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More than 10000 MCQs

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Monday 8 August 2022

Quarter (106 MCQ with Answer)


Á 1



vf/kdkfj;ks ds fjgk;’kh bLrseky ds fy;s dksbZ futh bekjr fdjk;s ij ysus ds fy;s fdldh Lohd`fr vko;d gS \  

¼d½ e-ajs-iz  ¼[k½ egkizca/kd  ¼x½ foHkkxk/;{k   ¼?k½ jsyos cksMZ

?k                                              izkf/kdkj % Para 1917 of Engg. Code

Á 2


D;k jsyos gkÅflax desVh es vuq-tk@v-t-tk- ,lks- dk izfrfuf/k dk gksuk vfuok;Z gS \

gkWa A                                                           izkf/kdkj %  35/2007

Á 3


D;k jsyos gkÅflax desVh es VªsM ;wfu;u ds izfrfuf/k;ks dk gksuk vfuok;Z gS \

gkWa A                                                           izkf/kdkj % 35/2007

Á 4


jsyos vkokl vkoaVu es  SC/ST deZpkfj;ks ds fy;s vkoklks es fdruk izfr”kr vkj{k.k gS\

10 izfr”kr] ;fn vkoklks dh la[;k 50 ;k vf/kd gksA     izkf/kdkj % 84 E (SCT) 21/1 dtd. 22.8.86

Á 5


VkbZi 1 jsyos vkokl gsrq ikuh dk pktZ fdruk gS \

¼d½ 5         ¼[k½ 10             ¼x½ 15            ¼?k½ 20

¼d½                                         izkf/kdkj % Rly. Bd’ No. F(X) 1-92/102 dtd. 27.6.05

Á 6


VkbZi AA jsyos vkokl gsrq ikuh dk pktZ fdruk gS \

¼d½ 5         ¼[k½ 10             ¼x½ 15            ¼?k½ 20

 ¼x½                                        izkf/kdkj % Rly. Bd’ No. F(X) 1-92/102 dtd. 27.6.05

Á 7


VkbZi AAA jsyos vkokl gsrq ikuh dk pktZ fdruk gS \

¼d½ 5         ¼[k½ 10             ¼x½ 15            ¼?k½ 25

¼?k½                                        izkf/kdkj % Rly. Bd’ No. F(X) 1-92/102 dtd. 27.6.05

Á 8


VkbZi 4 jsyos vkokl gsrq ikuh dk pktZ fdruk gS \

¼d½ 15         ¼[k½ 35             ¼x½ 10            ¼?k½ 20

¼[k½                                         izkf/kdkj % Rly. Bd’ No. F(X) 1-92/102 dtd. 27.6.05

Á 9



ljIyl deZpkfj;ks dks u;s LVs”ku ij LFkkukUrj.k gksus ij jsyos vkokl muds }kjk fdrus le; rd jksdk tk ldrk gS \

3 o"kZ rd lkekU; fdjk;s ij A                     izkf/kdkj % RBE 197/2004 dtd. 8.9.04

Á 10


D;k fuyafcr jsy deZpkjh dks jsyos vkokl] ;fn vkoafVr gks rks] rqjUr [kkyh djuk gksxk \

ughA                                                      izkf/kdkj % RBE 35/2007




jsyos vf/kdkfj;ks ds fy;s fjgk;’kh bZekjr fdjk;s ij fdrus le; ds fy;s yh tk ldrh gS \

¼d½ 03 o"kZ ¼[k½   05  o"kZ   ¼x½  10 o"kZ   ¼?k½  20 o"kZ

d                                                         izkf/kdkj % RBE 35/2007





D;k 03 o"kZ ds fy;s fdjk;s ij yh xbZ jsyos vf/kdkfj;ks ds fy;s fjgk;’kh bZekjr dh vof/k dks  c<k;k tk ldrh gS \

gkaA                                                        izkf/kdkj % RBE 35/2007




jsyos vkokl vkoaVu gsrq jsy deZpkfj;ks dks fdruh dksfV es ckaVk x;k gS \

¼d½ 01 ¼[k½   02  ¼x½  03   ¼?k½  04

[k                                                         izkf/kdkj % RBE 35/2007






D;k lsok fuo`r@e`r deZpkjh ds iq=@iq=h] ifr@ifRu vFkok firk dks fcuk ckjh ds jsyos vkokl vkoafVr fd;k tk ldrk gS \

