 13.
B) 14.
C) 15
D) 16

Ans C- Less than 15.
Authority : As referred at item No.14 & 15.

18.What points of Roster are applicable both in Recruitment and promotional categories where the total no. of posts in a cadre is more than 15 :
A) 100 point
B) 200 point (separately)
C) 14 Point (L Shape)
D) None of this

Ans : B- 200 point Roster (Separately)
Authority : As referred at item No.14 & 15.

19.“L” Shape Roster is operated: -
A) Based on post.
B) Based on vacancy
C) Based on percentage
D) Based on Rotation.

Ans : D – Based on rotation.
Authority: As referred at item No.14 & 15.

20)Total reservation of SC/ST/OBC should in no case exceed: -
A) 50% of total cadre
B) 50 % of total vacancy
C) 50% of total Reserved vacancy
D) None of these.

Ans : A- 50% of total cadre
Authority: As referred at item No.14 & 15.


21)In a small cadre i.e. up to 14 posts, if a SC/ST incumbent promoted to higher grade post this vacancy will be treated as :-
A) Reserved vacancy
B) Consumed
C) UR Vacancy
D) None of these.

Ans B- Consumed by SC/ST
Authority : As referred at item No.14 & 15.


22)Reservation is applicable to fill up: -
A) Ex cadre post
B) Sports Quota
C) Cultural Quota
D) Compassionate apptt.

Ans : A- Ex Cadre post.
Authority : Estt. Srl. No.63/97.

23)Reservation is applicable to fill up vacancy: -

A) Raised on transfer
B) Raised on deputation
C) Raised on PH Quota
E) None of these.

Ans : C- Raised on PH Quota.
Authority :Rly. Bd’s Lr. No. 90-E(SCT)I/71/1 dated 02.12.94, Circular No.P/R&R/Physical Handicapped /Poly /II/1158 dated 19.04.95.

24)Pre-selection coaching should be imparted to SC/ST candidates in selection for a period
of :-
A) 2- weeks.
B) 15- days
C) 2-3 weeks
D) 3-4 weeks

Ans : D- 3-4 weeks.
Authority: Rly. Bd’s letter No. 88-E(SCT)I/42/II dated 08/11/04.91, Estt. Srl. No.81/91.

25)Pre-selection coaching need not require where no SC/ST vacancy is available in: -

A) All selections
B) All non-selections
C) Selection to safety category only.
D) None of these.

Ans : A- All selections.
Authority: Railway Board’s letter No. 83-E(SCT)42/1 dated 14.4.83. Brochure (3rd Edition)’85 page 482.



26)Best among the failed candidates may be given ad-hoc promotion, if he secured in written test minimum: -
A) 10% marks
B) 20% marks
C) 30% marks
D) 35% marks

Ans : B- 20% marks
Authority: Railway Board’s letter No. 88-E(SCT)I/23/1 dated 22.11.94. Estt. Srl. No.2/95.

27.Best among the failed SC/ST candidates may be included in the final select list on completion of his service training for the period of :-
A) 3 months.
B) 4 months
C) 6 months
D) 1 year

Ans : C- 6 months
Authority: Railway Board’s letter No. 2002-E(SCT)I/25/11 dated 24.10.2002, RBE No. 192/2002, Estt. Srl. No. 179/2002.

28.At the end of 6 months period, the case of best among the failed SC/ST candidates is forwarded to the competent authority and the competent authority decides for not including him in the final select list, then the case may also be reviewed by the:-
D) HOD, if the appointing authority is lower than the HOD, otherwise GM.

Ans : D- HOD,
Authority : Railway Board’s letter No.2002-E(SCT) I/25/11 dated 24.10.2002, RBE No. 192/2002, Estt. Srl. No. 179/2002.

29)Examination charges incurred for open market recruitment through RRB is required to be paid by all applicants except: -
C) P.H.P., Ex S/M.
D) SC/ST, PHP, Ex. S/M.

