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Tuesday 2 August 2022

Personnel Deptt & Manpower Planning (25 MCQ with Answer)

Personnel Deptt & Manpower Planning

1.     Who is the head of personnel department in zonal railway?

a.           PCPO

b.           MS

c.           DG(Personnel)

d.           Sr. DPO                                               (Ans: a)


2.     Who is the head of personnel department at division level?

a.           DPO

b.           Sr. DPO

c.           CPO

d.           APO                                                      (Ans: b)


3.     BOS in cadre management stands for:

a.           Book of Sanction

b.           Book of Service  

c.           Bank of Sanction

d.           None                                                     (Ans: a)


4.      Book of Sanction is prepared:

a.           Quarterly

b.           Annually

c.           Six monthly

d.           Monthly                                                        (Ans: b)


5.      RRCB is headed by:

a.           Director General(Staff), Railway Board 

b.           Chairman Railway Board

c.           Chairman RRB

d.           Member Staff                                                           (Ans: a)

6.      Staff redeployed after surplus does not enjoy

a.           Protection of seniority

b.           Protection of pay

c.           Protection of qualifying service

d.           Protection of increments                                                (Ans: a)


7.      Temporary transfer of post requires

a.           Money value

b.           Vacancy in the cadre

c.           Accounts vetting

d.           Sanction of competent authority                                  (Ans: d)


8.      Creation of revenue post is possible from

a.           Fund available in sanctioned work estimates

b.           Money value available in vacancy bank

c.           Money value of Divisional earnings

d.           Money value is not needed                                          (Ans: b)


9.      Currency of work charge post is renewed every

a.           6 months

b.           1 year

c.           2 year

d.           5 years                                                                          (Ans: b)


10.    Pool of surrendered posts was introduced in

a.           2015

b.           2016

c.           2017

d.           2018                                                                               (Ans: b)

11.    Permanent transfer of post does not require

a.           Approval of DRM

b.           Accounts vetting

c.           Justification

d.           Money value in Vacancy Bank                                       (Ans: d)


12.    Which type of post is created for staff identified as surplus till their redeployment?

a.           Supernumerary post

b.           Revenue post

c.           Workcharge post

d.           Permanent post                                                     (Ans: a)


13.    Rightsizing of Manpower is not done through

a.           Pool of Surrendered post

b.           Work study

c.           Benchmarking

d.           Reducing salary of employees                            (Ans: d)


14.    Cadre restructuring

a.           Is as self financing scheme

b.           Normally increases lower grade post

c.           Happens every year

d.           Reduces total cadre strength                             (Ans: a)


15.    Benchmarking of staff can be arrived through

a.           Work study

b.           Job Analysis under HOER

c.           Transfer of post

d.           None of the above                                                (Ans: a)

16.    Before creation of any post which of the following is required

a.           Justification of creation

b.           Money Value for creation

c.           Both a and b above

d.           None                                                              (Ans: c)


17.    Select the correct option:

          Human resource development can be achieved through

a.           Training

b.           Proper duty distribution

c.           Both a and b above

d.           Only a                                                         (Ans: c)


18.    Outsourcing of an activity should also include analysis of

a.           Vacancy in the present cadre

b.           Possibility of redeployment of staff against vacant post

c.           Benchmarking

d.           All of the above                                                   (Ans: d)


19.    Multi Skilling of staff increases

a.           Ability of the staff

b.           Pay of the staff

c.           Chances of transfer

d.           None of the above                                            (Ans: a)


20.    ZRTI stands for

a.           Zonal Railway Technical Institute

b.           Zonal Regional Training Institute

c.           Zonal Railway Training Institute

d.           Zonal Regional Technical Institute                        (Ans: c)


21.    When a revenue post is surrendered then what is the minimum share of division in money value of the posts?

a.           25%

b.           50%

c.           75%

d.           100%                        (Ans: b)


22.    According to Model SOP 2018 the power to create revenue post on 1:1 basis lies with

a.           Sr DPO

b.           ADRM

c.           DRM

d.           Sr DFM                    (Ans: c)


23.    Divisional Vacancy bank is maintained

a.           Department wise

b.           Grade wise

c.           Post wise

d.           Department and post wise   (Ans: a)


24.    What is not true regarding Supernumerary posts?


a.      It is personal to the incumbent 

b.      Its creation can lead to exceeding the sanctioned strength

c.       It should be extinguished at the earliest

d.      No promotional benefit is available


25.    Calculation of Money Value of posts surrendered and crediting to surplus Bank on lmplementation of 7tn Pay Commisslon.

a.      Mean Pay = Pay Structure as per level Minimum + Maximum /2

b.      Money Value = Mean Pay + DA as on relevant date

c.       Money Value x 12 = Calculation of per annum.

d.      All the above correct.




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