¼d½ gka                           ¼[k½ ugh

d                                                         izkf/kdkj % RBE 35/2007





lsok fuo`r@e`r deZpkjh ds iq=@iq=h] ifr@ifRu dks fcuk ckjh ds jsyos vkokl  vkoaVu gsrq de ls de fdrus le; iwoZ deZpkjh dks vkoafVRk jsyos vkokl es lgHkkfxrk dj ysuh pkfg;s\

6 ekgA                                                    izkf/kdkj % RBE 35/2007





D;k jsy deZpkjh ds ifjokj ds lnL; dks] ftlus jsy deZpkjh dks vkoafVr jsyos vkokl es lgHkkfxrk dh vuqefr izkIr dj yh gS] dks edku fdjk;k HkRrk ns; gS \

ughA                                                      izkf/kdkj % RBE 35/2007




lsok fuo`r@e`r jsy deZpkjh ftles LoSfPNd lsok fuo`fr ysus okys deZpkjh Hkh 'kkfey gS] ds ifjokj ds lnL; ds ikl deZpkjh ds rSukrh LVs’ku ij futh vkokl miyC/k gS] D;k bl fLFkfr es ml deZpkjh ds ifjokj ds lnL; dks fcuk ckjh vkoafVr fd;k tk ldrk gS \

ughA                                                      izkf/kdkj % RBE 35/2007





izknsf'kd lsuk ds jsy deZpkfj;ks dks vkokl vkoaVu gsrq mudk uke jsyos vkokl dh fdl dksfV ds fy;s iathdj.k fd;k tkuk pkfg;s \

vfuok;Z dksfVA                                              izkf/kdkj % RBE 35/2007




esfMdy [kkrs ij jsyos vkokl jskds j[kus ds fy;s fdl MkDVj dk izek.k i= t:jh gS \

¼d½ jsyos MkDVj  ¼[k½ og MkDVj ftlls bZykt djk;k tk jgk gSA

d                                                         izkf/kdkj % RBE 35/2007




jsyos vkokl vkoaVu gsrq ifjokj dh Js.kh es D;k fo/kok eka dks 'kkfey fd;k tk ldrk gS \

¼d½ gkWa             ¼[k½   ugh

[k                                                        izkf/kdkj % RBE 35/2007




jsyos vkokl vkoaVu gsrq ifjokj dh Js.kh es D;k HkkbZ@cgu dks 'kkfey fd;k tk ldrk gS \

¼d½ gkWa             ¼[k½   ugh

[k                                                         izkf/kdkj % RBE 35/2007







,d jsy deZpkjh] ftls jsyos vkokl vkoafVr gS] ftldk cPpk mlds rSukrh LVs’ku ij fdlh dkWyst es rhu o"kZ ds ikB~;dze ds izFke o"kZ es f’k{kk izkIr dj jgk gSA bl nkSjku deZpkjh dk LFkkukUrj.k fdlh vU; LVs”ku ij gks tkrk gS vkSj og jsyos  vkokl dks jksdus ds fy;s vkosnu i= izLrqr djrk gSA jsy iz”kklu }kjk mls dc rd jsyos vkokl jksds j[kus ds fy;s vuqefr nh tk ldrh gS \

¼d½ izFke o"kZ dk 'kSf{kd l= iwjk gksus rd ¼[k½ 03 o"kZ rd

d                                                        izkf/kdkj %  RBE 35/2007






jsyos vkokl dks Lohdk;Z vf/kdre vof/k ds vfrfjDr jksdus ds fy;s fu;eks es NwV egkizca/kd }kjk nh tk ldrh gS \

¼d½ lgh            ¼[k½   xyr

d                                                        izkf/kdkj % RBE 35/2007





jsy vf/kdkjh] ftls vf/kdkfj;ks ds fjgk;’kh vkokl gsrq fdjk;s ij yh xbZ bekjr vkoafVr dh xbZ vkSj og mles jgrk gS]  D;k og vf/kdkjh mDr bekjr dks lsok fuo`fr i'pkr~ jksd ldrk gS \

gkWa                                               izkf/kdkj % LMB/12/21 dtd. 28.2.02





Lskok fuo`r jsy vf/kdkjh }kjk vf/kdkfj;ks ds fjgk;”kh vkokl gsrq fdjk;s ij yh xbZ bekjrks dks dc rd jksdk tk ldrk gS \