Ans : D- SC/ST, PHP, Ex. SM.
Authority: Railway Board’s Letterr.No.98-E/RRB/25/52 dated 07.04.99,RBE No.67/99.Estt.Srl No. 176/2002.

30) The marks relaxation / lesser standard of evaluation of SC/St candidates in the case of promotion was withdrawn and subsequently restored back and applicable w.e.f. :-
A) 27.03.99.
B) 27.03.2000
C) 03.10.2000
D) None of these.
Ans : C- 03.10.2000.
Authority: Railway Board’s letter No.97-E(SCT)I/49/14 dated 12.12.2000, RBE No. 215/2000, Estt. Srl. No. 225/2000.

31)Age relaxation of SC/ST for recruitment in govt. services: -
A) 3 years
B) 5 years
C) None of these.

Ans : B- 5 years.
Authority : Railway Board’s letter No .E(NG)II/94/RR-1/29 dt.9.9.04,RBENo.199/04, Estt.Srl.No 221/04.

32)Age relaxation of OBC for recruitment in Govt. Services: -
A) 3 years
B) 5 years
C) None of these.

Ans: A- 3 years.
Authority: Railway Board’s letter No 90-E(SCT)I/71/1dt 02.2/3.95, Estt. Srl. No. 77/95

33).The period of upper age limit of SC/ST/OBC for recruitment in Gr. ‘C’ & “D’ categories has been extended up to
A) 03.08.2005
B) 03.09.2005
C) 03.10.2005
D) 31.12.2005.

Ans : A – 03.08.2005.
Authority: Railway Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/94/RR-1/29 dated 09.09.04, RBE No.199/2004, Estt. Srl No.221/2004

34) )At present upper age limit of SC/ST in Group ‘C’ category is :-
A) 30 years
B) 33 years
C) 34 years
D) 35 years

Ans : D – 35 years.
Authority: Railway Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/94/RR-1/29 dated 09.09.2004 RBE No.199/2004, Estt. Srl. No 221/2004.

35 )At present upper age limit of OBC in Group ‘C’ category is :-
A) 30 years
B) 33 years
C) 34 years
D) None of these.

Ans : B- 33 years
Authority: Railway Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/94/RR-1/29 dated 09.09.2004 RBE No.199/2004, Estt. Srl. No 221/2004.

36)Marks relaxation for SC/St candidates in Direct Recruitment Quota is :-
A) 10%
B) 20%
C) 30%
D) 40%

Ans : A- 10%
Authority: Railway Board’s letter No.97-E(SCT)I/25/25 dated 13.03.2000, RBE No. 43/2000, Estt. Srl. No. 179/2000.


37)SC/ST candidates are eligible to be called for interview in Direct Recruitment, if he secured minimum :-
A) 10% marks
B) 20% marks
C) 30 marks
D) 40% marks

Ans : B- 20% marks.
Authority: Railway Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/90/RRB/53 dated 15.04.91.Estt. Srl.No.90/91.

38) Minimum qualifying marks is prescribed for SC/ST candidates in selection posts :-
A) 30%
B) 40%
C) 50%
D) 60%

Ans : C- 50%
Authority: Railway Board’s letter No.E(SCT) 61/CM-15/10 dated 12.01.70, Estt. Srl. No. 41/70 & Rly. Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-98/PM1/Pt. Dated 20.10.99, RBE No. 272/99, Estt. Srl. No. 266/99

39)Minimum Qualifying marks for SC/ST candidates in non-selection post is :-
A) 30%
B) 40%
C) 50%
D) 60%

Ans : B- 40%
Authority: Railway Board’s letter No.E(SCT) 61/CM-15/10 dated 12.01.70, Estt. Srl. No. 41/70 & Rly. Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-98/PM1/Pt. Dated 20.10.99, RBE No. 272/99, Estt. Srl. No. 266/99.

40)At present upper age limit of SC/ST is Gr. D category is :-
A) 33 years.
B) 36 years
C) 38 years
D) 40 years.