¼d½ 01ekg  ¼[k½  02 ekg  ¼x½ 03 ekg   ¼?k½ 4 ekg

?k                                               izkf/kdkj % LMB/12/21 dtd. 28.2.02



edku  fdjk;k HkRRk fdu deZpkfj;ks dks ns; gS \

ftu deZpkfj;ksa dks jsyos vkokl dh lqfo/kk ugh nh x;h gS \



edku  fdjk;k HkRrs dh dkSu&dksSu Jsf.k;ksa es gS  \

3 Jsf.k;ksa es                                                         izf/kdkjh % RBE 71/2017



edku  fdjk;k HkRrs dh fdruh Jsf.k;ka  gS  \

X, Y, Z                                                                                         izf/kdkjh % RBE 71/2017 



X  Js.kh es edku fdjk;k HkRrk fdruk ns; gksxk \

ewy osru dk 24 izfr”kr                                          izf/kdkjh % RBE 71/2017 



Y  Js.kh es izfrekg edku fdjk;k HkRrk fdruk ns; gksxk \

ewy osru dk 16 izfr”kr                                            izf/kdkjh % RBE 71/2017 




Z  Js.kh es izfrekg edku fdjk;k HkRrk fdruk ns; gksxk \

ewy osru dk 8 izfr”kr                                            izf/kdkjh % RBE 71/2017 



Mh, 25 izfr”kr ls Åij gks tkus ij X  Js.kh es edku fdjk;k HkRrs dh fdrus izfr”kr dh o`f} gksxk \

03 izfr”kr                                                       izf/kdkjh % RBE 71/2017              



Mh, 25 izfr”kr ls Åij gks tkus ij Y  Js.kh es edku fdjk;k HkRrs dh fdrus izfr”kr dh o`f} gksxk \

02 izfr”kr                                                       izf/kdkjh % RBE 71/2017           



Mh, 25 izfr”kr ls Åij gks tkus ij Z Js.kh es edku fdjk;k HkRrs dh fdrus izfr”kr dh o`f} gksxk \

01 izfr”kr                                                       izf/kdkjh % RBE 71/2017              



Mh, 50 izfr”kr ls Åij gks tkus ij X  Js.kh es edku fdjk;k HkRrs dh fdrus izfr”kr dh o`f} gksxk \

30 izfr”kr                                                       izf/kdkjh % RBE 71/2017              



Mh, 50 izfr”kr ls Åij gks tkus ij Y  Js.kh es edku fdjk;k HkRrs dh fdrus izfr”kr dh o`f} gksxk \

20 izfr”kr                                                       izf/kdkjh % RBE 71/2017              



Mh, 50 izfr”kr ls Åij gks tkus ij Z  Js.kh es edku fdjk;k HkRrs dh fdrus izfr”kr dh o`f} gksxk \

10 izfr”kr                                                       izf/kdkjh % RBE 71/2017              



X Js.kh ds “kgjks esa edku fdjk;k HkRrs dh nj fdrus :i;s ls de ugha gks ldrh \

5400@&                                                        izf/kdkjh % RBE 71/2017              



Y Js.kh ds “kgjks esa edku fdjk;k HkRrs dh nj fdrus :i;s ls de ugha gks ldrh \

3600@&                                                        izf/kdkjh % RBE 71/2017              



Z Js.kh ds “kgjks esa edku fdjk;k HkRrs dh nj fdrus :i;s ls de ugha gks ldrh \

1800@&                                                        izf/kdkjh % RBE 71/2017              



D;k edku fdjk;k HkRrk lHkh deZpkfj;ksa dks ns; gS \

Ukgh A



fdu ifjfLFk;ksa es edku fdjk;k HkRrk ugh fn;k tkrk gSa \

01- Share allotment of govt.house

02 ifr@ifRu@firk@ekrk@;k iq=h@iq= dks vkoafVr jsyos vkokl es jg jgh gksA



D;k edku fdjk;k HkRrk NqV~Vh;ksa es ns; gS \

gkWa                                                                ( IREC-II Rule 1707)

Q 45



Whose sanction is required to take a building on hire for the purchase of officer residence

(a) DRM  (b) GM (c) CRB (d) Railway Board

(d)                                                                    vide Para 1917 of  Engg. Code & RBE No 35/2007




What is the time duration for the retired employee can retain the quarters.

(a) 8 Months  (b) 6 Months (c) 4 months (d) 2 Months

(c )                                                                                                                       RBE No 35/2007

Q 48



Who can permit for the retention of Quarters beyond maximum Limit?

(a) DRM  (b) GM (c) CRB (d) Railway Board

(b)                                                                                                                           RBE No 35/2007


Q 49



The quarters of the Loco Running staff pool on Vacation should be allotted only to ________

(a) any Cadre  (b) Head Quarters Staff  (c) Running Staff (d) Others

(C )                                                                                                                     RBE No 35/2007

Q 50



Whether a Railway Employee shall be allotted a Railway Quarter if the Spouse has already been allotted a Quarter at the same station.

(a) Yes  (b) No (c) discretion powers of GM

(b)                                                                                                                   RBE  No 35/2007

Q 51




What is the percentage of reservation for SC/ST is reserved in respect of Type-I and Type-II where the no quarters are 50 and more.

(a) 12.5 %  (b) 7.5 % (c) 10 % (d) 27 %

(c )                                                                      Ref No  : 82 E (SCT) 26/2 dt: 27.09.1983 & 2002


Q 52



Whether out of turn allotment of Quarter is permitted.

(a) Yes  (b) No (c) discretion powers of GM

(a)                                                                      Ref No E(G) 66 QR 1-21 dt 12.10.1966

Q 53



What is the percentage of reservation vacancies in general pool for adhoc allotment on medical ground?

(a) 1 %  (b) 3 % (c) 5 % (d) 10%

( c)                                                                                 Ref No E (G) 85 QR 1-8 dt: 05.06.1986

Q 54



Which Authority is treated as final for allotment of Quarters for TA Personnel?

(a) DRM  (b) GM (c) Commanding Officer (d) Railway Board

(c)                                                                                   Ref No E9G) 96 QR 1-42 dt: 03.11.1997

Q 55



Sub Letting and vacation of Railway Accommodation comes under which rule under D&AR

(a) 7  (b) 14 (c) 15 (d) 15 A

(d)                                                                       Rly Bd Ltr No E (D&A) 98 GS 1-1 dt: 19.6.1998

Q 56



What is Minimum HRA is paid for Z Class cities.

(a) 8 % of Basic Pay  (b) 16 %  (c) 3600  (d) 1800

(d)                                                                                                                     RBE No 71/2017

Q 57


At what rate of DA % the HRA will raised to 30%, 20% & 10% at X, Y & Z Class cities respectively

(a) 10 %  (b) 25 % (c) 50 % (d) 100 %

(c )    RBE No 71/2017

Q 58


The Classification of Chandigarh City with respective HRA is

(a) X (b) Y (c) Z (d) None

(b)                                                                                                                    RBE No 71/2017

Q 59


From which year the HRA is granted to Railway Employees

(a) 1998  (b) 1997 (c) 1999 (d) 2001

(b)                                                                                                                             IREC - 1703

Q 60


Can brother/sister be included as family for the purpose of quarter allotment.

(a) Yes  (b) No (c) discretion powers of GM

(b)                                                                                                                      RBE No 35/2007

Q 61


How many classes are staff classified for the allotment of Railway Quarters.

(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) None

(a )                                                                                                                       RBE No 35/2007

Q 62



In which category of classification does the TA staff come under?

(a) Essential   (b) Non essential (c) both a & b (d) None

(a)                                                                                                                        RBE No 35/2007

Q 63



What is the time period given to surplus employees on transfer to retain the quarters at normal Rent.

(a) 2 yrs  (b) 3 Yrs (c) 4 Yrs (d) 5 Yrs

(b)                                                                                                                       RBE No 197/2004

Q 64



What is the time period given to dismiss staff to retain the quarters?

(a) 2 Months  (b) One Months (c) immediately (d) None

(b )   RBE No 35/2007

Q 65



The Waiting List have to prepared ________________ for different Type of Quarter

(a) Separately  (b) combined (c) combined for Type-I & Type-II (d) None

(a)                                                                   Rly Board Ltr No 99-E(SCT) 1/21/1 dt: 23.06.1999

Q 66



The time period permitted to retain the Rly Qtrs on Educational ground.

(a) Academic Year + 15 days  (b) Academic year (c) 4 months (d) None

(a)                                                                  Rly Bd No E (G) 2006/QR/ 1-14 dt : 05.04.2011

Q 67



The time period permitted for death of an employee to retain the Rly Qtrs by his family at normal rent.

(a) 2 yrs  (b) 3 Yrs (c) 4 Yrs (d) 5 Yrs

(a )                                                                                                                         M.C No 49

Q 68



Is ward of the employee is eligible to retain the Qtrs allotted to the employee if he is employed in same station and different department.