Ans : C- 38 years.
Authority :Railway Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/94/RR-I/29 dated 9.9.2004, RBE No. 199/2004, Estt. Srl. No. 221/2004.



41)At present upper age limit of OBC in Gr’D’ category is :-
A) 33 years
B) 36 years
C) 38 years
D) None of these.

Ans : B- 36 years.
Authority: Railway Board’s letter No.E(SCT) 61/CM-15/10 dated 12.01.70, Estt. Srl. No. 41/70 & Rly. Board’s letter No. E(NG)I-98/PM1/Pt. Dated 20.10.99, RBE No. 272/99, Estt. Srl. No. 266/99.

42) If a point in a Roster is earmarked for SC/ST in single cadre post, it may be filled up :-
A) On regular basis.
B) On ad-hoc basis
C) On tenure basis
D) None of these.

Ans : B- On Ad-hoc basis
Authority :Railway Board’s letter No.97-E(SCT)I/25/4 dated 11.02.2001 RBE No. 6/2002, Estt. Srl. No. 11/2002.

43)In promotion to the posts of Gr.B and lowest rank of Gr. A, the carry forward in case of single vacancy is permissible for :-
A) 1 selection year.
B) 2 selection years
C) 3 selection years
D) None of these.

Ans : A- One selection/recruitment year.
Authority: Railway Board’s letter No.99-E (SCT)I/25/26 dated 16.03.2001, RBE No. 58/2001, Estt. Srl. No. 08/2002

44)SC vacancy cannot be exchanged by ST candidate or vis-à-vis in the case of :-
A) Gr. D post only
B) Gr. C post only
C) Gr. B Post only
D) Gr. D, C & B posts

Ans : D- Gr. D, C & B posts.
Authority: Railway Board’s letter No.99-E(SCT)I/25/16 dated 6/1/04,RBE No. 3/2004, Estt. Srl. No. 21/2004

45)SC/ST/OBC carry-forward vacancies can be filled up in subsequent selection/recruitment year for :-
A) More than 50%
B) Not more than 50%
C) No restriction
D) None of these.

Ans : C- No restriction/bar to fill up all vacancies at a time.
Authority :Railway Board’s letter No.99-E(SCT)I/25/16 dated 6/1/04, RBE No. 3/2004, Estt. Srl. No. 21/2004

46)50% limitation for filling up of SC/ST vacancies in a selection/recruitment year is applicable: -
A) On total back-log vacancy
B) On current vacancy
C) Both backlog & current vacancies.
D) None of these.

Ans : B- On current vacancy
Authority: Railway Board’s letter No.99-E(SCT)I/25/16 dated 6/1/04 ,
RBE No. 3/2004, Estt. Srl. No. 21/2004

47) After 3 recruitment/selection years, the carried forward SC/ST vacancies in the limited cadre will be treated as :-
A) De-reserved
B) Lapsed
C) Carry forward to 4th years
D) None of these

Ans : B- Lapsed
Authority: Railway Board’s letter No.99-E(SCT)I/25/16 dated 6/1/04 ,RBE No. 3/2004, Estt. Srl. No. 21/2004

48)Ad-hoc promotion may be made by
following :-
A) Without Reservation
B) SC/ST Reservation
C) General Seniority
D) None of these.

Ans : B- SC/ST Reservation.
Authority: IREM(Vol-.I) 1989, Estt. Srl. No. 130/98.

49)Who is the Chief Liaison Officer to look after the welfare of SC/ST

Ans : C – CPO. Brochure (3rd Edition) ’85 Page 545

50)Who is the Liaison Officer to look after the welfare of SC/ST

Ans :A – SPO(RP). Brochure (3rd Edition) ’85 Page 546


51)For promotion to the Higher Grade post, the qualifying service of SC/ST/UR in the immediate lower grade is minimum :
A) 1 year.
B) 2 years
C) 3 years
D) None of these.