(a) Yes  (b) No (c) discretion powers of GM

(a )                                 Ref No E(G)85 QR-1-14 dt 18.08.86 & RBE No 141/1986  M.C No 49

Q 69


Is the CGA candidate is eligible to retain the Rly Qtrs

a) Yes  (b) No (c) discretion powers of GM

(a)  RBE No 108/1990

Q 70


Staff in Pay of  _____________ are eligible for allotment of Type-IV  Qtrs.

(a) Level-1  (b) Level - 4 (c) Level -6 (d) Level -7

(d)                                                                                                                    RBE No 71/2017

Q 71


Rly Qtrs can be retained for a period of _________________ on Normal rent during sick.

(a) 2 Months  (b) 4 Months (c) 6 Months (d) 8 Months

(c)                                                                                    RBE No 35/2007 & IREC Chapter 17

Q 72



Water Charges recoverable from a Group C employee for Type IV quarter is Rs ________

(a) 5  (b) 15 (c) 25 (d) 35

(d)                                                                                  Rly Bd No  F(x) 1-92/102 dt: 27.06.2005




Water Charges recoverable from a Group C employee for Type III quarter is Rs ________

(a) 5  (b) 15 (c) 25 (d) 35

(c)                                                                                  Rly Bd No  F(x) 1-92/102 dt: 27.06.2005

Q 74



Water Charges recoverable from a Group C employee for Type II quarter is Rs ________

(a) 5  (b) 15 (c) 25 (d) 35

(b)                                                                                  Rly Bd No  F(x) 1-92/102 dt: 27.06.2005




Water Charges recoverable from a Group C employee for Type I quarter is Rs ________

(a) 5  (b) 15 (c) 25 (d) 35

(a)                                                                                  Rly Bd No  F(x) 1-92/102 dt: 27.06.2005

Q 76



In which chapter of IREC does the HRA is discussed.

(a) 13  (b) 15 (c) 17 (d) 19

(c )

Q 77



Who are eligible for Type- I Qtrs

(a) Level-1  (b) Level - 2 (c) Level -3 (d) Level -4

(a)                                                                        Rly Board Ltr No 2008/LMB/10/16 dt: 27.01.2011

Q 78



Who are eligible for Type- III Qtrs

(a) Level-1  (b) Level - 2 (c) Level -6 (d) Level -7

(c)                                                                                                                          RBE No 71/2017                                                                   

Q 79



Who are eligible for Type- V Qtrs

(a) Level-1-5  (b) Level – 6-7 (c) Level -9 (d) None

(c)                                                                                                                          RBE No 71/2017   

Q 80



Whether exchange between quarter belonging to different pools is allowed.

(a) Yes  (b) No (c) discretion powers of GM

(b)                                                                                                                      IREM Ch-17

Q 81




Whether permission to retain Rly Qtrs at the place of previous posting by Rly staff going on deputation to Joint venture companies set up by MORly.

(a) Yes  (b) No (c) discretion powers of GM

(a) for one year                                                                                                  RBE No 47/2019

Q 82




Whether permission to retain Rly Qtrs at the place of previous posting by Rly staff going on deputation to Joint venture companies set up State Govt.

(a) Yes  (b) No (c) discretion powers of GM

(b )                                                                                                                  RBE No 47/2019

Q 83




Extension of the period of retention of Rly accommodation at the previous place of posting in favour of E.C.Rly staff.

(a) 6 Months  (b) 12 Months (c) 18 months (d) 24 Months

(b )                                                                                                                       RBE No 10/2019

Q 84




Extension of the period of retention of Rly accommodation at the previous place of posting in favour of N.F.Rly staff.

(a) 12 Months  (b) 24 Months (c) 36 months (d) 60 Months

(c )                                                                                                                       RBE No 04/2019

Q 85



Those staff who are deputed to DFCCIL time period to retain the Rly Qtrs is permitted

a) Yes  (b) No (c) discretion powers of GM

(a)  (up to 30.06.2019)                                                                                   RBE No 193/2018

Q 86



Those staff who are posted to RWP Bela Plant  time period to retain the Rly Qtrs is extended upto

(a) 2019  (b) 2020 (c) 2021 (d) 2022

(b )                                                                                                                       RBE No 185/2018

Q 87



Those staff who are posted to Modern Coach Factory  the time period to retain the Rly Qtrs is extended upto

(a) June 2019  (b) June 2020 (c) Jan 2019 (d) Jan 2020

(a )                                                                                                                       RBE No 172/2018

Q 88



Allotment of Rly Accommodation to the eligible spouse/wards of retired railway employee is permitted.