Ans : B- 2 years.
Authority :Railway Board’s letter No.E(NG)I/2002/PM-1/21 dated 21.4.2003, RBE No. 64/2003, Estt. Srl. No. 91/2003

52)For higher grade promotion of SC/ST in Gr. ‘ C’, 2 years service criteria may be relaxed to 1 year with the approval of :-
Ans : A – GM
Authority :Railway Board’s letter No.99-E(SCT)I/25/10 dated 27/28.3.2003, RBE No.51/2003,Estt. Srl. No. 65/2003,

53)Is SC/ST reservation applicable in restructuring of cadre?
A) Yes
B) No

Ans : A- Yes
Authority: Railway Board’s letter No.PC-III/03/CRC/6 dated 9/10/2003 ,RBE No. 90/2002, Estt. Srl. 152/2003.

54)In the case of engagement of Casual Labour/Substitutes, the reservation is also applicable for determining: -
D) None of these

Ans : C – SC/ST/OBC
Authority :Railway Board’s letter No.90-E(SCT)I/71/1/Pt.I dated 12.01.95, Estt. Srl. No. 63/95.


55)In a selection where the SC/ST vacancies are available, the selection Committee is constituted with the officers, one of the officers should be :-
A) SC Community only
B) ST Community only
C) OBC Community only
D) SC/ST Community

Ans : D- SC/ST Community
Authority :Railway Board’s letter No.E(NG)I-98/PM-1/17 dated 20.10.99 , RBE No. 272/99, Estt. Srl. No. 266/99

56)In a selection where the SC/ST vacancy is not available but SC/ST candidates are coming within the zone of consideration against the UR vacancies, in such cases, is the SC/ST officer required to be included in the Selection Committee?
A) Yes
B) No
Ans : A – Yes
Authority :Railway Board’s letter No.E(NG)I-98/PM-1/17 dated 20.10.99 , RBE No. 272/99, Estt. Srl. No. 266/99.

57)Due to non-availability of SC/ST candidates, the promotional post which is not involved in Direct Recruitment Category, can temporarily be diverted into D.R Quota to make good the same by respective community of reserved candidates from open market?
A) Correct
B) Incorrect
C) Partially correct

Ans : A- Correct
Authority: Railway Board’s letter No.99-E(SCT)I/25/10 dated 27/28.03.2003 , RBE No. 51/2003, Estt. Srl. No. 65/2003

58)Due to want of SC/ST candidates in a category where D.R is not permissible, the shortfall vacancies may be down graded to make good the same by SC/.ST candidates from next lower grade
A) Yes
B) No

Ans: A – Yes
Authority: Railway Board’s letter No.99-E(SCT)I/25/10 dated 27/28.03.2003 , RBE No. 51/2003,Estt. Srl. No. 65/2003

59)SC/ST candidates promoted on their own merit will be adjusted against un-reserved post, this principle is applicable in the case
of :-
A) Selection post
B) Non-selection post
C) None of these

Ans : A- Selection Post
Authority : Railway Board’s letter No.99-E(SCT)I/25/13/dated 6.5.2005,Estt.Srl. No. 95/2005


60)Any serving SC/ST Railway Employees can be a member of SC/ST Railway Employees Association including the person: -
A) Retired from Rly. service.
B) Under suspension
C) Remove from service
D) All of these.

Ans : D – All A,B & C
Authority: Railway Board’s letter No.2003-E(SCT)I/22/3/da. 24/26.02.03, Circular No.P/RP/SCT/NG/Poly/625 dt.17.03.2003.

61 )Co-option of Office bearers from other than SC/ST to be member of SC/ST Rly. Employees Association is not accepted:-
A) Correct
B) Incorrect
C) Partially correct
D) None of these

Ans : A- Correct
Authority : Railway Board’s letter No.2003-E(SCT)I/22/3/da. 24/26.02.03, Circular No.P/RP/SCt/NG/Poly/625 dated 17.03.2003.