(a) as per eligibility  (b) one higher type to eligibility (c) seniority  (d) None

(b )                                                                                                                       RBE No 165/2018

Q 89



Those staff who are deputed to DFCCIL time period to retain the Rly Qtrs is permitted

a) Yes  (b) No (c) discretion powers of GM

(a)                                                                               Rly Bd Ltr No E(G) 2008 QR-1-16 dt 12.07.18

Q 90



The time period entitlement for house retention by the Rly officers appointed as MD/CMD.

a) 12 Months  (b) 36 Months (c) 48 months (d) 60 Months

(d )                                                                                                                       RBE No 148/2018

Q 91



The retention of Rly Qtrs by Rly Employee upon permanent immediate absorption in PSUs/Societies etc, on normal rent

a) 1 Months  (b) 2 Months (c) 6 months (d) 12 Months

(b )                                                                                                                       RBE No 56/2017

Q 92



The retention of leased accommodation by Rly staff on study leave.

a) 1 Months  (b) 2 Months (c) 4 months (d) 6 Months

(b )                                                                                                                       RBE No 56/2017

Q 93



The retention of Rly Qtrs for post retirement by the Rly employee retired on grounds of total medical incapacities.

a) 12 Months  (b) 24 Months (c) 36 months (d) 60 Months

(b )                                                                                                                       RBE No 39/2016

Q 94



The retention of the Rly Qtrs on the double the rent is permitted for how many months to the faculty members deputed in the training institutes.

a) 4 Months  (b) 6 Months (c) 12 months (d) 24 Months

(b )                                                                                                                       RBE No 90/2015

Q 95



Who are not covered under HRA

a) deputation  (b) Rly Employee (c) Retired (d) None

(c )                                                                                                                       IREM 1715

Q 96



Who are eligible for type IV special quarters

(a) Level-7  (b) Level - 6 (c) Level -10 (d) Level -11 and above

(d)                                                                                   Rly Bd  No 2008/LMB/10/16 dt:27.01.2011

Q 97



When the allotment of Rly Qtrs is automatically terminated.

(a) during tenure  (b) deputation (c) on expiry of permitted period (d) none

(c)                                                               Rly Bd Ltr No E(G)85 QR-1-9 dt 15.01.1990

Q 98



What is the eligibility of Rly Qtrs for the employee on reversion.

(a) as per eligibility  (b) same Qtrs (c) a & b  (d) None

(a )                                                                    Rly Bd Ltr 20185/LMB-11/2/26 dt: 24.04.2018

Q 99



The rate of License fee applicable for Type-I (GPRA) w.e.f 01.07.2017 is Rs

a) 50  (b) 100 (c) 150 (d) 200

(c)                                                                                    AN/XII/18007/1/Vol.I dt: 27.09.2017

Q 100



The rate of License fee applicable for Type-II (GPRA) w.e.f 01.07.2017 is Rs

a) 110  (b) 210 (c) 310 (d) 410

(c)                                                                                    AN/XII/18007/1/Vol.I dt: 27.09.2017

Q 101



The rate of License fee applicable for Type-III (GPRA) w.e.f 01.07.2017 is Rs

a) 270  (b) 470 (c) 870 (d) 1070

(b)                                                                                    AN/XII/18007/1/Vol.I dt: 27.09.2017

Q 102



The rate of License fee applicable for Type-IV (GPRA) w.e.f 01.07.2017 is Rs

a) 640 (b) 840 (c) 1040 (d) 1240

(a)                                                                                    AN/XII/18007/1/Vol.I dt: 27.09.2017

Q 103



The rate of License fee applicable for Type-IV Special (GPRA) w.e.f 01.07.2017 is Rs

a) 580  (b) 680 (c) 780 (d) 880

(b)                                                                                    AN/XII/18007/1/Vol.I dt: 27.09.2017

Q 104



The rate of License fee applicable for Type-V (GPRA) w.e.f 01.07.2017 is Rs

a) 1090  (b) 1190 (c) 1290 (d) 1390

(b)                                                                                    AN/XII/18007/1/Vol.I dt: 27.09.2017

Q 105



The rate of License fee applicable for servant quarters (GPRA) w.e.f 01.07.2017 is Rs

a) 20  (b) 40 (c) 60 (d) 80

(c)                                                                                    AN/XII/18007/1/Vol.I dt: 27.09.2017

Q 106



The rate of License fee applicable for Hostel Accommodation (GPRA) w.e.f 01.07.2017 is Rs

a) 200  (b) 300 (c) 400 (d) 500

(c)                                                                                    AN/XII/18007/1/Vol.I dt: 27.09.2017

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