62)The list of Office bearers of SC/ST Railway Employees Association at Zonal Level is circulated with the approval of :-
A) Railway Board
D) CEC with the Joint Signature of President/Working President and Secretary

Ans : D- CEC with the Joint Signature of President/Working President and Secretary
Authority: Railway Board’s letter No.93 –E(SCT)I/22/1/dated 16.6.94 ,Circular no. P/RP/SCT/ORGN/Pt.IV/2514 dated 5.7.1994.

63 )In case of malpractice, dishonesty and incapability found to run any executive committee at Zonal /Divisional level, it may be suspended/dismissed by the: -
D) None of these

Ans : C- CEC
Authority: As per Bye-laws of SC/ST Association.

64)Who may act as Election Officer for conducting Election of SC/ST Railway Employees Association in absence of outgoing President?
A) Outgoing President
B) Outgoing General Secy.
C) Outgoing Vice-President
D) None of these.

Ans : C- Outgoing Vice President.
Authority: As per Bye-Laws of SC/ST Association.

65)There is a provision for holding informal meeting between Railway Administration and SC/ST Railway Employees Association at least: -
A) Once in a year
B) Twice in a year
C) Thrice in a year
D) No bar

Ans : B- Twice in a year.
Authority: Railway Board’s letter No.88-E(SCT)I/80/2 dated 12.7.97 , Circular No. P/RP/SCT/ORGN/Pt.V/3283 dated 30.7.96.

66)SC/ST Railway Employees may be spared as on duty as and when they are summoned by the National Commission for hearing in connection with their representations on service matter/court cases are entitled to get benefit of: -
A) Duty
B) Pass
C) Accommodation
D) All of these

Ans : D- All benefits of A, B & C
Authority: Railway Board’s letter No.2000-E(SCT)I/25/17 dated 29.6.2001, Estt. Srl. No. 97/2001

67)How many office bearers of SC/ST Association allowed for attending informal meeting at Divisional Level :-
A) 30 Members
B) 15 Members
C) 20 members
D) None of these

Ans : C- 20 members
Authority : Railway Board’s letter No.97- E(SCT)I/22/12/ dated 18.08.98 ,Estt. Srl. No. 236/98

68)Railway Board is the competent authority for circulation of the list of office bearer of CEC.
A) Correct
B) Incorrect

Ans : A- Correct
Authority : Railway Board’s letter No.93 –E(SCT)I/22/1/dated 16.6.94 Circular No. P/RP/SCT/ORGN/Pt.IV-2514 dated 5.7.1994.

69)STD/Inter-Divisional Telephone is provided to the President, Working President & Secretary both the SC/ST Association and OBC Federation at: -
A) Branch Level
B) Unit Level
C) Zonal Level
D) None of these

Ans :C- Zonal Level
Authority : Railway Board’s letter No.2003-E(SCT)I/22/27/Pt.VII dated 14.7.2004, Estt. Srl. No. 176/2004.

70)All facilities are given to the All India OBC Railway Employees Federation as given to the :-
C) SC/ST Association.
D) None of these.

Ans : C- SC/ST Association
Authority : Railway Board’s letter No. 2000-E(SCT)I/71/16 dated 26.6.2003, Circular No.P/RP/SCT/NG/Poly/1517 dated 10.07.2003.


71)Can SC/ST post be filled up by UR without de-reservation?
A) Yes
B) No

Ans : B – No
Authority : Railway Board’s letter No.90-E(SCT)I/71/1-Pt.1 dated 10.10.96,Estt. Srl. No. 142/96.


The periodicity of Informal Meeting was decided to be held …… in a year for AISCSTREA

(a)    Once            (b) Twice          (c) Thrice         (d) None of these


The minimum qualifying marks in the written test for SC/ST candidates should be …….

(a)    10 out of 35       (b) 21 out of 35        (c) 15 out of 35      (d) None of these


Reservation of SC/ST employees in Type III & IV quarters is -

(a)    3%              (b) 5%              (c) 7%            (d) 10%


Relaxation of age limit is permissible by ………. Year in the case of SC/ST

(a)    3           (b) 4             (c) 5           (d) 6


The reservation quota of scheduled casts is ………..

(a)7 1/2 %          (b) 15 %             (c) 27%        (D) None of these


The reservation quota of scheduled tribes is ………..

(a)    7 1/2 %        (b) 15 %           (c) 27%        (d) None of these


The qualifying marks in the Trade Test for SC/ST cadidates is

(a)    30 out of 100       (b) 41 out of 100       (c) 50 out of 100      (d) None of these


Relaxation of marks in written terst of Non safety category for SC/ST cateogory is…

(a)    5%         (b) 10%          (c) 20%          (d) None of these


The upper age relaxation for SC/ST candidate for recruitment of physically handicapped persons through RRB/RRC is

(a)    10 years           (b) 10+5 years       (c) 20 years        (d) None of these


The upper age relaxation in case of widow, divorced women of SC/ST category for direct recruitment to all Gr.C/D posts is …..

(a)    35 years       (b) 40 years       (c) 45 years     (d) None of these   Hint: 35 years +5 years


In safety categories, what percentage of marks should be essential for passing the written examinations for SC/ST candidates-

(a)    40%           (b) 50%            (c) 60%          (d) None of these


How many number of chances given to SC/ST candidate to complete training

(a)    One        (b) two      (c) Three      (d) None of these


Reservation orders/Rosters shall apply to MACPs

(a)    True         (b) False


Orders of reservation were issued immediately on attainment of independence wef.

(a)    31-10-17      (b) 21-09-47        (c) 01-01-48       (d) None of these


The reservation quota of scheduled caste candidate increased from 12.5% to 15% in the year of ………

(a)    1955          (b) 1960        (c) 1970         (d) None of these


State, whether reservation applied to transfer on deputation

(a)    Yes          (b) No


Small cadre having upto 14 posts which type of roster should be maintained-

(a)    Post based Roster           (b) L type Roster

 (c) 100 point Roster            (d) None of these


Reservation Policy will not apply to single post cadre_

(a)    True        (b) False


From which date, All India SC/ST Railway employees Association & All India OBC Association is eligible to participate in the meeting of PREM-

(a)    19-08-2013     (b) 05-09-2014      (c) 01-01-16        (d) None of these


Pre-selection Training for SC/ST employees is being conducted for ……. Days in the Training Institutes-

(a)    15 days       (b) 30 days        (c) 21 days        (d) None of these


On verification through the Distric Magistrate, if the caste certificate produced by SC/ST/OBC candidate is revealed false, such candidate would be-

(a)    Terminated                         (b) Suspended

 (c) Punished under D&AR     (d) None of these


10% quota for SC/ST is applicable for allotment of quarter where total number of quarter are 50 or more?

(a)    Type I only               (b) Type II only

 (c) Type I/II both          (d) None of these


15% for SC, 7 1/2 %   for ST are to be maintained to the Post Based Roster system in Gr. C/D posts for

(a)    Local Recruitment         (b) All India Basis Recruitment

 (c) Other than open  market Recruitment    (d) None of these


When Post Based Roster is applicable in Recruitment?


(a)    10-02-95      (b) 21-08-97      (c) 27-08-97      (d) None of these



When Post Based Roster is applicable in Promotion?


(a)    10-02-95    (b) 09-04-97     (c) 21-08-97      (d) None of these



L shape Roster  is applicable in both Recruitment & Promotional categories seperately when the total cadre is less than ….


(a)    13          (b) 14           (c) 15        (d) None of these



L shape Roster is operated-


(a)    Based on Post

(b)    Based on Vacancy

(c)     Based on Percentage

(d)   Based on rotation



Pre Selection Training for 15 days should be imparted to SC/ST candidate in selection.


(a)    True (b) False 21 days



Pre Selection Training need not required where no SC/ST Vacancy is available in


(a)    All Selection

(b)    All Non Selection

(c)    Selection to Safety Categories only

(d)    None of these



Best amongst the failure candidates may be given adhoc promotion, if they secured in written test minimum-


(a)    10% marks (b) 20% marks (c) 31% marks (d) None of these


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